149 research outputs found

    Analisis Argumentasi dalam Isu Sosiosaintifik Siswa SMP

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    Analysis of Argumentation in Socio-Scientific Issues of junior High School Students. The 21st Century Education focuses on the development of the competence in creativity, critical-thinking, communication, and collaboration. Based on that reason, the argumentation can be one of the solutions to answer this issue since it facilitates the critical-thinking and communication competences. Arguments can be used in socio-scientific issues that present open problems and debatable. The aims of research is to find out the quality of the argumentation on the socio-scientific issue through the plastic theme of the topic of pollution. Argumentation analysis using TAP (Toulmin\u27s Argument Pattern) consisting of 6 components, namely claims, data, warrant, backing, qualifier, and rebuttals. Based on the results of the research, it was found that the quality of the argumentation in the socio-scientific issues of junior high school students was still low. The low quality of argumentation is caused by the poor of students\u27 concept understanding

    Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Dalam Melestarikan Batang Aie Lunang Di Kenagarian Lunang Kecamatan Lunang Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan

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    This research aim to get information or data and analyse exhaustively about local wisdom of society in preserve bar of aie Lunang in Kenagarian Lunang District Of Lunang Sub-Province Coastal area of South. Result of research show 1) Knowledge of society about is important of him continuity of bar region of aie to life seen from willingness for bertanggungjawab about continuity of bar of aie in the form of prohibition order catching fish with fish poison and also do not impinge assumed order oppose against norm and value around bar of aie and also the existence of dubious to all breaking of the rule 2) Understanding of society about local wisdom in taking care of bar region of aie very is needed, because bar of aie represent one of the very natural resources many its function to life 3) Habit of regional society of bar of aie pertained goodness and still hold gentleman\u27s agreement firmness and norm going into effect seen from habit of society which do not use fish poison to catch fish, [do] not throw away garbage around bar of aie, using clothes which appropriately when bath in bar of aie and 4) Confidence of society that bar of aie the necessary for life of them and if impinging norm and order going into effect they believe the existence of dubious and debacle to which impinge it

    Perencanaan Tata Udara Sistem Ducting Ruang Aula Lantai 8 Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta

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    Sistem pengkondisian udara merupakan fasilitas yang penting untuk Kenyamanan orang yang berada didalam ruangan. Hampir semua kegiatan perkuliahan Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 menggunakan ruang AULA lantai 8 Universitas 17 Agustus 1945, Penelitian ini melakukan perencanaan tata udara sistem ducting ruang aula lantai 8 Universutas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta, Menghitung kapasitas beban pendingin dan merencanakan/mendesain tata udara sistem ducting pada ruang Aula lantai 8 Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta agar mendapatkan suhu yang sesuai. Prosedur perhitungan beban pendingin menggunakan metode Carrier E-20, dan perhitungan dimensi ducting menggunakan program DuctSizer Keluaran dari McQuay. Hasil akhir penelitian ini diperoleh beban pendingin maksimum pada kondisi puncak sebesar 92203.55 Watt dan hasil perhitungan Desain Ducting yang dipakai : Tinggi : 30cm Lebar : 22cm – 135.5cm

    Efisiensi Beberapa Substrat Dalam Pengujian Viabilitas Benih Berukuran Besar Dan Kecil (Efficiency of Several Substrates for Seed Viability Testing of Large and Small Seeds)

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    The quality of paper substrate for seed viability testing is determined mainly by the variety and amount of the papers. A study was conducted to find alternative paper and the optimum amount of paper for testing the viability of large and small seed with the rolled paper method. Two experiments were carried out at the Seed Science and Technology Laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University during April-September 2004 and July-December 2007. First experiment: large and small seeds represented by 5 plants (angled loofah, pumpkin, garden pea, bitter gourd, yam bean) and 7 plants (sorghum, cucumber, mungbean, soybean, horenzo, radish and wheat), respectively, were tested on 4 different paper substrates (straw, stencil, CD, and HVS) following the rolled paper method. Second experiment: large seeds of maize and ground nut, and small seeds of rice and mungbean were tested on paper substrates selected from the first experiment, straw, stencil, and CD, with different number of sheet, i.e. 2, 3, 4, and 5 sheets. Each plant seed was considered as an experiment and a randomized block design was applied to all experiments. The result indicated that for the large seeds, stencil and CD papers had equal and high similarity with the reference straw paper substrate, 100% and 80% for germination percentage and dry weight of normal seedlings, respectively. For the small seeds, only stencil paper showed high similarity for germination percentage variable, 86%, with the reference paper, whereas the other paper showed lower similarity, 57% for both CD and HVS papers. The second experiment showed that 2 sheets of straw, stencil or CD papers were enough for testing viability of large and small seeds to obtain germination percentage, but ground nut needs 4 sheets of straw paper. For vigor index variable, efficiency of substrate paper on large and small seeds varied from 2 to 4 sheets

