29 research outputs found

    Recent Experiences of the NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) GN and C Technical Discipline Team (TDT)

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    The NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC), initially formed in 2003, is an independently funded NASA Program whose dedicated team of technical experts provides objective engineering and safety assessments of critical, high risk projects. The GN&C Technical Discipline Team (TDT) is one of fifteen such discipline-focused teams within the NESC organization. The TDT membership is composed of GN&C specialists from across NASA and its partner organizations in other government agencies, industry, national laboratories, and universities. This paper will briefly define the vision, mission, and purpose of the NESC organization. The role of the GN&C TDT will then be described in detail along with an overview of how this team operates and engages in its objective engineering and safety assessments of critical NASA projects. This paper will then describe selected recent experiences, over the period 2007 to present, of the GN&C TDT in which they directly performed or supported a wide variety of NESC assessments and consultations

    Present Challenges, Critical Needs, and Future Technological Directions for NASA's GN and C Engineering Discipline

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is currently undergoing a substantial redirection. Notable among the changes occurring within NASA is the stated emphasis on technology development, integration, and demonstration. These new changes within the Agency should have a positive impact on the GN&C discipline given the potential for sizeable investments for technology development and in-space demonstrations of both Autonomous Rendezvous & Docking (AR&D) systems and Autonomous Precision Landing (APL) systems. In this paper the NASA Technical Fellow for Guidance, Navigation and Control (GN&C) provides a summary of the present technical challenges, critical needs, and future technological directions for NASA s GN&C engineering discipline. A brief overview of the changes occurring within NASA that are driving a renewed emphasis on technology development will be presented as background. The potential benefits of the planned GN&C technology developments will be highlighted. This paper will provide a GN&C State-of-the-Discipline assessment. The discipline s readiness to support the goals & objectives of each of the four NASA Mission Directorates is evaluated and the technical challenges and barriers currently faced by the discipline are summarized. This paper will also discuss the need for sustained investments to sufficiently mature the several classes of GN&C technologies required to implement NASA crewed exploration and robotic science missions

    Recent Experiences of the NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) Guidance Navigation and Control (GN and C) Technical Discipline Team (TDT)

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    The NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) is an independently funded NASA Program whose dedicated team of technical experts provides objective engineering and safety assessments of critical, high risk projects. NESC's strength is rooted in the diverse perspectives and broad knowledge base that add value to its products, affording customers a responsive, alternate path for assessing and preventing technical problems while protecting vital human and national resources. The Guidance Navigation and Control (GN&C) Technical Discipline Team (TDT) is one of fifteen such discipline-focused teams within the NESC organization. The TDT membership is composed of GN&C specialists from across NASA and its partner organizations in other government agencies, industry, national laboratories, and universities. This paper will briefly define the vision, mission, and purpose of the NESC organization. The role of the GN&C TDT will then be described in detail along with an overview of how this team operates and engages in its objective engineering and safety assessments of critical NASA

    Spacecraft Hybrid (Mixed-Actuator) Attitude Control Experiences on NASA Science Missions

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    There is a heightened interest within NASA for the design, development, and flight implementation of mixed-actuator hybrid attitude control systems for science spacecraft that have less than three functional reaction wheel actuators. This interest is driven by a number of recent reaction wheel failures on aging, but what could be still scientifically productive, NASA spacecraft if a successful hybrid attitude control mode can be implemented. Over the years, hybrid (mixed-actuator) control has been employed for contingency attitude control purposes on several NASA science mission spacecraft. This paper provides a historical perspective of NASA's previous engineering work on spacecraft mixed-actuator hybrid control approaches. An update of the current situation will also be provided emphasizing why NASA is now so interested in hybrid control. The results of the NASA Spacecraft Hybrid Attitude Control Workshop, held in April of 2013, will be highlighted. In particular, the lessons learned captured from that workshop will be shared in this paper. An update on the most recent experiences with hybrid control on the Kepler spacecraft will also be provided. This paper will close with some future considerations for hybrid spacecraft control

    The NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) GN and C Technical Discipline Team (TDT): Its Purpose, Practices and Experiences

