7 research outputs found


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    Kounisov sindrom je slučajna pojava akutnoga koronarnog sindroma povezan s anafilaksijom u kojoj akutni upalni medijatori dovode do spazma koronarnih arterija s erozijom i rupturom ateromatozne ploče. Prikazan je 53-godiÅ”nji muÅ”karac poslije uboda strÅ”ljena u kojeg se u toku tretmana anafilaksije razvio akutni infarkt miokarda anteroseptalne lokalizacije. Dijagnoza Kounisova sindroma tipa II dokazana je elektrokardiografskim promjenama i biokemijskim markerima uz kliničku manifestaciju akutnoga koronarnog sindroma, a povezana je s anafilaksijom zbog koje je započet prehospitalni tretman bolesnika poslije uboda strÅ”ljena. Za anafilaksije poslije uboda strÅ”ljena potrebno je na vrijeme pomisliti na akutni koronarni sindrom ako bolesnici imaju bol u prsima i hemodinamski poremećaj jer se ova stanja rijetko događaju, a zahtijevaju dodatnu dijagnostiku i primjenu odgovarajućeg liječenja.Kounis syndrome is an accidental occurrence of acute coronary syndrome associated with anaphylaxis, where acute inflammatory mediators cause the spasm of coronary arteries with the erosion and rupture of atheromatous plaque. We present a 53-year-old male who during the treatment of anaphylaxis after a hornet bite developed acute anteroseptal myocardial infarction. The diagnosis of type II Kounis syndrome was proven by electrocardiographic abnormalities and biochemical markers with clinical manifestation of acute coronary syndrome, and was associated with anaphylaxis which demanded prehospital treatment of the patient after the hornet bite. Anaphylaxis after a hornet bite requires consideration of acute coronary syndrome if patients have chest pain and hemodynamic impairment, as these conditions occur infrequently but demand additional diagnostics and adequate treatmen

    Histological and histochemical analyses of the posterior thigh muscle (musculus semimembranosus) assessment in lambs fed with the button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) dietary supplement

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    Plemenita pečurka (Agaricus bisporus), osim Å”to je zdrava hrana, pripada i skupini funkcionalne hrane Å”to potiče daljnja istraživanja njezine primjene kao funkcionalne hrane, odnosno funkcionalnog dodatka hrani ljudima, a i za domaće životinje namijenjene ljudskoj prehrani. Zbog prisutnosti nekih bioaktivnih sastojaka iz skupine polisaharida, lipopolisaharida, esencijalnih aminokiselina, peptida, glikoproteina, nukleozida, triterpenoida, lektina, masnih kiselina i njihovih derivata, za ove gljive poznati su protuupalni, protuvirusni, protubakterijski, hepatoprotektivni, protudijabetički, hipolipemijski, protutrombotski, hipotenzivni učinci i sinbiotska svojstva (neizravni probiotik/izravni prebiotik). U ovom istraživanju opisane su pozitivne naznake smanjenja lipida i povećanja aktivnosti enzima u m. semimembranosus janjadi hranjene svježom plemenitom pečurkom, Å”to upućuje na bolji metabolizam i kvalitetu mesa. Na temelju dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja u sklopu projekta HRZZ-a Inovativni funkcionalni proizvodi od janjećeg mesa (IP-2016-06-3685) te istraživanja prikazanih u ovom radu, može se zaključiti i da A. bisporus u janjadi ima potencijalan učinak promotora rasta. Stoga u ovom radu dobiveni rezultati istraživanja imaju znanstveno dokazanu primjenjivu vrijednost za plemenitu pečurku kao prirodan funkcionalni dodatak u dnevni obrok za janjad iz kojeg će se predstaviti tržiÅ”no novi i inovativni proizvod u obliku funkcionalne hrane za ljude (janjeće meso dobrog aroma profila s obzirom na sastav hlapljivih spojeva podrijetlom iz plemenite pečurke).The button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) is considered both a healthy food and a functional food. This encourages further research into its use as a functional food, or a functional food supplement for both humans and domestic animals intended for human consumption. Due to the presence of several bioactive ingredients, including polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, essential amino acids, peptides, glycoproteins, nucleosides, triterpenoids, lectins, fatty acids and their derivatives, these fungi exhibit anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, hypolipemic, antithrombotic, hypotensive effects and synbiotic properties (indirect probiotic/direct prebiotic). In this study, positive indications of lipid reduction and increased enzyme activity in m. semimembranosus in lambs fed with fresh button mushroom were described, indicating better metabolism and meat quality. Also, based on previous research within the CSF project ā€œInnovative functional lamb meat productsā€ (IP-2016-06-3685) and the results presented in this paper, it can be concluded that A. bisporus in lambs has a potential effect as a growth promoter. Therefore, the research results presented here have a scientifically proven applicable value for the button mushroom as a natural functional dietary supplement in the daily rations for lambs, which will present a commercially new and innovative product in the form of functional human food (lamb meat with a favourable aroma profile based on volatile compounds derived from button mushrooms)

