13 research outputs found

    Lax Midrib1-O,

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    Role of the Sonchus Yellow Net Virus N Protein in Formation of Nuclear Viroplasmsâ–¿

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    Sonchus yellow net virus is a plant nucleorhabdovirus whose nucleocapsid (N), phosphoprotein (P), and polymerase (L) proteins form large viroplasms in the nuclei of infected plants (C. R. F. Martins, J. A. Johnson, D. M. Lawrence, T. J. Choi, A. Pisi, S. L. Tobin, D. Lapidus, J. D. O. Wagner, S. Ruzin, K. McDonald, and A. O. Jackson, J. Virol. 72:5669-5679, 1998). When expressed alone, the N protein localizes to the nuclei of plant and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells and the P protein is distributed throughout the cells, but coexpression of N and P results in formation of subnuclear viroplasm-like foci (M. M. Goodin, J. Austin, R. Tobias, M. Fujita, C. Morales, and A. O. Jackson, J. Virol. 75:9393-9406, 2001; M. M. Goodin, R. G. Dietzgen, D. Schichnes, S. Ruzin, and A. O. Jackson, Plant J. 31:375-383, 2002). We now show that the N protein and various fluorescent derivatives form similar subnuclear foci in plant cells and that homologous interactions mediated by a helix-loop-helix region near the amino terminus are required for formation of the foci. Mutations within the helix-loop-helix region also interfere with N- and P-protein interactions that are required for N and P colocalization in the subnuclear foci. Affinity purification of N proteins harboring single mutations within the motif revealed that Tyr40 is critical for N-N and N-P interactions. Additional in vitro binding assays also indicated that the N protein binds to yeast and plant importin α homologues, whereas mutations in the carboxy-terminal nuclear localization signal abrogate importin α binding. The P protein did not bind to the importin α homologues, suggesting that the N and P proteins use different pathways for nuclear entry. Our results in toto support a model suggesting that during infection, the N and P proteins enter the nucleus independently, that viroplasm formation requires homologous N-protein interactions, and that P protein targeting to the viroplasm requires N-P protein interactions that occur after N and P protein import into the nucleus

    Subcellular Localization of the Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus Triple Gene Block Proteinsâ–¿

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    Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV) spreads from cell to cell through the coordinated actions of three triple gene block (TGB) proteins (TGB1, TGB2, and TGB3) arranged in overlapping open reading frames (ORFs). Our previous studies (D. M. Lawrence and A. O. Jackson, J. Virol. 75:8712-8723, 2001; D. M. Lawrence and A. O. Jackson, Mol. Plant Pathol. 2:65-75, 2001) have shown that each of these proteins is required for cell-to-cell movement in monocot and dicot hosts. We recently found (H.-S. Lim, J. N. Bragg, U. Ganesan, D. M. Lawrence, J. Yu, M. Isogai, J. Hammond, and A. O. Jackson, J. Virol. 82:4991-5006, 2008) that TGB1 engages in homologous interactions leading to the formation of a ribonucleoprotein complex containing viral genomic and messenger RNAs, and we have also demonstrated that TGB3 functions in heterologous interactions with TGB1 and TGB2. We have now used Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated protein expression in Nicotiana benthamiana leaf cells and site-specific mutagenesis to determine how TGB protein interactions influence their subcellular localization and virus spread. Confocal microscopy revealed that the TGB3 protein localizes at the cell wall (CW) in close association with plasmodesmata and that the deletion or mutagenesis of a single amino acid at the immediate C terminus can affect CW targeting. TGB3 also directed the localization of TGB2 from the endoplasmic reticulum to the CW, and this targeting was shown to be dependent on interactions between the TGB2 and TGB3 proteins. The optimal localization of the TGB1 protein at the CW also required TGB2 and TGB3 interactions, but in this context, site-specific TGB1 helicase motif mutants varied in their localization patterns. The results suggest that the ability of TGB1 to engage in homologous binding interactions is not essential for targeting to the CW. However, the relative expression levels of TGB2 and TGB3 influenced the cytosolic and CW distributions of TGB1 and TGB2. Moreover, in both cases, localization at the CW was optimal at the 10:1 TGB2-to-TGB3 ratios occurring in virus infections, and mutations reducing CW localization had corresponding effects on BSMV movement phenotypes. These data support a model whereby TGB protein interactions function in the subcellular targeting of movement protein complexes and the ability of BSMV to move from cell to cell

    Correlative Cryogenic Spectromicroscopy to Investigate Selenium Bioreduction Products

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    Accurate mapping of the composition and structure of minerals and associated biological materials is critical in geomicrobiology and environmental research. Here, we have developed an apparatus that allows the correlation of cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and synchrotron hard X-ray microprobe (SHXM) data sets to precisely determine the distribution, valence state, and structure of selenium in biofilms sampled from a contaminated aquifer near Rifle, CO. Results were replicated in the laboratory via anaerobic selenate-reducing enrichment cultures. 16S rRNA analyses of field-derived biofilm indicated the dominance of Betaproteobacteria from the Comamonadaceae family and uncultivated members of the Simplicispira genus. The major product in field and culture-derived biofilms is ∼25–300 nm red amorphous Se<sup>0</sup> aggregates of colloidal nanoparticles. Correlative analyses of the cultures provided direct evidence for the microbial dissimilatory reduction of Se­(VI) to Se­(IV) to Se<sup>0</sup>. Extended X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy showed red amorphous Se<sup>0</sup> with a first shell Se–Se interatomic distance of 2.339 ± 0.003 Å. Complementary scanning transmission X-ray microscopy revealed that these aggregates are strongly associated with a protein-rich biofilm matrix. These findings have important implications for predicting the stability and mobility of Se bioremediation products and understanding of Se biogeochemical cycling. The approach, involving the correlation of cryo-SHXM and cryo-TEM data sets from the same specimen area, is broadly applicable to biological and environmental samples