196 research outputs found

    Acupressure on Zusanli (St36) and Taibai (Sp3) in Reducing Nausea for Patients with Dyspepsia at Banyumas Hospital

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    Background: Nausea is unpleasant sensation behind the throat and epigastrium often causing vomiting. Nausea is a major symptom in patients with dyspepsia. Typical treatments for nausea are antiemetic drugs and non-pharmacological therapy. Acupressure is a massage with finger to give stimulus at a particular point on the surface of the body. Acupressure on hand could reduce nausea in pregnant women. Purpose: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of acupressure in reducing nausea for patients with dyspepsia at Banyumas hospital. Method: This research was quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design. The consecutive sampling technique was employed in this research with 30 subjects, 15 subjects in control and 15 subjects in intervention. In the control group received standard antiemetic drug and routine care. The intervention group was treated with acupressure Zusanli (ST 36) and Taibai (SP 3) for 30 minutes for both legs and received antiemetic drugs. Nausea was measured by Numerical Rating scale for Nausea. Data were analyzed with paired samples test and Mann Withney-U. Results: The findings show that acupressure Zusanli (ST 36) and Taibai (SP 3) for 30 minutes significantly reduced nausea in patients with dyspepsia in the intervention group (t=7.91, p=0.00) and between group (z=-2.884, p=0.01)

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Net Interest Margin (Nim) Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2012-2016

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    Tujuan penelitian antara lain untuk menguji pengaruh likuditas,modal, efisiensi, ukuran bank dan  Non Performing Loan (NPL) terhadap Net Interest Margin baik secara parsial dan simultan atau bersama-sama pada Perusahaan Perbankan Yang Terdaftar di BEI Periode 2012-2016. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka judul penelitian ini adalah “Analisis Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Net Interest Margin (NIM) Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Yang Terdaftar di BEI Periode 2012-2016”.  Populasi dalam penelitian ini semua perusahaan perbankan (Bank Umum) yang tercatat (Go  Public)  di  Bursa  Efek  Indonesia  (BEI) periode 2012-2016 yang berjumlah 33 bank. Metode pengambilan  dengan  metode  judgment  sampling,  yaitu  salah  satu  bentuk  purposive  sampling  dengan mengambil  sampel  yang  telah  ditentukan  sebelumnya berdasarkan  maksud  dan  tujuan penelitian sehingga diperoleh sampel 25 perusahaan. Data  yang digunakan data sekunder  dengan analisa data menggunakan analisis regresi linier. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh LDR berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap NIM.EA tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap NIM. BOPO tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap NIM.Ukuran bank tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap NIM. NPL berpengaruh signifikan terhadap NIM.Likuiditas, Modal Efisiensi, Ukuran Perusahaan danNon-Performing Loan mempunyai pengaruh signifikan secara bersama-sama terhadap NetInterest Margin (NIM

    Pengaruh Input Terhadap Nilai Tambah Industri Pengolahan Tembakau Di Indonesia

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    The purpose of this researched is to identify and analyze the influence of raw materials cost, fuel cost and capital cost to value-added of tobacco processing industry in Indonesia. This research was used secondary data from the years 2000-2013, published by the Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia. The analytical method used multiple linear regression analysis, the beta coefficient test and elasticity test with SPSS 21. The results of this research showed simultaneous raw materials cost, fuel cost and capital cost affect the value-added of tobacco processing industry in Indonesia. Partially fuel cost has no significant effect on the value-added of tobacco processing industry, while raw materials cost and capital cost significantly influence the value-added processing of the tobacco industry.The capital cost has a negative value. Raw materials cost have a dominant influence on value-added of tobacco processing industry in Indonesia

