35 research outputs found

    Human rights guarantees in the activities of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine

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    The article is devoted to the study of human rights guarantees in the activities of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine.Our survey of prosecutors and investigators has shown that the most common reason for the incomplete implementation of guarantees of the rights and freedoms of suspects and accused persons is the failure of investigators and prosecutors to comply with the provisions of the CPC of Ukraine in terms of ensuring guarantees of rights and freedoms. This opinion was shared by 64.6% of prosecutors and 31.8% of investigators; 23.1% of prosecutors and 59.1% of investigators supported the reason that suspects and accused persons were not aware of their rights and freedoms; 12.3% of prosecutors and 9.1% of investigators drew attention to the conflict of provisions of the CPC of Ukraine regarding guarantees of rights and freedoms. The authors concluded that emphasise that the main task of human rights guarantees is to ensure unimpeded realisation, protection and defence of human rights regardless of their status and position in the proceedings, protection against arbitrariness of the investigating authorities, and exclusion of the possibility of accusatory bias and, as a result, investigative and judicial errors

    Forecasting hotel income in current unstable development situations

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    The article describes the development of an economic-mathematical model that allows to identify the influence of factors on the formation of income of hotels and similar accommodation in Ukraine and to forecast the level of hotel industry income. To create an economic-mathematical model, the analysis of statistical data characterizing the hotel industry in Ukraine for the period from 2010 to 2019 has been carried out. To forecast the hotels income and similar accommodation for the short term, a forecast of such indicators as operating costs of hotels and similar accommodation, housing resources of hotels and similar accommodation has been built. To do this, Box-Jenkins method (ARIMA), which is a part of the Statistica application package, is used. On the basis of the economic-mathematical model the forecast of influence of operating expenses and housing resources of hotels and similar accommodation on income of hotels and similar accommodation has been made. The analysis of the main parameters of the economic-mathematical model, which are quite significant (there is a close relationship between other indicators, the proximity of the economic-mathematical model to sample statistics, the significance of factors on the studied indicator, the homogeneity of the forecast complex, the proximity of empirical theoretical distribution, absence of multicollinearity), as well as surpluses demonstrates that we have created an adequate model of short-term forecast. According to the forecast for 2020-2022 in Ukraine, some reduction in operating costs, housing resources in hotels and similar accommodation and income of hotels and similar accommodation is expected. This situation is due to the current unstable situations that have arisen in the country and in the world. The hotel business is strongly influenced by various internal and external factors: economic, social, geopolitical, legislative transformations, force majeure, climatic conditions, market dynamics, including goods, services and resources. Directly or indirectly, these factors determine the amount of income of hotels and similar accommodation, as an important indicator of development, due to the price aspects in the market of hotel services and the demand for hotel services

    Prerequisites for the formation of business structures in the context of enterprise integration at mega level

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    The article finds that the process of globalization is changing the conditions of doing business in the world, which causes the integration of enterprises at mega level and the formation of new business entities as form of business structures. The prerequisites that contribute to the formation of these structures at the mega level, namely: the emergence and exacerbation of global problems of humanity; acceleration of scientific and technological progress, rapid development of new technologies; the global process of globalization and internationalization


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    The purpose of this study, which is based on the method of political and legal analysis, is to identify and assess the modern challenges faced by legal systems of different states in the field of adaptation of labor legislation to new types of social and legal relations arising under the influence of the digital economy. This study allows asserting that today’s adaptation of labor legislation of different countries in the conditions of the digital economy is at the initial stages and the existing legal mechanisms are not entirely adapted to many new types of legal relations. The evolution of this legislation today is slowed down by the lack of a sufficient conceptual apparatus, a clearly defined sphere of legislative regulation, which in turn is also due to dynamic changes in the field of digital technologies. This study can be used to improve legal regulation in the field of labor law

    Organization of evaluation of intellectual assets (resources) in the public sector

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    Capitalization of intellectual activity generates innavation, in which the first valuation of intellectual assets for the purpose of implementation of property rights. Expansion of autonomy of local institutions of higher education involves the development of property relations in intellectual assets between public and private entities, which in turn requires improvement of approaches to assessing these assets in the course of joint investment projects on creation of assets and ownership of results and capitalization (use). Investments in the capitalization of intangible assets require assessment of their value both quantitative and qualitative methods. Their study showed that the evaluation of goodwill and reputation in terms of public education institution may use not only accounting or qualitative methods. The procedure for testing or quality assessment (capacity capitalization) inventions, development results, ideas and other intellectual assets if access to the Internet network is based on the transfer of information technologies and information resources. From the positioning of such information systems specialists receive test results, which are analogous to the results of opinion polls and expert evaluation

    Criminological dimension of counteracting corruption crime in Ukraine

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the content and essence of combating corruption crime in Ukraine through the lens of criminology. Research results. It is proven that corruption crime both in Ukraine and in the world in general is an extremely destructive factor. This phenomenon tries to penetrate all spheres of social life and make democratic and legal procedures, which are a guarantee of a high level and quality of life, impossible. Practical meaning. Attention is drawn to the fact that the existing indicators of corruption crime in Ukraine, the improvement of its qualitative characteristics, as well as the possibility of rapid growth under martial law require an appropriate response from scientists, legal researchers, legislator and law enforcement officers. Value/originality. The perspective of further research is the need to analyze the mechanisms of combating corruption crime in the top democracies of the world, which will allow to generalize such practice and form a wide range of proposals and recommendations to optimize the functioning of the relevant mechanism in our country

    The Use of Rentgenological Methods of Diagnostics in Surgical Treatment of Atrophy of the Alveolar Process of the Upper Jaw and Part of the Lower Jaw in Women of Postmenopausal Age

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    The objective of the study is to evaluate the condition of the alveolar part of the upper jaw and the part of the mandible according to X-ray studies in postmenopausal women before and after surgical treatment of the atrophy of jaw bone tissue using osteoplastic material and an ossein-hydroxyapatite compound. Materials and methods: There were observed 24 women in the postmenopausal period, aged from 51 to 58 years, with atrophy of the alveolar process of the upper jaw and the part of the lower jaw who were surgically treated. Results of the study. On the basis of the obtained results of the X-ray examination, we can assume that the developed by us technique of surgical treatment of atrophy of the alveolar process of the upper jaw and the part of the lower jaw by the use of bone material of animal origin in combination with the ossein-hydroxyapatite compound allows us to intensify bone tissue regeneration processes, which further will contribute to the increase of the volume of bone tissue. Conclusions. The use of modern X-ray methods, in particular orthopantomography and cone-beam computerized tomography in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of atrophy of the alveolar process of the upper jaw and the part of the lower jaw, are highly informative, and also provide the possibility of work with a roentgenographic image in a digital format that allows a more detailed assessment of the area of surgical intervention before and after the treatment

    International regulatory experience business activity

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    The article considers the peculiarities of the state support of entrepreneurial activity in different countries, generalizes the experience of a small and medium-sized business participation in the development of high-tech sector of economy