510 research outputs found

    The Eucharistic Prayer- Its Use and Development

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    The Eucharistic Prayer was originally the chief and only prayer in the liturgy; it was “the heart of the liturgy.” It derives its name from the fact that Christ “gave thanks when He instituted the Lord\u27s Supper. Thus it is a prayer of thanksgiving at the celebration of the Blessed Sacrament which states the meaning of the Eucharistic action, Do this. Since this prayer was originally ‘the\u27 prayer, the only prayer in the whole rite. It was there that the whole meaning of the rite had to be stated, if it was to be put into words at all in the course of the service.” Dr. Pius Parscb, an Ausustinian lturgiologist, calls it the unchanging prayer for the consecration

    Pietism and Traditional Worship Practices of the Lutheran Church

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    The Period of. Pietism, from approximately 1670 to approximately 1750, is one of the areas in the history or the Lutheran Church which has not received much consideration in the English language. Particularly is this true 1n regard to the effects of Pietism upon the traditional worship practice of the Lutheran Church. Aside from brief references which generally attribute considerable liturgical deterioration to the Pietistic Period, not much appears on this subject in the English language. Although there are more extensive studies of Pietism in the German language, yet; even here the details of the liturgical -- or; anti-liturgical -- activity of the Pietists are difficult to find. To the author’s knowledge, there is no one book, either in English or in German, which treats this whole subject. Because of the lack of read1ly available and detailed information in this area, we had a. desire to know more of what the Pietists actually did in regard to the worship life of the Lutheran Church and its liturgical practices. Did Pietism\u27s stress on the individual\u27s personal life hinder\u27 or promote the corporate worship of the Lutheran Church? Did it hinder or help the Liturgy, preaching, the Confession of sins, the Holy Eucharist, and the historic Eucharistic vestments? To what extent did Pietistic subjectivity penetrate into the life of the Church? Did it have an effect on the sacramental consciousness within the Lutheran Church? What are the facts in greater detail

    Comparison of vineyard-associated Saccharomyces cerevisiae populations by microsatellite analysis

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate populational structures among fermenting S. cerevisiae populations. Analysis of six polymorphic microsatellite loci was performed in 468 S. cerevisiae isolates derived from a previous screening (using mtDNA RFLP or electrophoretic karyotyoing) of 2490 yeast strains obtained from spontaneous fermentations of grapes collected in three vineyards of the Vinho Verde Region (northwest Portugal), and one vineyard of the Languedoc Region (South France) during the 2001 – 2003 harvest seasons. Among the 93 alleles obtained, 52 new alleles were identified. For all loci analyzed, observed heterozygosity was three to four times lower than the expected value, probably due to a strong populational substructuring. Populational structures were identified based on the accumulation of small allele-frequency differences across six loci in groups of strains. The present work is the first large-scale approach showing that microsatellite typing reveals a very fine population resolution of indigenous S. cerevisiae strains isolated from vineyards.This study was financially supported by the programs POCI 2010 (FEDER/FCT, POCTI/AGR/56102/2004) and AGRO (ENOSAFE, Nº 762)

    Estudo ecológico das estirpes Saccharomyces cerevisiae numa vinha da Região dos Vinhos Verdes em Portugal

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    ENOSAFE - (Nº 762, Programa AGRO, medida 8).Instituto Português para a Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional (ICCTI)/Embaixada Francesa em Lisboa - concessão/subvenção nº 657 C2

    The genetic characterization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae commercial enological strains : a survey of molecular typing techniques

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    Resumo e poster da comunicação apresentada no "23rd International Specialized Symposium on Yeasts", em 2003, Budapeste, Hungria.Wine production by the addition of active dry wine yeast is today widely accepted, being about 50% of the wine produced in Europe in this way. This enological practice required the development of techniques that were able to distinguish the inoculated strain from the rest of the wild yeast strains present in the must. In the last years, several methodologies based on DNA polymorphisms, have become widely accepted for the discrimination between closely related wine strains. The aim of this study is to validate the usefulness of each typing method (karyotype analysis [1], ∂ sequence typing [2][5], mtDNA restriction analysis [3], and microsatellite genotyping [4]) by studying the degree of polymorphism generated by each of them in 23 commercially available winery yeasts from 5 companies. The amplification of delta sequence interspersed DNA regions generated only 8 patterns for primer pair A [2] and 20 for primer pair B [5] respectively. The discriminative power of karyotype analysis and mtDNA RFLP (using the restriction enzyme HinfI) was very similar, and generated 21 patterns for the 23 strains. The results obtained by both methods indicated the occurrence of one strain that is commercialized by 3 different active dry yeast producers. Microsatellite typing, using multiplex reactions for six markers on different chromosomes, unequivocally confirmed the results obtained by karyotyping and by mtDNA RFLP. In global terms, the results show that microsatellite analysis is a very precise and fast method for the typing of S. cerevisiae strains. Studies are now underway to type a yeast strain collection and to perform biodiversity studies by this method. [1] Blondin, B. and Vezinhet, F. 1988. Rev. Fr. Oenol. 28: 7-11. [2] Ness, F., Lavallée, F., Dubourdieu, D., and Aigle, M. 1993. J. Sci. Food Agric. 62: 89-94. [3] Querol, A., Barrio, E., and Ramón, D. 1992. System. Appl. Microbiol. 15: 439-446. [4] Pérez, M.A., Gallego, F.J., Martinez, I. and Hidalgo, P. 2001. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 33, 461-466. [5] Legras, J.L. and Karst, F. 2003. Submitte