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    This paper will briefly define the vision, mission, and purpose of the NESC organization. The role of the GN&C TDT will then be described in detail along with an overview of how this team operates and engages in its objective engineering and safety assessments of critical NASA projects. This paper will then describe key issues and findings from several of the recent GN&C-related independent assessments and consultations performed and/or supported by the NESC GN&C TDT. Among the examples of the GN&C TDT s work that will be addressed in this paper are the following: the Space Shuttle Orbiter Repair Maneuver (ORM) assessment, the ISS CMG failure root cause assessment, the Demonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous Technologies (DART) spacecraft mishap consultation, the Phoenix Mars lander thruster-based controllability consultation, the NASA in-house Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) Smart Buyer assessment and the assessment of key engineering considerations for the Design, Development, Test & Evaluation (DDT&E) of robust and reliable GN&C systems for human-rated spacecraft

    A Survey of the Spacecraft Line-Of-Sight Jitter Problem

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    Predicting, managing, controlling, and testing spacecraft Line-of-Sight (LoS) jit- ter due to on-board internal disturbance sources is a challenging multi- disciplinary systems engineering problem, especially for those observatories hosting extremely sensitive optical sensor payloads with stringent requirements on allowable LoS jitter. Some specific spacecraft jitter engineering challenges will be introduced and described in this survey paper. Illustrative examples of missions where dynamic interactions have to be addressed to satisfy demanding payload instrument LoS jitter requirements will be provided. Some lessons learned and a set of recommended rules of thumb are also presented to provide guidance for analysts on where to initiate and how to approach a new spacecraft jitter design problem. These experience-based spacecraft jitter lessons learned and rules of thumb are provided in the hope they can be leveraged on new space system development projects to help overcome unfamiliarity with previously identified jitter technical pitfalls and challenges

    NASA Workshop on Hybrid (Mixed-Actuator) Spacecraft Attitude Control

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    At the request of the Science Mission Directorate Chief Engineer, the NASA Technical Fellow for Guidance, Navigation & Control assembled and facilitated a workshop on Spacecraft Hybrid Attitude Control. This multi-Center, academic, and industry workshop, sponsored by the NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC), was held in April 2013 to unite nationwide experts to present and discuss the various innovative solutions, techniques, and lessons learned regarding the development and implementation of the various hybrid attitude control system solutions investigated or implemented. This report attempts to document these key lessons learned with the 16 findings and 9 NESC recommendations

    Spacecraft Micro-Vibration: A Survey of Problems, Experiences, Potential Solutions, and Some Lessons Learned

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    Predicting, managing, controlling, and testing spacecraft microvibrations due to on-board internal disturbance sources is a formidable multi-disciplinary systems engineering challenge, especially for those observatories hosting extremely sensitive optical sensor payloads with stringent requirements on allowable line-of-sight jitter. In this paper some specific spacecraft micro-vibration engineering challenges will be introduced and described. Technical background context is provided with the inclusion of several illustrative examples of NASA and European Space Agency missions (both past and present) where dynamic interactions have to be addressed and which have demanding payload instrument line-of-sight jitter requirements. A general modeling, analysis, simulation, and test approach to address and solve the overall problem of spacecraft micro-vibrations is outlined. Recommended rules of thumb are presented to provide guidance for analysts on where to initiate and how to approach a new spacecraft micro-vibration design problem. A set of experience-based spacecraft micro-vibration lessons learned are also presented in the hope they can be leveraged on new system development projects to help overcome unfamiliarity with previously identified microvibration technical pitfalls and challenges

    Observations on the State of NASA's GN&C Engineering Discipline: Results of an Independent Non-Advocate Study

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    The NASA Technical Fellows periodically conduct State-of-the-Discipline assessments. The GN&C Technical Fellow contracted Harlan Brown & Company in 2007 and 2009 to conduct independent, third party studies to gain unbiased insight and understanding into the attitudes and beliefs of NASA's GN&C Community of Practice (CoP). The paper first outlines the background, objectives and methodology of the studies. The paper then summarizes key study results of the 2007 baseline study, as well as the 2009 update. The update was then used to track and monitor perceptions, identify performance trends, identify areas where further improvement needs to be made in NASA's GN&C discipline. It also generated feedback on the recently developed GN&C CoP online knowledge capture and learning site

    GN&C Engineering Best Practices for Human-Rated Spacecraft Systems

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    The NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) recently completed an in-depth assessment to identify a comprehensive set of engineering considerations for the Design, Development, Test and Evaluation (DDT&E) of safe and reliable human-rated spacecraft systems. Reliability subject matter experts, discipline experts, and systems engineering experts were brought together to synthesize the current "best practices" both at the spacecraft system and subsystems levels. The objective of this paper is to summarize, for the larger Community of Practice, the initial set of Guidance, Navigation and Control (GN&C) engineering Best Practices as identified by this NESC assessment process