7,916 research outputs found

    Nuclear reactions in hot stellar matter and nuclear surface deformation

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    Cross-sections for capture reactions of charged particles in hot stellar matter turn out be increased by the quadrupole surface oscillations, if the corresponding phonon energies are of the order of the star temperature. The increase is studied in a model that combines barrier distribution induced by surface oscillations and tunneling. The capture of charged particles by nuclei with well-deformed ground-state is enhanced in stellar matter. It is found that the influence of quadrupole surface deformation on the nuclear reactions in stars grows, when mass and proton numbers in colliding nuclei increase.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    ac-driven Brownian motors: a Fokker-Planck treatment

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    We consider a primary model of ac-driven Brownian motors, i.e., a classical particle placed in a spatial-time periodic potential and coupled to a heat bath. The effects of fluctuations and dissipations are studied by a time-dependent Fokker-Planck equation. The approach allows us to map the original stochastic problem onto a system of ordinary linear algebraic equations. The solution of the system provides complete information about ratchet transport, avoiding such disadvantages of direct stochastic calculations as long transients and large statistical fluctuations. The Fokker-Planck approach to dynamical ratchets is instructive and opens the space for further generalizations

    Dispersion of particles in an infinite-horizon Lorentz gas

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    We consider a two-dimensional Lorentz gas with infinite horizon. This paradigmatic model consists of pointlike particles undergoing elastic collisions with fixed scatterers arranged on a periodic lattice. It was rigorously shown that when t→∞t\to\infty, the distribution of particles is Gaussian. However, the convergence to this limit is ultraslow, hence it is practically unattainable. Here we obtain an analytical solution for the Lorentz gas' kinetics on physically relevant timescales, and find that the density in its far tails decays as a universal power law of exponent −3-3. We also show that the arrangement of scatterers is imprinted in the shape of the distribution.Comment: Article with supplemental material: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Biased diffusion in a piecewise linear random potential

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    We study the biased diffusion of particles moving in one direction under the action of a constant force in the presence of a piecewise linear random potential. Using the overdamped equation of motion, we represent the first and second moments of the particle position as inverse Laplace transforms. By applying to these transforms the ordinary and the modified Tauberian theorem, we determine the short- and long-time behavior of the mean-square displacement of particles. Our results show that while at short times the biased diffusion is always ballistic, at long times it can be either normal or anomalous. We formulate the conditions for normal and anomalous behavior and derive the laws of biased diffusion in both these cases.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic relaxation in finite two-dimensional nanoparticle ensembles

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    We study the slow phase of thermally activated magnetic relaxation in finite two-dimensional ensembles of dipolar interacting ferromagnetic nanoparticles whose easy axes of magnetization are perpendicular to the distribution plane. We develop a method to numerically simulate the magnetic relaxation for the case that the smallest heights of the potential barriers between the equilibrium directions of the nanoparticle magnetic moments are much larger than the thermal energy. Within this framework, we analyze in detail the role that the correlations of the nanoparticle magnetic moments and the finite size of the nanoparticle ensemble play in magnetic relaxation.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Energy diffusion in hard-point systems

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    We investigate the diffusive properties of energy fluctuations in a one-dimensional diatomic chain of hard-point particles interacting through a square--well potential. The evolution of initially localized infinitesimal and finite perturbations is numerically investigated for different density values. All cases belong to the same universality class which can be also interpreted as a Levy walk of the energy with scaling exponent 3/5. The zero-pressure limit is nevertheless exceptional in that normal diffusion is found in tangent space and yet anomalous diffusion with a different rate for perturbations of finite amplitude. The different behaviour of the two classes of perturbations is traced back to the "stable chaos" type of dynamics exhibited by this model. Finally, the effect of an additional internal degree of freedom is investigated, finding that it does not modify the overall scenarioComment: 16 pages, 15 figure
