9 research outputs found

    Characterization of ultrathin InSb nanocrystals film deposited on SiO2/Si substrate

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    Recently, solid-phase recrystallization of ultrathin indium antimonide nanocrystals (InSb NCs (films grown on SiO2/Si substrate is very attractive, because of the rapid development of thermal annealing technique. In this study, the recrystallization behavior of 35 nm indium antimonide film was studied. Through X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, it is demonstrated that the InSb film is composed of nanocrystals after high temperature rapid thermal annealing. Scanning electron microscopy shows that the film has a smooth surface and is composed of tightly packed spherical grains, the average grain size is about 12.3 nm according to XRD results. The optical bandgap of the InSb NCs film analyzed by Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy measurement is around 0.26 eV. According to the current-voltage characteristics of the InSb NCs/SiO2/p-Si heterojunction, the film has the rectifying behavior and the turn-on voltage value is near 1 V

    Identification of key regulatory pathways and genes involved in the dynamic progression of pigmentation in Sinibrama taeniatus

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    IntorductionColoration is a prominent trait in fish that is closely linked to their market value. Fish exhibit a diverse range of body colors, making them an excellent model for studying molecular mechanisms underlying pigmentation. Although regulatory pathways involved in pigmentation have been extensively studied in model fish such as zebrafish and medaka, the presence of varying chromatophore types across different fish species suggests that fish pigmentation mechanisms are not fixed. Therefore, more studies should be conducted on non-model fish. Sinibrama taeniatus is an endemic fish in the upper Yangtze River that is highly valued for its ornamental and edible properties.MethodsIn this study, we identified three chromatophore types in S. taeniatus and investigated changes in body color, chromatophores, and pigments at different developmental stages. Subsequently, RNA-seq analysis revealed that retinol metabolism, thyroid hormone synthesis, purine metabolism, and pyrimidine metabolism pathway are closely associated with pigmentation.ResultsWeighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) identified several hub genes, including mitf, wnt 9a, wnt10b, wnt11, adcy5, edn1, adcy8, and rdh8, that may play an important role in pigmentation.DiscussionOverall, our findings provide valuable insights into the role of genes and pathways in fish pigmentation and offer useful information for body color-based molecular breeding programs in aquaculture

    Landscape Dynamics Improved Recreation Service of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China

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    Spatio-temporal variations of recreation service not only could help to understand the impact of cultural services on human well-being but also provides theoretical and technical support for regional landscape management. However, previous studies have avoided deeply quantifying and analyzing it or have simply focused on assessing recreational service at a single period in time. In this study, we used the InVEST model to evaluate the spatio-temporal variations of recreation service in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and demonstrated the impact of recreation service on landscape dynamics. The results demonstrated that recreation service increased significantly and presented a significant spatial heterogeneity. Although afforestation and urban expansion both could significantly increase recreation service, the recreation service proxy of the non-vegetation landscape is far higher than that of the vegetation landscape. This finding indicated that human landscape is more attractive to tourists than the natural landscape, so we recommend to strengthen the infrastructure construction for enhancing the accessibility of natural landscapes. Moreover, we propose other constructive suggestions and landscape-design solutions for promoting recreation service. This study shifted the static environmental health assessment to the analysis of recreation service dynamics, bridging the regulatory mechanisms of ecosystem services involved in cultural services

    Spatial and Temporal Variations of Habitat Quality and Its Response of Landscape Dynamic in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China

