4 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT: STYLE OF LEADERSHIP TO THE PERFORMANCE OF NURSES IN THE INPATIEN WARD OF THE GENERAL HOSPITAL IN THE CITY OF BEKASI Backround: Leadership is the ability to influence people by setting goals for direction/command and motivation to work. The activities of leaders will show the pattern of leadership style applied in an organization can create a positive work effectiveness for members. Various kinds of leadership style of the head of the room is devided into 3 the leadership, authoritarian, democracy and laisez  faire, the style of leadership applied will affect the performance of nurses.Methods: This research uses analytic survey research design using cressectional approach. Population of 67 repondents with a sample of 60 respondents. Sampling technique using simple random sampling. Univariate and bivariate data analysis. Result: Univariate based research result, showed that leadership style of the majority of the head of democratic leadership style as much as 47 (78,3%) respondents. The performance of nurse implementers of the majority performs as much as 43 (71.7%). Bivariate analysis using chi square.The result showed (p value =0.000  α=0.05).Conclusion: significant relationship between leadership style and nurse performance. Keywords: Style of leadership, performance, nurse


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    Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi COVID-19 di Indonesia, sudah dimulai sejak 13 Januari 2021. Namun harus diakui bahwa masih banyak pro-kontra / perbedaan persepsi di masyarakat. Terlebih lagi banyak yang meragukan tentang Vaksinasi COVID-19 ini. Oleh karena itu, sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap program Pemerintah dalam upaya Vaksinasi COVID-19, dapat secara langsung memberikan penyuluhan mengenai Vaksinasi COVID-19. Meningkatkan pengetahuan masyrakat tentang manfaat vaksinasi dapat mempengaruhi perilaku untuk dapat menerima vaksinasi COVID 19. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang Vaksinasi Covid 19. Program ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24 April 2021 dalam bentuk sosialisasi melalui penyuluhan langsung ke masyarakat dengan memperhatikan protokal kesehatan. Tim dosen yang melakukan pengabdian mengharapkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk menerima vaksinasi sebagai peningkatan imunitas terhadap Covid-19. Kata kunci: Covid-19, vaksinasi, imunitas, adaptasi baru, sosialisasi ABSTRACT The implementation of The COVID 19 Vaccination in Indonesia, has started since January, 13, 2021. However it must be admitted that there are stull many pros and cons / differences in perception in the community. Moreover, many doubt about this COVID-19 vaccination. Therefore, as a form of support for the Government’s program in the COVID 19 vaccination effort, we can directly provide counseling regarding COVID-19 vaccination. Increasing public knowledge about the benefit of vaccination can affect behavior to be able to receive COVID 19 vaccination. The purpose ofg this community service activity is to increase public knowledge about COVID 19 vaccination. This program was carried out on April 24, 2021 in the form of socialization through direct counseling to the community by paying attention to the health protocol. The team of lecturers who do the service expect public awareness to receive vaccination as an increase in immunity against COVID 19. Keywords: Covid 19, vaccination, immunity, new adaptation, socializatio

    Dukungan Sosial terhadap Burnout Syndrome pada Perawat dalam Layanan Pasien COVID-19

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between social support and burnout syndrome in nurses serving COVID-19 patients. This research method uses a quantitative methodology with an analytic design. This study found that most respondents with good social support were 30 (76.9%), and mild burnout syndrome 29 (74.4%). The results of statistical analysis obtained a p-value of 0.000. In conclusion, there is a relationship between social support and burnout syndrome in nurses serving COVID-19 patients Keywords: Workload, COVID-19, Social Suppor


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    THE INFLUENCES OF CRITICALLY THINKING TO THE SKILL OF NURSE ASSOCIATE IN CONDUCTING THE NURSING CARE AT HERMINA HOSPITAL IN BEKASI 2016This study proposed to figure out the influences of crirically thinking to the skill of nurse assosiate in conduction the nursing care at Hermina Hospital in Bekasi. The type of this study is quantitative method with the cross sectional approach. The samples of the study were 104 nurse assosiate with the total sampling technique. The statistical analysis used the chi square. The influences of critically thinking to the skill of nursing assosiet in conducting the nursing care (p= 0,026). was the result of the study the nursing that thought critically got the chances of 2,403 times more than less crirically thinking nurses. To the future the hopitacal can developing journal reading programme and to make it of reading habbit national and international research to be improvement knowledge and need for nurses associate that it can inereating skill crtical throw nursing round.Demam Dengue (DD) dan Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) disebabkan oleh virusDengue yang terdiri dari 4 serotype Dengue 1, 2, 3 dan 4. Manifestasi klinis infeksi virusDengue pada manusia sangat bervariasi mulai dari asimtomatik sampai berat. Isolasivirus Dengue menggunakan kultur sel C6/36 merupakan gold standar untuk menegakkandiagnosis pasti infeksi virus Dengue. Team Dengue UGM telah berhasil memproduksiantibodi monoklonal terhadap virus Dengue-3 salah satunya yang berasal dari sel hibridWDSSB5. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan karakterisasi dan mengaplikasiantibodi monoklonal WDSSB5 sebagai antibodi primer untuk mendeteksi virus Denguedari serum pasien yang positif mengandung virus Dengue yang diisolasi pada sel C6/36(C6/36 cell line) dengan metode imunositokimia streptavidin biotin peroxidase complex(ISBPC). Desain penelitian ini eksperimental. Pada penelitian ini propagasi sel hibridomaWDSSB5 dilakukan secara in vitro dan in vivo. Karakterisasi yang dilakukan meliputi ujiklasifikasi antibodi monoklonal WDSSB5, pemeriksaan kadar protein asites WDSSB5, ujisensitivitas dan spesifisitas metode imunositokimia SBPC menggunakan antibodi primerWDSSB5 serta uji spesifitas antibodi monoklonal terhadap antigen Dengue dengan Dotblot. Virus Dengue yang berasal dari serum pasien yang positif mengandung virusDengue diinokulasi pada sel C6/36. Deteksi antigen virus Dengue dilakukan denganmenggunakan metode imunositokimia SBPC dengan antibodi monoklonal WDSSB5sebagai antibodi primer. Kontrol positif digunakan sel C6/36 yang diinfeksi virus Dengue1, 2, 3, 4 (prototipe) dan diinokulasi pada sel C6/36, sedangkan kontrol negatif adalahsel C6/36 yang tidak diinfeksi virus Dengue. Hasil penelitian didapatkan antibodimonoklonal WDSSB5 spesifik terhadap virus Dengue. Antibodi monoklonal WDSSB5termasuk klas IgG dan sub klas IgG1. Kadar antibodi monoklonal WDSSB5 terkecil yangdapat mendeteksi antigen Dengue pada sel C6/36 adalah 2,2 μg/μl. Antibodimonoklonal WDSSB5 dapat diaplikasikan untuk mendeteksi virus Dengue yang berasaldari serum pasien yang positif mengandung virus Dengue yang diisolasi pada sel C6/36dengan metode imunositokimia SPBC.Kata kunci: Dengue , Imunisitokimia SBPC, WDSSB5, Sel C6/36