    Factors Affecting the Level of Educated Unemployment in the City of Pekanbaru

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    This research conducted in the city of pekanbaru. The alm to determine the factor that influence the level of educated unemployment in pekanbaru city in 2011.As for the data used in the study is primary data and secondary data, The data analysis method used in this researh is descriptive method. The population in this researhare those who have completed their undergraduate education S1 with a population of educated unemployment in 2011 as many as 6.284 people and the sampling conducted asmany as 98 respondent accidental sampling.From the analysis of data obtained the researh that the factors affect the level of educated unemployment in pekanbaru city in 2011 amounted to 38,77% respondent said lack of jobs, 37,75% respondent said salaries offened are not satis factory or not as expected, And only 23,46% of respondent said in compatibility education expertise with jobs offers.Of the total sample, showed that the matority of educated unemployment are employed because of the limited field of work that is equal to 38,77%.Keyword : Employetment opportunities, Wages, Skill or educatio

    Direct generation of three-photon entanglement using cascaded downconversion

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    High quality entangled photon sources are a key requirement for many promising quantum optical technologies. However, the production of multi-photon entangled states with good fidelity is challenging. Current sources of multi-photon entanglement require the use of post-selection, which limits their usefulness for some applications. It has been an open challenge to create a source capable of directly producing three-photon entanglement. An important step in this direction was achieved with the demonstration of photon triplets produced by a new process called cascaded downconversion, but these previous measurements were not sufficient to show whether these photons were in an entangled state and only had detection rates of five triplets per hour. In this thesis, we show the first demonstration of a direct source of three-photon entanglement. Our source is based on cascaded downconversion, and we verify that it produces genuine tripartite entanglement in two degrees of freedom: energy-time and polarization. The energy-time entanglement is similar to a three-particle generalization of an Einstein-Podolski-Rosen state; the three photons are created simultaneously, yet the sum of their energies is well defined, which is an indication of energy-time entanglement. To prove it, we use time-bandwidth inequalities which check for genuine tripartite entanglement. Our measurements show that the state violates the inequalities with what constitute, to the best of our knowledge, the strongest violation of time-bandwidth inequalities in a tripartite continuous-variable system to date. We create polarization entanglement by modifying our experimental setup so that two downconversion processes producing orthogonally polarized triplets interfere to create Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states. By using highly efficient superconducting nanowire single photon detectors, we improve the detected triplet rate by 2 orders of magnitude to 660 triplets per hour. We characterize the state using quantum state tomography, and find a fidelity of 86\% with the ideal state, beating the previous best value for a three-photon entangled state fidelity measured by tomography. We also use the state to perform two tests of local realism. We violate the Mermin and Svetlichny inequalities by 10 and 5 standard deviations respectively, the latter being the strongest violation to date. Finally, we show that, unlike previous sources of tree-photon entanglement, our source can be used as a source of heralded Bell pairs. We demonstrate this by measuring a CHSH inequality with the heralded Bell pairs, and by reconstructing their state using quantum state tomography.4 month

    Realization of novel entangled photon sources using periodically poled materials

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    This thesis deals with the production of entangled photons using spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC). We start with a short overview of some important theoretical concepts. First we provide a brief reminder of the theory of entanglement. We then discuss how the state of quantum systems can be determined using quantum state tomography. We also explain SPDC, the physical process which we use to produce entangled photons. Finally, we give an overview of the methods which have been used to produce entangled photons in the past, both for two- and three-photon entanglement. The first experiment is the design of an efficient source of entangled photon pairs based on a polarizing Sagnac interferometer configuration. With this configuration, we can use quasi-phasematched materials which allow for higher efficiencies than standard bulk nonlinear materials. The source is pumped by a low-power continuous-wave laser diode, and produces degenerate photon pairs at 809nm. It has a spectral brightness of 87,500 pairs/(s mW nm), and the fidelity of the produced quantum states with a Bell state is 98.9%. The source is used for experiments in quantum key distribution, cluster state quantum computing, remote state preparation, state discrimination, and entanglement-enhanced classical communication. The second experiment discussed in this thesis is the generation of photon triplets using cascaded SPDC. In this experiment, a primary SPDC source is pumped with a low-power, continuous-wave laser diode, producing photon pairs. Single photons from these pairs serve as the pump for a second down-conversion, resulting in photon triplets. This is the first demonstration of the direct production of photon triplets, and the first observation of SPDC at the single photon level. This method could potentially be used to produce entangled photon triplets without post-selection, and as a source of triggered Bell pairs