51 research outputs found

    Pengolahan Air Hujan Menjadi Air Bersih Untuk Menurunkan Kadar Besi (Fe) dan Timbal (Pb) Melalui Filter Pipa Bersusun Berbasis Adsorben Alami

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    Air hujan dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif sebagai sumber air bersih yang tersedia setiap musim hujan dan berpotensi untuk mengurangi tekanan terhadap pemakaian sumber air bersih (fresh water sources). Penampungan air hujan yang mengalir dari atap rumah dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif sumber air bersih yang hanya membutuhkan pengolahan sederhana sebelum air digunakan. Pengolahan sederhana dapat berupa penyusunan pipa bersusun yang terdiri dari adsorben ijuk, pasir, kerikil, arang aktif dan spons yang berguna untuk mengurangi kandungan polutan dari air hujan. Pengolahan sederhana tersebut dapat mengurangi kadar besi dan timbal pada air hujan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memanfaatkan air hujan sebagai air bersih yang mengurangi beban pemakaian air PDAM dan penerapannya dapat dilakukan secara mandiri oleh warga karena bahan dan peralatan mudah diperoleh serta pengoperasiannya mudah untuk menurunkan kadar besi dan timbal pada air hujan. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu kadar Besi (Fe) yang sebelumnya 0,11 mg/l turun menjadi 0,05 mg/l dan kadar Timbal (Pb) yang sebelumnya 0,14 mg/l turun menjadi 0,03 mg/l

    A qualitative exploration of the client experience of inter-professional practice in the delivery of ActivePlus: a combined smoking cessation and physical activity intervention

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    Abstract Background Research investigating interprofessional practice (IPP) frameworks has predominately focused on the service delivery of IPP or educating practitioners through interprofessional education. Minimal research has addressed client outcomes or the experience of clients with IPP in real world contexts. In this paper, we explore the experience of seven participants in the ActivePlus program, an IPP-based smoking cessation intervention combined with physical activity promotion. Methods Participants informed on their program experiences through post-program in-depth interviews. A thematic analysis drew out themes pertaining to participant experiences of the joint practice element of the IPP model of care. Results Analysis identified two major themes: the joint practice experience, and the client-centered approach of the IPP model of care. Participants reflected on the ways that having two health practitioners in joint sessions benefited their intervention experience, as well as providing some critical feedback. Participants also reported observing and valuing aspects of client-centered practice that strengthened the rapport within the practitioner-client team and aided their behaviour change progress. The client-centered practice was instrumental in overcoming initial teething issues with joint session delivery and alleviating pre-program participant concerns about being outnumbered by multiple practitioners. Conclusion Despite some early teething issues, participants reported a positive acceptance of the IPP and joint session delivery model, which added value to the overall ActivePlus program. Results from this research can provide practitioners with a client perspective on the key aspects they perceive as important in IPP joint session delivery. Further investigation into the client perception in similar interventions is recommended with larger samples and non-clinical groups

    Gastric variceal bleeding caused by an intrahepatic arterioportal fistula that formed after liver biopsy: a case report and review of the literature

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    An intrahepatic arterioportal fistula is a rare cause of portal hypertension and variceal bleeding. We report on a patient with an intrahepatic arterioportal fistula following liver biopsy who was successfully treated by hepatectomy after unsuccessful arterial embolization. We also review the literature on symptomatic intrahepatic arterioportal fistulas after liver biopsy. A 48-year-old male with bleeding gastric varices and hepatitis B virus-associated liver cirrhosis was transferred to our hospital; this patient previously underwent percutaneous liver biopsies 3 and 6 years ago. Abdominal examination revealed a bruit over the liver, tenderness in the right upper quadrant, and splenomegaly. Ultrasonographic examination, computed tomography, and angiography confirmed an arterioportal fistula between the right hepatic artery and the right portal vein with portal hypertension. After admission, the patient suffered a large hematemesis and developed shock. He was treated with emergency transarterial embolization using microcoils. Since some collateral vessels bypassed the obstructive coils and still fed the fistulous area, embolization was performed again. Despite the second embolization, the collateral vessels could not be completely controlled. Radical treatment involving resection of his right hepatic lobe was performed. For nearly 6 years postoperatively, this patient has had no further episodes of variceal bleeding

    Dr. Kimberly Whitehead appearance on social and medical justice podcast

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    In Episode 18 of Tim Talks, Tim Dentry chats with Kimberly Whitehead, PhD, vice president and chief of staff at the University of Maine, the state\u27s flagship public research university. At the University, Dr. Whitehead is engaged in a variety of strategic initiatives, including co-chairing the President\u27s Council on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, leading UMaine\u27s Powered by Publics Initiative, and serving as the Project Director for the recently announced University of Maine System TRANSFORM project. Dr. Whitehead shares the comprehensive journey the university has been on in recent years to further ensure UMaine is a welcoming, inclusive place for all. Tim and Dr. Whitehead also discuss how the University and Northern Light Health can keep their work sustainable and not just another initiative. Finally, Tim shares his most valuable lesson from hosting Tim Talk

    Microfluidic actuation by high-frequency ultrasound: acoustic streaming, pumps, and drops

