13 research outputs found

    The Component Metadata Infrastructure (CMDI) in a project on sustainable linguistic resources

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    The sustainable archiving of research data for predefined time spans has become increasingly important to researchers and is stipulated by funding organizations with the obligatory task of being observed by researchers. An important aspect in view of such a sustainable archiving of language resources is the creation of metadata, which can be used for describing, finding and citing resources. In the present paper, these aspects are dealt with from the perspectives of two projects: the German project for Sustainability of Linguistic Data at the University of Tubingen (NaLiDa, cf. http://www.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/nalida) and the Dutch-Flemish HLT Agency hosted at the Institute for Dutch Lexicology (TST-Centrale, cf.http://www.inl.nl/tst-centrale). Both projects unfold their approaches to the creation of components and profiles using the Component Metadata Infrastructure (CMDI) as underlying metadata schema for resource descriptions, highlighting their experiences as well as advantages and disadvantages in using CMDI

    Creating & Testing CLARIN Metadata Components

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    Tour de CLARIN Volume One

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    Tour de CLARIN is an initiative started by CLARIN ERIC in 2016 that has been periodically highlighting prominent user involvement activities of CLARIN national consortia in the form of blog posts published on the CLARIN webpage, disseminated through the CLARIN news flash and on social media. By focusing a different national consortium every two months and showcasing their outstanding language resources, text processing tools, user involvement events and researchers, we have been aiming to increase the visibility of the various consortia, reveal the richness of the CLARIN landscape, and display the full range of activities throughout the network that can not only inform and inspire other consortia, but also show what CLARIN has to offer to researchers, teachers, students, professionals and the general public interested in using and processing language data in various forms. In the two years we have been running the initiative, and having visited nearly half of all the CLARIN member countries, we can say that Tour de CLARIN has proved to be one of the flagship user involvement initiatives by CLARIN ERIC; highly valuable for our network and incredibly popular with our readers. This is why have decided to collect the blog posts in a printed volume. The first volume presents all the nine countries which we have visited so far: Finland, Sweden, Austria, the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Greece and Lithuania

    Linguistically annotated multilingual comparable corpora of parliamentary debates ParlaMint.ana 2.0

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    ParlaMint is a multilingual set of comparable corpora containing parliamentary debates mostly starting in 2015 and extending to mid-2020, with each corpus being about 20 million words in size. The sessions in the corpora are marked as belonging to the COVID-19 period (after October 2019), or being "reference" (before that date). The corpora have extensive metadata, including aspects of the parliament; the speakers (name, gender, MP status, party affiliation, party coalition/opposition); are structured into time-stamped terms, sessions and meetings; with speeches being marked by the speaker and their role (e.g. chair, regular speaker). The speeches also contain marked-up transcriber comments, such as gaps in the transcription, interruptions, applause, etc. Note that some corpora have further information, e.g. the year of birth of the speakers, links to their Wikipedia articles, their membership in various committees, etc. The corpora are encoded according to the Parla-CLARIN TEI recommendation (https://clarin-eric.github.io/parla-clarin/), but have been validated against the compatible, but much stricter ParlaMint schemas. This entry contains the linguistically marked-up version of the corpus, while the text version is available at http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1388. The ParlaMint.ana linguistic annotation includes tokenization, sentence segmentation, lemmatisation, Universal Dependencies part-of-speech, morphological features, and syntactic dependencies, and the 4-class CoNLL-2003 named entities. Some corpora also have further linguistic annotations, such as PoS tagging or named entities according to language-specific schemes, with their corpus TEI headers giving further details on the annotation vocabularies and tools. The compressed files include the ParlaMint.ana XML TEI-encoded linguistically annotated corpus; the derived corpus in CoNLL-U with TSV speech metadata; and the vertical files (with registry file), suitable for use with CQP-based concordancers, such as CWB, noSketch Engine or KonText. Also included is the 2.0 release of the data and scripts available at the GitHub repository of the ParlaMint project

    Multilingual comparable corpora of parliamentary debates ParlaMint 2.0

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    ParlaMint is a multilingual set of comparable corpora containing parliamentary debates mostly starting in 2015 and extending to mid-2020, with each corpus being about 20 million words in size. The sessions in the corpora are marked as belonging to the COVID-19 period (after October 2019), or being "reference" (before that date). The corpora have extensive metadata, including aspects of the parliament; the speakers (name, gender, MP status, party affiliation, party coalition/opposition); are structured into time-stamped terms, sessions and meetings; with speeches being marked by the speaker and their role (e.g. chair, regular speaker). The speeches also contain marked-up transcriber comments, such as gaps in the transcription, interruptions, applause, etc. Note that some corpora have further information, e.g. the year of birth of the speakers, links to their Wikipedia articles, their membership in various committees, etc. The corpora are encoded according to the Parla-CLARIN TEI recommendation (https://clarin-eric.github.io/parla-clarin/), but have been validated against the compatible, but much stricter ParlaMint schemas. This entry contains the ParlaMint TEI-encoded corpora with the derived plain text version of the corpus along with TSV metadata on the speeches. Also included is the 2.0 release of the data and scripts available at the GitHub repository of the ParlaMint project. Note that there also exists the linguistically marked-up version of the corpus, which is available at http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1405

    Multilingual comparable corpora of parliamentary debates ParlaMint 3.0

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    ParlaMint 3.0 is a multilingual set of 26 comparable corpora containing parliamentary debates mostly starting in 2015 and extending to mid-2022, with the individual corpora being between 9 and 125 million words in size. The corpora have extensive metadata, including aspects of the parliament; the speakers (name, gender, MP status, party affiliation, party coalition/opposition); are structured into time-stamped terms, sessions and meetings; and with speeches being marked by the speaker and their role (e.g. chair, regular speaker). The speeches also contain marked-up transcriber comments, such as gaps in the transcription, interruptions, applause, etc. Note that some corpora have further information, e.g. the year of birth of the speakers, links to their Wikipedia articles, their membership in various committees, etc. The corpora are also marked to the subcorpus they belong to ("reference", until 2020-01-30, "covid", from 2020-01-31, and "war", from 2022-02-24). The corpora are encoded according to the Parla-CLARIN TEI recommendation (https://clarin-eric.github.io/parla-clarin/), but have been encoded against the compatible, but much stricter ParlaMint encoding guidelines (https://clarin-eric.github.io/ParlaMint/) and schemas (included in this distribution. This entry contains the ParlaMint TEI-encoded corpora with the derived plain text versions of the corpora along with TSV metadata of the speeches. Also included is the 3.0 release of the data and scripts available at the GitHub repository of the ParlaMint project. Note that there also exists the linguistically marked-up version of the corpus, which is available at http://hdl.handle.net/11356/1488. As opposed to the previous version 2.1, this version extends the corpus dates to (at least) mid 2022, does not contain the corpora for ES (Spanish) and Lithuanian (LT), and adds corpora for AT (Austria), BA (Bosnian), ES-CT (Catalonia), ES-GA (Galicia), GR (Greece), NO (Norway), PT (Portugal), RS (Serbia), SE (Sweden), and UA (Ukraine). The TEI encoding of some details has also changed