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    2020 was rife with social and political changes across the globe, ranging from the COVID-19 global pandemic, Black Lives Matter Movements, the effects of climate changes, and the insurrection on Capitol Hill (Salo, 2020). A qualitative methodology was used to explore the lived experiences of doctoral clinical psychology students of color during the crises of 2020-2022. Clinical psychology graduate students must navigate their own stressors in life (personal and academic) while also providing clinical therapeutic services to others, making them vulnerable to stress (DeAngelis, 2002). Many graduate students must balance academic coursework, clinical training, research, and financial demands, on top of the stress related to their performance in the program (Badali & Habra, 2003; Meyers et el., 2012). Graduate students of color experience additional stressors associated with their marginalized status including microaggressions, discrimination, lack of sense of belonging, and imposter syndrome (Brunsma et al., 2017). This study explored how graduate students’ personal and professional identities were shaped through the major sociohistorical influences of 2020 and beyond and how they were supported through these events. Five major themes were found to describe the experiences of clinical psychology doctoral students of color and the factors they believe impacted how they made meaning of their experiences as it related to them as a student, clinician, researcher, and future clinical psychologist

    The Current Mental Health Status of Professional ASL/English Interpreters in the United States As It Pertains to Disorders: Specifically Focusing on Anxiety, Depression, Stress-Related Disorders, Personalities, and Work-Related Influencers

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    The purpose of this quantitative, variable-centered, correlational research design is to assess the mental health status of professional ASL/English interpreters currently working in the field. Specifically, this study looked at levels of anxiety, depression, and secondary stress within this population. It was postulated that many factors impact the mental health of professional interpreters; therefore, internal factors such as personality as well as external factors such as job demands were assessed. The findings of the research may prove helpful in developing future interpreter education as well as mental health care for current interpreters. A brief history of the profession is given including the occurrence of “gatekeeping” by the Deaf community. Various challenges in the field are described, including physical risks, difficult settings, and secondary trauma. Data were collected via a questionnaire; the Big Five Inventory (BFI); the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales (DASS); and the Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale (STSS). The data collected were used to identify correlations between levels of anxiety, secondary stress, and/or depression in professionals entering the field. Commonality in personality traits among interpreters, certain traits having a propensity toward issues with mental health, and elevated rates of anxiety, secondary stress, and/or depression were found

    INTERAKSI SIMBOLIK KAUM HOMOSEKSUAL (Studi Fenomenologi Pada Komunitas Kaum Homoseksual di Bandar Lampung yang memiliki Aplikasi Online Walla)

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    This research is motivated by the emergence of online applications for homosexuals that increasingly show their existence in society. Society has different perceptions about the existence of homosexuals. Related to this, this study aims to determine the symbolic interaction of homosexuals in identifying these partners. For this reason, the researcher chose as research object the homosexual community in the city of Bandar Lampung that has the Walla application. A qualitative approach with the phenomenological method was used in the analysis of this study with the subject of the homosexual community in the city of Bandar Lampung that has the Walla application. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. The data validation technique used is the source triangulation technique, and to analyze the data collected is the Miles and Huberman interactive data analysis technique with four steps, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusions drawing. Research on homosexuals requires a personal approach if the information obtained is to be accurate. The results of this study show that thephenomenon of homosexual sexual deviance has been growing rapidly and has the courage to open its identity to the public. The symbolic interaction of homosexuals is carried out by giving special symbols so that they can be recognized and identified as homosexuals.AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi dengan munculnya aplikasi online kaum homoseksual yang semakin menunjukkan eksistensinya di kalangan masyarakat. Masyarakat memiliki persepsi berbeda-beda pada terkait keberadaaan kaum homoseksual tersebut. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi simbolik kaum homoseksual dalam mengidentifikasi sesama kaum tersebut. Untuk itu, peneliti memilih komunitas kaum homoseksual di kota Bandar lampung yang memiliki aplikasi Walla sebagai subjek penelitian. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologi digunakan dalam menganalisis penelitian ini dengan subjek pada komunitas homoseksual di kota Bandar lampung yang memiliki aplikasi Walla. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data yang digunakan ialah teknik triangulasi sumber, dan untuk menganalisis data yang sudah terkumpul yaitu dengan teknik analisis data interaktif Miles dan Huberman dengan empat tahap yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Penelitian pada kaum homoseksual ini diperlukan pendekatan personal sehingga informasi yang didapatkan bersifat akurat. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa fenomena penyimpangan seksual homoseksual sudah semakin berkembang pesat dan berani untuk membuka identitasnya kepada masyarakat. Interaksi simbolik kaum homoseksual yang dilakukan dengan cara pemberian simbol khusus agar dapat dikenali dan diidentifikasi bahwa mereka adalah kaum homoseksual

