440 research outputs found

    Extended Measures of Investment and Saving

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    National accountants treat as consumption all expenditure incurred in purchasing consumer durables and in forming intangible assets such as knowledge, education and good health. The case is made in this paper that the national accounts measures of saving and investment understate both the extent to which we save and the extent of the resources that we allocate to investment. Moreover, the national accounts data do not allow us to monitor substitution between tangible and intangible assets.Saving; Investment; National accounts; Knowledge; Human Capital; Physical Capital; Intangible Capital

    Ryzyko w instytucjach publicznych

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    Niepewność istnieje w niemal każdej dziedzinie odnoszącej się do działalności człowieka. Są to dziedziny życia społecznego, gospodarczego i politycznego. Ryzyko jest tematem zainteresowania w wielu dyscyplinach naukowych: ekonomii, prawa, medycyny, psychologii oraz socjologii. Wzrastająca konkurencja, rozpoznawalność procesów globalizacyjnych, zmiana wielkości produkcji podyktowana środkami możliwymi do obrotu, chęć wdrożenia innowacji powodują, że otoczenie organizacyjne ewoluuje w kierunku otoczenia coraz bardziej zmiennego. Sytuacja w działalności jednostki publicznej diametralnie się zmienia, co pozwala na określenie – sytuacja niepewności. Najważniejszym działaniem z punktu widzenia organizacji oraz stojących na czele zarządzających jest prawidłowa próba identyfikacji oraz podjęcie działań w celu eliminacji zaistniałych ryzykownych zdarzeń

    I\u27m Sitting Down in the Field Like an Idiot

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    Knowledge Sharing Behaviour and Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

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    The aim of the article is to indicate the knowledge sharing behavior (KSB) in SMEs. The task is to be achieved through an analysis research results on KSB. This kind of behaviour is associated in the literature with much broader knowledge management issues. This paper is an attempt to correlate the employees' statements with their work places (company’s size) and aims at research made on force of such correlation, including specific character of personnel behaviour resulting from company policy

    Work-Life Balance Factors in the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

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    The analysis of the problem of work- life balance (WLB) expanded through the last few years, being transformed from the typically female problem, connected with family life, into more general issue, concerning all the employees. The problem occurs especially with reference to the small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which dominate in the enterprise structure in the world. At the same time these organizations represent relatively low standards in terms of realization of the basic rules of HR management, including WLB. It is caused not only by the system and organizational limitations, but it is also a result of a lack of the employers’ awareness in relation with a given area. It also seems to be interesting that the peculiarity of the functioning of a SMEs may be recognized as a factor fostering efficient management of WLB (greater flexibility in decision- making process, greater flexibility in terms of structural and economic matters), but at the same time size of the company can be recognized as a factor creating an obstacles in implementation of the WLB idea (ad hoc management, lack of knowledge in the area of shaping activities concerning WLB, focus on profit in a short time, lack of strategic management, lack of formal representations of the employees’ interests). The aim of the article is to present the results of authors’ own research focusing on the conditions of WLB of SME’s employees

    Początki kryminału – Auguste Dupin i Sherlock Holmes Reminiscencje

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    The main topic of the article is to show influence of Auguste Dupin and Sherlock Holmes, two most popular fictional XIXth century detectives (created by E.A. Poe and A.C. Doyle) on genre developement. The author characterises protagonists and describes how their features has become parts of literary detective category. What is more, she shows difference in heroes’ creation, which eventually let Sherlock Holmes be the detective’s archetype. In the articles terms from sociology of literature were used, especially those from reception theory by Marcin Rychlewski – division for transfer and esthetic zone

    Azjatyckie tygrysice

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    The article discusses a reportage by Karolina Bednarz entitled Kwiaty w pudełku. Japonia oczami kobiet [Flowers in a Box. Japan Seen by Women]. The Bednarz’s intellectual pedigree as a representative of the Polish School of Reportage’s young generation is presented along with the prominence and weightiness of this tradition for Polish non-fiction writing. It is shown how Bednarz deconstructs the stereotypical image of Japan as modern and liberal state by pointing to social inequalities and legal regulations discriminatory against women. At the same time, the factual layer of the book is praised along with the author’s empathy while conducting interviews with her female interviewees, yet what is criticised is the hardly sufficient emphasis put on the eponymous leitmotif, that is, the flowers in a box