    Diversity of Fish Species in the Pinang Dalam Lake, Buluh Cina Village, Siak Hulu Sub-Regency, Kampar Regency, Riau Province

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    A study on the diversity of freshwater fishes in the Pinang Dalam Lake wasconducted from January to March 2014. Fish samples were captured 4 times, once in 2weeks. This research aims to understand diversity of fish species, species of economicfreshwater fishes and decorated freshwater fishes in that area. Fish was captured using gillnet, seine, scoop-net, fishhook, fish trap and line fishing. The fishes captured were thendescribe and identified based on Saanin (1984) and Kottelat (1993) and they werephotograped. Result shown that the fishes are belonged to 3 orders, 11 families, 23genuses and 28 species. The fish collected are Barbodes gonionotus, B. Schwanefeldi,Cyclocheilichthys apogon, Hampala bimaculata, H. macrolepidota, Labiobarbusocellatus, Osteochilus hasselti, Oxygaster anomarula Puntioplites waandersi, Puntiustetrazona, Rasbora cephalotaenia, Thynnichtys polylepis, Botia hymenophysa, Mystusnemurus, M. nigriceps, Kryotopterus apogon, K. limpok, Ompok hypophthalmus, Wallagoleerii, Pangasius polyuranodon, Pristolepis grootii, Helostoma temminckii, Osphronemusgoramy, Anabas testudineus, Belontia hasselti, Trichogaster leerii, T. trichopterus andChanna micropeltes. Water quality parameters were as follows: temperature 28-290C,depth 130-450 cm, transparency 31-76 cm, pH 5, Dissolved Oxygen 4,10-6,56 mg/L

    Analisis Material Ringan dengan Mortar Busa pada Konstruksi Timbunan Jalan

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    Penggunaan teknologi lintas atas (overpass) diharapkan dapat mengatasi kemacetan padaperlintasan sebidang tanpa mengganggu pergerakan transportasi yang ada. Konstruksi timbunan seringdihadapi pada beberapa masalah pekerjaan timbunan, diantaranya permasalahan penurunan akibatberat sendiri timbunan badan jalan dan akibat beban lalu lintas kendaraan. Permasalahan tersebutdapat diatasi salah satu opsinya menggunakan timbunan ringan yang dikembangkan sebagai inovasiteknologi karena mempunyai sifat self compacted menjadi material pengganti berkualitas tinggi (highgrade soil). Teknologi ini di luar negeri mulai banyak digunakan terutama di Jepang diterapkan padakonstruksi timbunan dibelakang abutmen jembatan, perkuatan dan pembentukan lereng galian ataulereng proteksi yang tegak karena keterbatasan lahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkanperbandingan deformasi pada tanah dasar akibat beban timbunan menggunakan timbunankonvensionaldengan timbunan ringanyang dianalisis menggunakan program Plaxis. Metode dalampenelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu penelitian dengan mengumpulkan data primer dansekunder dari parameter serta variabel yang diteliti kemudian dianalisis untuk diambilkesimpulan.Data-data yang digunakan mencakup data tanah dasar dan timbunan yang diambil darilokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan program Plaxis, teknologi penggunaan timbunan ringanmemberikan nilai penurunan lebih kecil jika dibandingkan dengan timbunan konvensional.Penggunaan timbunanringandapat mengurangi beban timbunan karena beratnya ringan, kekuatancukup tinggi untuk subgrade, berat isi dan kuat tekan dapat didesain sesuai keinginan sehingga dapatmengurangi dampak penurunan pada jalan diatasnya
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