    Amino-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptid in Prediction of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction

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    We aimed to evaluate levels of amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptid (NT-proBNP) in prediction of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in heart failure patients. Prospective study on 60 consecutive patients with symptoms and signs of heart failure was performed. Blood samples for NT-proBNP analysis was taken from all test subjects and echocardiography was also done in all of them. According to LVEF value, patients were divided into four groups; those with 50%. NT-proBNP values correlated with LVEF value. Regression analyis was used to evaluate how well NT-proBNP values predict LVEF. We used Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve calculation to evaluate diagnostic performance of NT-proBNP in estimation of LVEF. Average value of NT-proBNP in test group was 3191,69Ā±642,89 pg/ml (p<0,001). Average value of NT-proBNP decreased with higher LVEF categories with significant (p<0,001) and high negative correlation (r = -0,75). Stepwise multivariate linear regression analysis showed that logarithmic value of NT-proBNP was excellent predictor of LVEF value (p<0,05). Model equation based on regression analysis was LVEF=88,645-15,311 x log (NT-proBNP). Predictive model for LVEF yielded from regression analysis had sensitivities of 98% and 81%, specificities of 20% and 90%, positive predictive values of 86% and 78% and negative predictive values of 67% and 92% for predicting patients with LVEF<50% and LVEF<40%, respectively. There was negative linear correlation between NT-proBNP and LVEF. NT-proBNP was excellent predictor of LVEF value (p<0,05)

    Amino-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptid in Prediction of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction

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    We aimed to evaluate levels of amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptid (NT-proBNP) in prediction of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in heart failure patients. Prospective study on 60 consecutive patients with symptoms and signs of heart failure was performed. Blood samples for NT-proBNP analysis was taken from all test subjects and echocardiography was also done in all of them. According to LVEF value, patients were divided into four groups; those with 50%. NT-proBNP values correlated with LVEF value. Regression analyis was used to evaluate how well NT-proBNP values predict LVEF. We used Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve calculation to evaluate diagnostic performance of NT-proBNP in estimation of LVEF. Average value of NT-proBNP in test group was 3191,69Ā±642,89 pg/ml (p<0,001). Average value of NT-proBNP decreased with higher LVEF categories with significant (p<0,001) and high negative correlation (r = -0,75). Stepwise multivariate linear regression analysis showed that logarithmic value of NT-proBNP was excellent predictor of LVEF value (p<0,05). Model equation based on regression analysis was LVEF=88,645-15,311 x log (NT-proBNP). Predictive model for LVEF yielded from regression analysis had sensitivities of 98% and 81%, specificities of 20% and 90%, positive predictive values of 86% and 78% and negative predictive values of 67% and 92% for predicting patients with LVEF<50% and LVEF<40%, respectively. There was negative linear correlation between NT-proBNP and LVEF. NT-proBNP was excellent predictor of LVEF value (p<0,05)