    Bovine trypanosomosis in three districts of Southwest Oromia, Ethiopia

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    A study was carried out from September 2007 to March 2008 to determine the prevalence of trypanosomosis and the apparent tsetse densities and other biting flies as well as to evaluate community awareness about the disease and its control method in three districts of west Shoa zone in Oromia. From a total of 1200 animals examined, (600 in the late rainy and 600 in the dry seasons) the prevalence of trypanosomosis was found to be 33.5% and 17.83% in the late rainy and dry seasons, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference in prevalence was observed (p<0.05) between the two seasons. The mean PCV values of the parasitaemic and aparasitaemic animals during the late rainy season were 20.19% and 26.75% while during the dry season 18.75% and 23.97%, respectively. A fly-survey was conducted by using 90 monoconical pyramidal traps and revealed that three tsetse species, namely G. pallidipes, G. m. submorsitans and G. f. fuscipes were found along with other biting flies (tabanids and muscids) in the study area. The apparent densities of tsetse flies were significantly different (p<0.05) during the two study. The overall apparent densities of tsetse flies were found to be 2.87 fly/trap/day (95% CI= 1.04-5.77%) and 1.26 flay/tap/day (95% CI= 1.17-2.07%) in late rainy and dry seasons, respectively. G. f. fuscipes and G. pallidipes appear to be the dominant tsetse species in the study area. The proportion of female tsetse flies caught was higher in both seasons. The apparent density of biting flies (tabanids and muscids) was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the late rainy season (1.49 fly/trap/day, 18.66 fly/trap/day) than the dry season (0.77 fly/trap/day, 15.04 fly/trap/day) respectively. Poor infrastructure, absence of trypanosomosis and vector control activities in the area have worsen the situation and hence require professional intervention


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    Hakikat perusahaan dalam menjalankan bisnis adalah untuk mencari keuntungan, maka bila perusahaan membuat program tanggung jawab sosial (Corporate Social Responsiblility) seharusnya dimaknai sebagai wujud investasi sosial perusahaan. Sebagai sebuah inisiasi dalam pendekatan pelaksanaan program CSR yang berangkat dari aspek ekonomi. Rasio Sosial Return on Investment (SROI) sudah cukup besar menghasilkan dampak sosial. Tantangan berikutnya yang sangat penting untuk dilakukan oleh PT. PLN dan stakeholder lainnya adalah menjaga keberlanjutan dan kualitas dari Program PLN peduli. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui rasio hasil perhitungan SROI Program PLN Peduli pada Kelompok Tani Harapan Maju, Desa Bumi Jaya, Kecamatan Candipura, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang merupakan metode untuk mengeksplorasi dan memahami makna yang bagi sejumlah individu atau sekelompok orang dianggap berasal dari masalah sosial atau kemanusiaan. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa besarnya dampak yang dihasilkan dari program PLN Peduli adalah sebesar 1,68:1 yang artinya setiap Rp.1 yang diinvestasikan dalam program PLN Peduli pada Kelompok Tani Harapan Maju, Desa Bumi Jaya, Kecamatan Candipura, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan menghasilkan dampak sosial sebesar Rp 1,68 menurut perhitungan SROI

    Existence of traveling wave solutions of a deterministic vector-host epidemic model with direct transmission

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    We consider an epidemic model with direct transmission given by a system of nonlinear partial differential equations and study the existence of traveling wave solutions. When the basic reproductive number of the considered model is less than one, we show that there is no nontrivial traveling wave solution. On the other hand, when the basic reproductive number is greater than one, we prove that there is a minimum wave speed c∗c^* such that the system has a traveling wave solution with speed cc connecting both equilibrium points for any c≄c∗c\ge c^*. Moreover, under suitable assumption on the diffusion rates, we show that there is no traveling wave solution with speed less than c∗c^*. We conclude with numerical simulations to illustrate our findings. The numerical experiments supports the validity of our theoretical results

    Interpretation Of Adolescent Culture In “Konservatif” Songs (Roland Barthes Semiotics Analysis)

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    This study explains the interpretation of song entitled Konservatif by The Adams Band Group through Roland Barthes' concept of Semiotics. The concept is focused on three discussions, namely denotation, connotation and myth. This research method through an interpretative qualitative approach focuses on signs and text as an object of study and understanding the code behind the song's signs and text. The results showed that interpretatively this Konservatif song had the meaning of describing the life of Indonesian people, especially adolescents at that time. Healthy dating patterns or styles in the sense of not doing bad deeds in dating two people or a couple are described as experiencing a courteous dating moment in compliance with customary norms in Indonesia. Forms of dating or having negative romance have been rampant anywhere, not escaping parental supervision so as to have free association. The semiotic study of songs that reflect people's lives is for teenagers who are starting to grow up

    Komunikasi Adaptasi Pada Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Dalam Mengatasi Culture Shock (Studi Kasus Pada Lembaga Pelatihan PT. Putra Bragas Mandiri)

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    Komunitas kekurangan sumber daya, keahlian, dan akses pasar yang diperlukan untuk meluncurkan bisnis, yang menyebabkan jumlah jawaban terus meningkat. Provinsi Lampung berada diurutan ke-lima dengan jumlah penempatan TKI terbanyak di Indonesia. PT. Putra Bragas Mandiri adalah salah satu Perusahaan Jasa Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (PJTKI) di Provinsi Lampung yang mengkhususkan pemberangkatan pekerja ke negara Taiwan. Komunikasi merupakan upaya dalam penyesuaian diri terhadap hal-hal baru yang di jumpai di perantauan. Proses adaptasi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia yang bekerja di Taiwan akan melalui proses Culture Shock dan gegar budaya sebelum akhirnya beradaptasi dengan sistem dan budaya Taiwan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara lebih mendalam bagaimana proses komunikasi adaptasi yang dilalui oleh tenaga kerja indonesia di Taiwan dalam mengatasi Culture Shock. Selain itu, untuk mengetahui pengaruh komunikasi adaptasi pada tenaga kerja indonesia di Taiwan dalam mengatasi Culture Shock. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cara informan untuk mengatasi Culture Shock yang di alami dengan cara belajar memahami dan menerima kondisi serta selalu mengingat kembali niat dan tujuan mereka bekerja di Taiwan. Dari keterangan yang sudah di kemukakan informan, mereka beradaptasi di Taiwan dengan cara bercerita mengenai kesulitan yang di alami dengan orang terdekat agar nantinya informan mendapatkan saran untuk bisa beradaptasi
