75,710 research outputs found

    A Wilkinson Power Divider with Harmonic Suppression and Size Reduction using High-low Impedance Resonator Cells

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    A miniaturized Wilkinson power divider using high-low impedance resonator cells are designed and fabricated. The proposed power divider occupies 23.7% of the conventional structure circuit area at the operating frequency of 0.9 GHz and it is also able to suppress harmonics. According to the measured results at 0.9 GHz, the insertion-losses of output ports are 3.087 dB, the return-losses at all ports are more than 30 dB, and the isolation between output ports is better than 35 dB. Also, 2nd to 10th spurious frequencies are suppressed. According to the measured S11, when it is less than -15 dB (from 0.65 GHz to 1.1 GHz) the fractional bandwidth of the proposed structure is 50%. Good agreement between simulation and measured results is achieved

    Special Libraries, December 1914

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    Volume 5, Issue 10https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1914/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Onboard sampling of the rockfish and lingcod commerical passenger fishing vessel industry in northern and central California, 1992

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    In 1992 fishery technicians sampled 230 commercial passenger fishing vessel (CPFV) trips targeting rockfish and lingcod from the port areas of Fort Bragg, Bodega Bay, San Francisco, Monterey, and Morro Bay. The skippers of 44 vessels, and 2,190 anglers, cooperated in the study. Species composition by port area and month, catch-per-unit-effort, mean length, and length frequency of lingcod and the 18 most frequently observed rockfish species are presented, as well as fishing effort relative to time, depth, and distance from port. Total catch estimates based on unadjusted and adjusted logbook records are summarized. Average catch of kept fish per angler day was 12.6 and average catch of kept fish per angler hour was 4.0. A continuing trend of an increasing frequency of trips to deep (> 40 fm) locations was observed in the Bodega Bay, San Francisco, and Monterey areas. Bodega Bay and San Francisco showed the highest frequency of trips to distant locations. Sixty species comprised of 29,731 fish were observed caught during the study. Rockfish comprised 93.5% by number of the total observed catch. The five most frequently observed species were blue, yellowtail, widow and rosy rockfishes, and bocaccio, with lingcod ranking eighth. CPFV angler success, as determined by catch per angler hour, generally increased in all ports in 1992 compared to previous 1988-91 data (Reilly et al. 1993). However, port-specific areas of major concern were identified for chilipepper, lingcod, and black rockfish, and to a lesser extent brown, canary, vermilion, yelloweye, widow and greenspotted rockfishes. These areas of concern included steadily declining catch rate, steadily declining mean length, and/or a high percentage of sexually immature fish in the sampled catch. Recent sampling of the commercial hook-and-line fishery in northern and central California indicates that most rockfishes taken by CPFV anglers are also harvested commercially. (105pp.

    Onboard sampling and the rockfish and lingcod commerical passenger fishing vessel industry in Northern and Central California, January through December 1994

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    The Central California Marine Sport Fish Project has been collecting angler catch data on board Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessels (CPFVs) fishing for rockfish or lingcod since 1987. The program depends on the voluntary cooperation of CPFV owners and operators. This fourth report in a series presents data collected in 1994, refers to historical data from 1987 to 1993, and documents trends in species composition, angler effort, catch per unit effort (CPUE), and, for selected species, mean length and length frequency. Angler catches on board central and northern California CPFVs were sampled from 14 ports, ranging from Crescent City in the north to Port San Luis (Avila Beach) in the south. Technicians observed a total of 2053 anglers fishing on 237 CPFV trips. These observed anglers caught 24,731 fish of which samplers determined 22,615 were kept. Over 63% of these fish were caught at Monterey or Morro Bay area ports. Only 18 of the 53 species each comprised at least one percent of the catch. The top ten species in order of abundance were blue, yellowtail, rosy, chilipepper, canary, and black rockfishes, lingcod, and widow, starry and greenspotted rockfishes. Blue and yellowtail rockfishes together comprised approximately 44% of the observed catch. Overall, rockfishes represented 32 species or 60% of the 53 identified species. In general, 1994 data showed continued evidence of sustainability of the CPFV rockfish fishery with a few exceptions for some species in each port area sampled. We identified areas of concern for three nearshore species (black, blue, and brown rockfishes), three offshore species (bocaccio, chilipepper, and widow rockfish), and two wide-depth range species (canary and yelloweye rockfishes). Declining trends in CPAH in at least one port area were identified for each of these species except black and blue rockfishes, some of which may be related to natural variability in year class strength or stock movement. Mean length decreased in at least one port area for black, blue, brown, and canary rockfishes and chilipepper, although for black rockfish and chilipepper this was attributed to increased recruitment of juveniles. Positive trends identified included increased CPAH for black rockfish in the San Francisco and Monterey areas, for canary rockfish in the San Francisco area, and for brown rockfish in the Morro Bay area. Total northern and central California CPFV catch estimates, based on logbook data and adjusted by sampling data and compliance rates, indicated that port area-specific decreases have occurred since 1988 for yellowtail rockfish and lingcod (San Francisco), chilipepper (Monterey), and blue rockfish (Monterey and Morro Bay). The competing influences of the nearshore commercial hook-and-line fishery were apparent when comparing relative species composition to that of the CPFV fishery. Declines in CPAH in the CPFV fishery for some shallow water species, such as brown rockfish in the Bodega Bay area, may be related to increased commercial fishing effort. (98pp.

    Southern California fisheries monitoring summary for 1993 and 1994

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    The southern California Monitoring and Management Units collectively gathered 803 discrete samples of 7,329 marine finfishes and invertebrates from local commercial fish markets or authorized fish transporters in 1993. Nineteen different species were sampled and biological information recorded for future summarization and use in formulating fisheries management strategies and decisions. Increased sampling efforts in 1994 resulted in 801 samples of 14,566 marine finfish and invertebrates representing 44 different species. Fisheries trends and threats to local fishing opportunities were identified. Results of Marine Recreational Fishery Statistics Survey interviews were also incorporated for a more complete overview of species targeted by both the sport and commercial industries. (26pp.
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