    Recensement ecologique des souches de Saccharomyces cerevisiae presentes dans des vignobles de la region du Vinho Verde (Portugal)

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    ENOSAFE (Nº 762, Programa AGRO, medida 8).Portuguese Institute for International Scientific and Technological Cooperation (ICCTI)/French Embassy in Lisbon - grant nº 657 C2

    Avaliação da dispersão da levedura starter - Zymaflore Vl1 de Laffort Oenologie, em ambiente natural na proximidade de adegas da Região dos Vinhos Verdes

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    Resumo da comunicação oral apresentada no encontro científico "10as Jornadas de Biologia de Leveduras Professor Nicolau van Uden", em Maio 2002, Faro, Portugal.Nos últimos 20 anos, foi seleccionado um elevado número de estirpes da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae tendo em vista a sua aplicação em enologia. Hoje em dia, cerca de 50% da produção total de vinho na Europa é obtida através do uso destas leveduras industriais, comercializadas por várias empresas. Do ponto de vista ecológico tratam-se de estirpes não-indígenas de S. cerevisiae, que são introduzidas anualmente no ecossistema na zona da adega. Conhecer a capacidade de adaptação e/ou dispersão destas estirpes no ambiente natural, e em zonas geográficas distintas, constituiu o objectivo do presente trabalho. A duração prevista destes estudos é 3 anos. Seleccionaram-se três vinhas localizadas na proximidade de adegas da região demarcada dos Vinhos Verdes: Quinta de Covela (S. Tomé de Covela/Baião), Quinta do Ameal (Ponte de Lima) e Provam (Monção). O critério de selecção das adegas assentou no facto de estas distanciarem mais de 10 km entre si e de utilizarem continuamente a levedura starter (Zymaflore VL1 de Laffort Oenologie) nos últimos 5 anos. A colheitas das uvas foi realizadas em seis pontos de amostragem em campanhas pré-vindima e pós-vindima. Foram realizadas 36 vinificações à escala laboratorial (0,5 l de mosto proveniente de cerca de 2 Kg de uvas), à temperatura de 20ºC. Em cada microvinificação recolheram-se 30 colónias nos pontos da fermentação alcoólica correspondentes à perda de 30g/l (fase intermédia da fermentação) e de 70g/l (fase final da fermentação). A identificação das estirpes isoladas foi realizada por análise dos padrões de amplificação de sequências ∂ [1, 2] e por análise dos padrões de restrição de DNA mitocondrial [3]. Na Quinta de Covela, e apenas no ponto mais próximo da adega se detectaram colónias com padrões idênticos à VL, tanto na amostra pré-vindima (3%), como na amostra pós-vindima (97%)

    Genetic instability of commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains recovered from vineyard’s microflora

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    From spontaneous fermentations carried out with grapes collected in vineyards from the Vinho Verde Region, 101 isolates were recovered whose mitochondrial DNA restriction length polymorphism (mtDNA RFLP) were identical to strain Zymaflore VL1, a commercial strain (Lallemand) that has been used by the wineries in the last years. Genetic polymorphisms were evaluated by microsatellite analysis, interdelta sequence analysis and chromosomal karyotyping comparatively to those of 30 isolates of the original commercialized strain. Our data show that the recovered commercial yeast isolates present a considerable genetic instability that can be assessed by distinct methods. Microsatellite allelic polymorphisms were found in 12 natural isolates, two of them were characterized by complete loss of heterozygosity, whereas their chromosomal constitution showed a loss of structural heteromorphism. Major changes of chromosomal patterns were found among the natural isolates, apparent by the absence or changed position of bands in the presumable region of chromosomes VI and III. Interdelta amplification patterns depended on the primer pair used, and changes were apparent by additional bands. Whether these changes are associated with the yeast’s permanence in natural environments is subject of current investigations.Financially supported by the programs POCI 2010 (FEDER/FCT, POCTI/AGR/56102/2004) and AGRO (ENOSAFE, Nº 762)

    Selected yeast utilization and biodiversity

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    The use of commercial wine yeast strains as starters has been extensively generalised over the past two decades. Wine yeast strains are annually released in wineries environment and on an annual basis. However, little is known about the fate of these strains in the vineyard. To evaluate the industrial starter yeasts’ ability to survive and spread in nature, and become part of the natural microflora of musts, we have devised a large-scale sampling plan over a period of three years in six different vineyards (3 in Portugal and 3 in France). Each vineyard has used the same industrial yeast strain(s) continuously in the last 5 years. A total of 198 grape samples were collected at various distances from the wineries, before and after harvest. Towards the end of the spontaneous fermentations, the composition of the yeast flora was determined by different typing methods (PCR-amplification of ∂-sequences, pulse field electrophoresis, RFLP of mitochondrial DNA, and microsatellite typing). Among 3780 yeast strains identified, 296 isolates had a genetic profile identical to that of commercial yeast strains. For a large majority (94%), these strains were recovered at very close proximity to the winery (10-200m). Commercial strains were mostly found in the post harvest samples, reflecting immediate dissemination. Analysis of population variations from year to year indicated that permanent implantation of commercial strains in the vineyard did not occur, but instead that these strains were subject to natural fluctuations of periodical appearance/disappearance like autochthonous strains. Overall the data show that dissemination of commercial yeast in the vineyard is restricted to short distances and limited periods of times and is largely favoured by the presence of water runoff