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    Habitat quality is an important indicator for assessing biodiversity and is critical to ecosystem processes. With urban development and construction in developing countries, habitat quality is increasingly influenced by landscape pattern changes. This has made habitat conservation to be an increasingly urgent issue. Despite the growing interest in this issue, studies that reveal the role of land use change in habitat degradation at multiple scales are still lacking. Therefore, we analyzed the spatial and temporal variations of habitat quality of the Three Gorges Reservoir area by the InVEST habitat quality model and demonstrated the responses of habitat quality to various landscape dynamics by correspondence analysis. The result showed that the habitat quality score of this area increased from 0.685 in 2000 to 0.739 in 2015 and presented a significant spatial heterogeneity. Habitat quality was significantly higher in the northeastern and southwestern parts of the reservoir area than in other regions. Meanwhile, habitat quality improved with altitude and slope, and increased for all altitude and slope zones. The habitat quality of >1000 m and >25° zone exceeds 0.8, while the habitat quality of <500 m and <15° zone is less than 0.6. Habitat quality significantly varied among landscape dynamics and was extremely sensitive to vegetation recovery and urban expansion. The vegetation restoration model of returning farmland to forest is difficult to sustain, so we suggest changing the vegetation recovery model to constructing complex vegetation community. This study helps us to better understand the effects of landscape pattern changes on habitat quality and can provide a scientific basis for formulating regional ecological conservation policies and sustainable use of land resources

    Land Use Scenario Simulation and Ecosystem Service Management for Different Regional Development Models of the Beibu Gulf Area, China

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    Land use change is an important way for human activities to affect ecosystems. Based on the land use demands and policies, the simulation of future land use changes under different scenarios can test the rationality of socio-economic and policy-oriented land use changes. In this study, we set three scenarios of regular growth, ecological protection, and ecotourism development in 2030 for the Beibu Gulf area, China. We simulated the spatial distribution and evolution characteristics of the future landscape pattern using the Scenario Generator Rule Based Module of InVEST. Meanwhile, the ecosystem service value (ESV) was estimated by the improved unit area value equivalent method to reveal the trend of ESVs under different regional development models. The results indicated that the land use changes in the Beibu Gulf during 1999–2014 showed significant spatial heterogeneity. The farmland was mainly distributed in Beihai, the forestland was located in Fangchenggang, while the orchard was concentrated on Qinzhou. Due to economic construction and urban expansion, construction land and aquaculture land were gradually growing, while farmland and mud flat continued to decrease. Between 2014 and 2030, the total ESV decreased in the regular growth scenario and gradually increased in the ecological protection scenario and ecotourism development scenario. In addition, by comparing the three scenarios, the ecotourism development scenario is a more reasonable model for Guangxi Beibu Gulf area, which realized the trade-off between tourism development and resource conservation. Therefore, regional planners should not only consider maximizing ESVs when planning for ecosystem services, but also strive to maintain a reasonable structure of ecosystem services. Some suggestions were provided in this paper at the macro level and the local development model level respectively, which offered some references for the rational allocation of land resources, ecological environmental protection and ecotourism development in the coastal area of Beibu Gulf

    Diminished α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7nAChR) rescues amyloid-β induced atrial remodeling by oxi-CaMKII/MAPK/AP-1 axis-mediated mitochondrial oxidative stress

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    The potential coexistence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and atrial fibrillation (AF) is increasingly common as aging-related diseases. However, little is known about mechanisms responsible for atrial remodeling in AD pathogenesis. α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (α7nAChR) has been shown to have profound effects on mitochondrial oxidative stress in both organ diseases. Here, we investigate the role of α7nAChR in mediating the effects of amyloid-β (Aβ) in cultured mouse atrial cardiomyocytes (HL-1 cells) and AD model mice (APP/PS1). In vitro, apoptosis, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction induced by Aβ long-term (72h) in HL-1 cells were prevented by α-Bungarotoxin(α-BTX), an antagonist of α7nAChR. This cardioprotective effect was due to reinstating Ca2+ mishandling by decreasing the activation of CaMKII and MAPK signaling pathway, especially the oxidation of CaMKII (oxi-CaMKII). In vivo studies demonstrated that targeting knockdown of α7nAChR in cardiomyocytes could ameliorate AF progression in late-stage (12 months) APP/PS1 mice. Moreover, α7nAChR deficiency in cardiomyocytes attenuated APP/PS1-mutant induced atrial remodeling characterized by reducing fibrosis, atrial dilation, conduction dysfunction, and inflammatory mediator activities via suppressing oxi-CaMKII/MAPK/AP-1. Taken together, our findings suggest that diminished α7nAChR could rescue Aβ-induced atrial remodeling through oxi-CaMKII/MAPK/AP-1-mediated mitochondrial oxidative stress in atrial cells and AD mice