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    Microfluidic technology is an important and active area of research. The lab-on-a-chip system has drawn together a broad range of disciplines to develop miniaturised microfluidic platforms enabling point-of-care diagnostics and rapid, low-cost scientific testing. Over the past decade the technology has moved to increasingly complex systems, which require a means to effectively actuate fluids on progressively smaller scales. The use of ultrasound to drive fluids in microfluidic applications has distinct advantages. Acoustofluidic technology such as surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices use a beam of sound to generate fast acoustic streaming within fluids, and to move drops using radiation pressure. These devices use simple structures free of moving parts, but are extremely difficult to control. The effect of sound frequency on the scale and behaviour of acoustic streaming is critically important but not well understood. In this thesis a series of experimental studies of acoustic streaming, ultrasonic pumping, and drop actuation are conducted across a frequency range between 1 MHz and 1 GHz to achieve better understanding and control of high-frequency ultrasonic fluid actuation. The jet-like acoustic streaming generated from SAW devices was measured experimentally, revealing that sound frequency, ω/2π, has a major effect on the flow. Increasing the frequency towards 1 GHz reduced the acoustic streaming to length scales on the order of 100 micrometers. A model was developed to explain the complex scaling of acoustic streaming velocity with beam power and frequency observed in experiment, finding that the peak acoustic streaming velocity, U, scales as U ~ ω^2 at low frequency, but approaches a scaling of U ~ ω^(1/2) as ω → ∞ for SAW devices, or a constant for transducers of fixed ultrasound emission area. Beam power, P, indirectly affects U by influencing the rate of jet growth, governed by a type of 'jet' Reynolds number, Re. For small Re the streaming velocity scales as U ~ P ~ Re^2 but approaches a scaling of U ~ P^(1/2) ~ Re as Re → ∞. A micropump was developed to harness the acoustic streaming generated from SAW ultrasound which, for the first time, demonstrated SAW-driven pumping between independent fluid reservoirs. The pressure-flow rate relations for SAW pumps were measured and found to be linear, revealing that SAW-based pump behaviour does not change significantly as flow resistance is altered. The efficiency of the pump was found to increase with applied power. The contact line motion of drops exposed to MHz-order vibration from piston-mode transducers was measured experimentally, revealing an ultrasonically-driven wetting phenomenon which caused lateral contact line motion. A theory was developed which attributes the ultrasonic contact line force to energy dissipation within the boundary layer, proportional to the Weber number. The force alters the contact angle and thus equilibrium state of the drop, causing contact line translation. The complex dynamic response of the drop interface is measured experimentally and characterised using timeseries and spectral analysis

    Microfluidic actuation by high-frequency ultrasound: acoustic streaming, pumps, and drops

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    Microfluidic technology is an important and active area of research. The lab-on-a-chip system has drawn together a broad range of disciplines to develop miniaturised microfluidic platforms enabling point-of-care diagnostics and rapid, low-cost scientific testing. Over the past decade the technology has moved to increasingly complex systems, which require a means to effectively actuate fluids on progressively smaller scales. The use of ultrasound to drive fluids in microfluidic applications has distinct advantages. Acoustofluidic technology such as surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices use a beam of sound to generate fast acoustic streaming within fluids, and to move drops using radiation pressure. These devices use simple structures free of moving parts, but are extremely difficult to control. The effect of sound frequency on the scale and behaviour of acoustic streaming is critically important but not well understood. In this thesis a series of experimental studies of acoustic streaming, ultrasonic pumping, and drop actuation are conducted across a frequency range between 1 MHz and 1 GHz to achieve better understanding and control of high-frequency ultrasonic fluid actuation. The jet-like acoustic streaming generated from SAW devices was measured experimentally, revealing that sound frequency, ω/2π, has a major effect on the flow. Increasing the frequency towards 1 GHz reduced the acoustic streaming to length scales on the order of 100 micrometers. A model was developed to explain the complex scaling of acoustic streaming velocity with beam power and frequency observed in experiment, finding that the peak acoustic streaming velocity, U, scales as U ~ ω^2 at low frequency, but approaches a scaling of U ~ ω^(1/2) as ω → ∞ for SAW devices, or a constant for transducers of fixed ultrasound emission area. Beam power, P, indirectly affects U by influencing the rate of jet growth, governed by a type of 'jet' Reynolds number, Re. For small Re the streaming velocity scales as U ~ P ~ Re^2 but approaches a scaling of U ~ P^(1/2) ~ Re as Re → ∞. A micropump was developed to harness the acoustic streaming generated from SAW ultrasound which, for the first time, demonstrated SAW-driven pumping between independent fluid reservoirs. The pressure-flow rate relations for SAW pumps were measured and found to be linear, revealing that SAW-based pump behaviour does not change significantly as flow resistance is altered. The efficiency of the pump was found to increase with applied power. The contact line motion of drops exposed to MHz-order vibration from piston-mode transducers was measured experimentally, revealing an ultrasonically-driven wetting phenomenon which caused lateral contact line motion. A theory was developed which attributes the ultrasonic contact line force to energy dissipation within the boundary layer, proportional to the Weber number. The force alters the contact angle and thus equilibrium state of the drop, causing contact line translation. The complex dynamic response of the drop interface is measured experimentally and characterised using timeseries and spectral analysis

    Continuous flow actuation between external reservoirs in small-scale devices driven by surface acoustic waves

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    We have designed and characterized a surface acoustic wave (SAW) fluid actuation platform that significantly improves the transmission of sound energy from the SAW device into the fluid in order to obtain enhanced performance. This is in distinct contrast to previous SAW microfluidic devices where the SAW substrate is simply interfaced with a microchannel without due consideration given to the direction in which the sound energy is transmitted into the fluid, thus resulting in considerable reflective and dissipative losses due to reflection and absorption at the channel walls. For the first time, we therefore demonstrate the ability for continuous fluid transfer between independent reservoirs driven by the SAW in a miniature device and report the associated pressure-flow rate relationship, in which a maximum flow rate of 100 μl min-1 and pressure of 15 Pa were obtained. The pumping efficiency is observed to increase with input power and, at peak performance, offers an order-of-magnitude improvement over that of existing SAW micropumps that have been reported to date