3,363 research outputs found

    Elm Tree

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    ebony arms etching the sky reaching, searching as if to surrender to the gods..

    Database Dependency

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    We defined the phenomenon of database dependency as the behavior of a library user to immediately select computerized information resources without considering (1) the appropriateness of the electronic gesource to the immediate information need, (2) the quality and accuracy of the information found, and (3) the amount of time it may take to find the information in a database compared to finding a print resource in that library. The librarians at the Talk Table agreed that patrons seem to accept whatever information they find in an electronic resource even if it takes longer to get the answer, the answer is incomplete, or if the information would have been more easily found in a print reference source. The academic librarians said that they have been seeing this behavior in their libraries for the last several years. The public librarians agreed that this behavior is increasing in their libraries as people are becoming more comfortable with computers

    Reusable Space Vehicle Ground Operations Baseline Conceptual Model

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    Modeling efforts for future space operation vehicles at the United States Air Force Research Labs Air Vehicles Directorate have been focused towards the in-flight mission. To better serve the research and development effort, a simulation of the ground operations is required allowing for trade-offs within turnaround operations and between the components that drive those procedures. However, before a simulation can be developed a conceptual model must be generated to guide the model building process. This research provides a baseline conceptual model for reusable space vehicles based on the space shuttle as the only operational vehicle of its kind. The model is built utilizing the Integrated Definition (IDEF) methodology, specifically IDEF3. IDEF3 is focused towards process-viewpoint diagramming and layout. The model is developed using the hierarchical development capabilities of the IDEF3 methodology and is broken into modules allowing for greater reuse and usability. This model captures the scheduled maintenance performed to turnaround the space shuttle for the next launch but does not contain every activity. The idea was to capture the baseline activities that may be found in future Reusable Space Vehicles and provide a description of what happens at Kennedy Space Center when preparing the space shuttle for the next launch

    Lipschitz constant estimation for 1D convolutional neural networks

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    In this work, we propose a dissipativity-based method for Lipschitz constant estimation of 1D convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In particular, we analyze the dissipativity properties of convolutional, pooling, and fully connected layers making use of incremental quadratic constraints for nonlinear activation functions and pooling operations. The Lipschitz constant of the concatenation of these mappings is then estimated by solving a semidefinite program which we derive from dissipativity theory. To make our method as efficient as possible, we take the structure of convolutional layers into account realizing these finite impulse response filters as causal dynamical systems in state space and carrying out the dissipativity analysis for the state space realizations. The examples we provide show that our Lipschitz bounds are advantageous in terms of accuracy and scalability

    Review of Perspectives on Self and Comunity in George Eliot: Dorothea\u27s Window

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    This is a modest book, edited by three people who are so modest that they reveal nothing at all about their identities. It is possible to discover from a footnote on p.159 that it is a product of a conference on George Eliot although further details of that event remain undisclosed. Two of its contributors, however, are well known in George Eliot circles: Barbara Hardy and Felicia Bonaparte. Their essays are certainly worth reading while all the other contributions have something new to say about Eliot\u27s work even if they are by today\u27s standards under-theorized. One looks in vain in the index for any reference to Bakhtin, Barthes, or Hillis Miller, Eagleton, lameson or the French feminists (to cite but a few of the names one would normally expect to find). The book could almost have been written in the 1960s (it is difficult to avoid the suspicion that some of the essays were). But it is not without its merits. The essays by Barbara Hardy and Felicia Bonaparte which open and close the book are characteristically impressive performances. Hardy explores the oft-noted similes and metaphors associated with windows in the novel, paying careful attention to detail and coming down strongly on lesser critics who make the mistake of locating Dorothea\u27s vision of the \u27largeness of the world\u27 in the \u27pearly light\u27 of dawn in chapter 80 in the boudoir rather than the marital bedroom. Bonaparte maps the rivers of passion and time in The Mill on the Floss, charting the multiple worlds created by the complex musical and mythological allusions in the novel and teasing out the antagonism of valid claims which comprise the tragedy of this novel

    Appraisal of the Provisions of Section 4 (B) of the Borstal Institutions Act Cap 92 Laws of Kenya to Children in Conflict with the Law at Shikusa Borstal Institution in Kakamega County, Kenya

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    The study focuses on the appraisal of reform training as stipulated in section 4 (b) of the Borstal Institutions Act Cap 92 of the Laws of Kenya for juveniles in conflict with the law. The reform trainings recommended for the juvenile offenders by the Borstal Institutions Act include educational, industrial, and agricultural training. With modernization and industrialization, the magnitude and complexity of crimes committed by juvenile offenders have changed over time and the population increase has led to noticeable increase in juvenile delinquents in both developed and developing nations. This state of affairs has prompted governments and other international institutions such as the United Nations to develop measures to address the increasing number of Juveniles who are in conflict with the law. Due to their young age, children who are in conflict with the law may not possess the maturity to realize the extent of their acts; they should therefore not be exposed to the company of adult offenders since it is likely to have an aggravating impact on them.  The specific objective of the study was to to assess the needs of juvenile offenders undergoing training in Shikusa Borstal Institution in Kakamega County, Kenya. The study used stratified random sampling to identify sample of 100 juvenile offenders and 18 instructors and teachers, Data was collected using questionnaires and interview schedules. This was a mixed research study focusing on human behavior examining their attitude, ideas, motives and intentions.  The study comprised of a sample size of 99 Juvenile offenders in Shikusa Borstal Institution, 18 teachers/instructors of the institution. Study data was analyzed and presented using descriptive statistics with the aid of the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 23 for windows. Study findings revealed that reform trainings met the needs of offenders in Shikusa Borstal Institution thereby having a positive influence on their reform. The study therefore recommended that juvenile offenders be involved at the onset in the selection of training before they were enrolled since it emerged that some offenders were not interested in the reform training assigned. Keywords: Provisions, Section 4 (b), Borstal Institutions Act Cap 92 Laws of Kenya, Children, Conflict with the Law DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-8-03 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Correlación entre los estilos de crianza de los padres de familia y la agresividad en los niños de 4 años de la I.E. 1778 Daniel Hoyle

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    La investigación se realizó con el propósito de establecer la correlación entre los estilos de crianza de los padres de familia y la agresividad en los niños de 4 años de la Institución Educativa 1778 “Daniel Hoyle” de la ciudad de Trujillo. Es de tipo descriptivo correlacional, de diseño correlacional causal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 37 padres de familia y 37 niños, a quienes se les administró una ficha de ficha de entrevista y una guía de observación respectivamente. El análisis estadístico se realizó en el software estadístico SPSS, v22, considerando medidas descriptivas y de correlación (r de Pearson). En el análisis de resultados se determinó que existe una mediana correlación significativa positiva (r = 0,671**) entre los estilos de crianza que practican los padres de familia y la agresividad tanto física como verbal e indirecta de los niños de 4 años (sig. = 0,000); pues, a medida de que los estilos de crianza son poco adecuados es más alta la frecuencia de comportamientos agresivos en los niños; por el contrario, sin son adecuados, es menor la agresividad de los niños.This research was made with the purpose to establish correlation between parenting style and aggression in 4 years old children at the Institution IE 1778 “Daniel Hoyle” in the city of Trujillo. It`s descriptive and correlational design. To do the job, an interviewer spoke to 37 parents and did an observation of their 37 children. The stadistic analysis was made in the stadistic software SPSS, v22, considering descriptive and correlational ways (r of Pearson). The results of the analysis showed that there is a significant inverse correlation (r=0,671) between parenting styles and physical and verbal aggression in children of 4 years (sig=0,000); when using the worst parenting style, aggression is higher in children.Tesi