6,588 research outputs found

    Applied Research Regarding Learning Organization Model Like a Necessary Model for Romanian’s Organizations

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    In the not very far future, competition and performance will be depend on the competences and abilities the individuals and the organizations have at each level so that they can propose, design and implement viable and efficient strategies. Moreover, the high quality standards imposed upon the activities ran in the organizations as well as the opportunities for professional and personal development offered to the members of an organization require a continuous learning process. The main purpose in this research is the determination of the ways in which the organizations in the West side of Romania are organizations focused on learning.learning organization; competition; research; quality.


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    October 28, 1918 represents one of the most important milestones of the Czech collective memory. Th e aim of the study is to capture the main traits of the explanatory refl ection of the events related to the formation of the fi rst Czechoslovak Republic in history textbooks of the selected neighbouring countries (Poland, Slovakia, Austria, and Hungary as a “historical neighbour”) and to compare them with the Czech approach, as well as mutually with each other focusing on the characteristics of educational texts which are typical for historical narration in each of the given countries. We focused in particular on the secondary school textbooks and a specifi c interpretation of the concrete themes which are accentuated in the national explanatory texts, on the one hand, or suppressed, on the other. Th e content analysis shows that there is an apparent eff ort for an objective approach, however, we can fi nd there also stereotypical views which the authors of textbooks oft en repeatedly adopt or derive from the same specialized publications. Th e objectivity of their elaboration could be achieved by the elimination of inaccuracies, the simplifying characteristics leaving aside some essential facets of the problem and by overcoming a one-sided view focused only on one situation or event and neglecting other essential historical information


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    We live at a local level but act at a global one and each organization is a player in a global world. Each company has its own knowledge base and network and we can say that at the global level exists an unorganized global knowledge base without connections between local ones which limits the access to knowledge. The solution for this problem is represented by a global knowledge network based on an organized global knowledge base. This paper underlines the need to create a global knowledge network and a global knowledge base composed of connected local knowledge bases and presents a SWOT approach for this issue.network, knowledge network, knowledge base

    Change - a basic component of the current organizational environment

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    Abstract Contemporary society is marked by a defining feature, namely the change, which manifests itself at all levels of human activity. Indirectly affects the activities of organizations often forced to reorganize, to continually adapt to meet changes in their products and their environment and determined action in the main scientific and technical knowledge, manifested by acute competition in the national and global change in people's needs and tastes and trends in the economy and society. Organizations and organizational development issues are a topic of great interest for both theorists field and for those directly involved in their operation.Keywords: change, organization, economic crisis, strategic management

    Solution in Crisis Period - High Performance Team

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    Now, in this period characterized by serious financial crisis, with effects in all economy especially in the field of human resources, it requires that all businesses to gain a new perspective in the way to find new markets, new opportunities. The capacity of human resources manager to mobilize the creativity, energy and people's commitment can make the difference between survival or demise of a company. During the crisis, companies reassess their resources and redefine their performance. Today the basic words have become: responsibility, flexibility, performance and competence. In our opinion one of the solution for crisis is the strength of the team work. It' s proven that in calm periods, the attitude of an individual in a group is a distant one, while when a threat come from outside the group, the individual becomes instinctively closer to the other members, and appear the need to consolidate the team. Now, more than ever, people understand that the best that they can do is to be a team, to consider what can be build, strengthen and rebuild together. This paper work presents that recalibration of the performances is based on the concept of high performance team like a solution for crisis period. We give the arguments that the strength of the team work will make the difference between the companies.performance work teams; task roles; relationship roles; commitment; creative development.

    Comparative Analysis on the Public Treasury Management Accounting in Romania - Present and Future -

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    This paper work is making a comparison between current accounting system and cash and accrual accounting system type of the Public Treasury highlighting the main disadvantages and advantages of the application of accrual accounting.treasury; public treasury; cash accounting; advantages of cash type accounting; disadvantages of cash type accounting; Accrual Accounting.

    Genetic algorithm for the continuous location-routing problem

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    This paper focuses on the continuous location-routing problem that comprises of the location of multiple depots from a given region and determining the routes of vehicles assigned to these depots. The objective of the problem is to design the delivery system of depots and routes so that the total cost is minimal. The standard location-routing problem considers a finite number of possible locations. The continuous location-routing problem allows location to infinite number of locations in a given region and makes the problem much more complex. We present a genetic algorithm that tackles both location and routing subproblems simultaneously.Web of Science29318717


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    The present paper work deals with a popular method for developingrequirements and setting goals ââ¬â benchmarking. It contains general aspects about thispowerful performance improvement tool, including types of benchmarking, steps tofollow in Benchmarking analysis, its goals, the benefits in using it and some dangerscaused by using it, also; the whole paperwork can be considered as being a plea forcontinuous, ongoing, unending improvement in management context and sustains theidea that benchmarking enables decision-makers to understand exactly how muchimprovement they will need to accomplish in order to achieve superior performance. Wedecided to broach this issue because even if it is an actual one, none of the existingarticles did not attempt to answer whether or not benchmarking is a valid long-termstrategy that should be implemented by nowaday’s companies. The case study examinesthe benchmarking initiatives taken by Xerox, one of the world's leading copiercompanies, as a part of its 'Leadership through Quality' program; the case discusses thebenchmarking concept and its implementation in various processes at Xerox and it alsoexplores the positive impact of benchmarking practices on this company.benchmarking, management, strategy;