31,610 research outputs found

    Nebular Spectra of SN 1998bw Revisited: Detailed Study by One and Two Dimensional Models

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    Refined one- and two-dimensional models for the nebular spectra of the hyper-energetic Type Ic supernova (SN) 1998bw, associated with the gamma-ray burst GRB980425, from 125 to 376 days after B-band maximum are presented. One dimensional, spherically symmetric spectrum synthesis calculations show that reproducing features in the observed spectra, i.e., the sharply peaked [OI] 6300\AA doublet and MgI] 4570\AA emission, and the broad [FeII] blend around 5200\AA, requires the existence of a high-density O-rich core expanding at low velocities (\lsim 8,000 km s−1^{-1}) and of Fe-rich material moving faster than the O-rich material. Synthetic spectra at late phases from aspherical (bipolar) explosion models are also computed with a two-dimensional spectrum synthesis code. The above features are naturally explained by the aspherical model if the explosion is viewed from a direction close to the axis of symmetry (∌30o\sim 30^{\rm o}), since the aspherical model yields a high-density O-rich region confined along the equatorial axis. By examining a large parameter space (in energy and mass), our best model gives following physical quantities: the kinetic energy E51≡EK/1051E_{51} \equiv E_{\rm K}/10^{51} ergs \gsim 8 - 12 and the main-sequence mass of the progenitor star M_{\rm ms} \gsim 30 - 35 \Msun. The temporal spectral evolution of SN 1998bw also indicates mixing among Fe-, O-, and C-rich regions, and highly clumpy structure.Comment: 38 pages, 22 figures. ApJ, 640 (01 April 2006 issue), in pres

    On the Light Curve and Spectrum of SN 2003dh Separated from the Optical Afterglow of GRB 030329

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    The net optical light curves and spectra of the supernova (SN) 2003dh are obtained from the published spectra of GRB 030329, covering about 6 days before SN maximum to about 60 days after. The bulk of the U-band flux is subtracted from the observed spectra using early-time afterglow templates, because strong line blanketing greatly depresses the UV and U-band SN flux in a metal-rich, fast-moving SN atmosphere. The blue-end spectra of the gamma-ray burst (GRB)connected hypernova SN 1998bw is used to determine the amount of subtraction. The subtraction of a host galaxy template affects the late-time results. The derived SN 2003dh light curves are narrower than those of SN 1998bw, rising as fast before maximum, reaching a possibly fainter maximum, and then declining ~ 1.2-1.4 times faster. We then build UVOIR bolometric SN light curve. Allowing for uncertainties, it can be reproduced with a spherical ejecta model of Mej ~ 7+/-3 Msun, KE ~ (3.5+/-1.5)E52 ergs, with KE/Mej ~ 5 following previous spectrum modelling, and M(Ni56) ~ (0.4 +0.15/-0.1) Msun. This suggests a progenitor main-sequence mass of about 25-40 Msun, lower than SN 1998bw but significantly higher than normal Type Ic SNe and the GRB-unrelated hypernova SN 2002ap.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, published by Ap

    The statistical properties of galaxy morphological types in compact groups of Main galaxies from the SDSS Data Release 4

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    In order to explore the statistical properties of galaxy morphological types in compact groups (CGs), we construct a random group sample which has the same distributions of redshift and number of member galaxies as those of the CG sample. It turns out that the proportion of early-type galaxies in different redshift bins for the CG sample is statistically higher than that for random group sample, and with growing redshift z this kind of difference becomes more significant. This may be due to the existence of interactions and mergers within a significant fraction of SDSS CGs. We also compare statistical results of CGs with those of more compact groups and pairs, but do not observe as large statistical difference as Hickson (1982)'results.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Efficient symmetric multiparty quantum state sharing of an arbitrary m-qubit state

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    We present a scheme for symmetric multiparty quantum state sharing of an arbitrary mm-qubit state with mm Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states following some ideas from the controlled teleportation [Phys. Rev. A \textbf{72}, 02338 (2005)]. The sender Alice performs mm Bell-state measurements on her 2m2m particles and the controllers need only to take some single-photon product measurements on their photons independently, not Bell-state measurements, which makes this scheme more convenient than the latter. Also it does not require the parties to perform a controlled-NOT gate on the photons for reconstructing the unknown mm-qubit state and it is an optimal one as its efficiency for qubits approaches the maximal value.Comment: 6 pages, no figures; It simplifies the process for sharing an arbitrary m-qubit state in Phys. Rev. A 72, 022338 (2005) (quant-ph/0501129

    A Killing Disease Epidemic Among Displaced Sudanese Population Identified as Visceral Leishmaniasis.

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    A fatal disease epidemic affected the Bentiu area in southern Sudan and led to a mass migration of the Nuer tribe searching for treatment. The initially available information revealed a high mortality rate due to a possible occurrence of tuberculosis, malaria, enteric fever or visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Serological screening of 53 of the most severely affected patients in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or an improved direct agglutination test (DAT) revealed positivity for VL. In 39 of those patients, diagnosis was confirmed by identification of Leishmania donovani amastigotes in lymph node or bone-marrow aspirates. In a total of 2714 patients observed, 1195 (44.0%) had clinical symptoms suggesting VL: DAT positive titers (1:3200-greater than or equal to 1:12800) were obtained in 654 (24.1%), of whom 325 were confirmed parasitologically. Forty-two VL cases died before or during treatment, giving a mortality rate of 6.4%. Among the intercurrent infections diagnosed in the VL population (654), respiratory involvements (31.7%) and malaria (10.7%) were most prevalent. With the exception of four (0.6%), all other VL patients (509) responded readily to sodium stibogluconate. The factors initiating the outbreak are discussed. Malnutrition and nomadic movements to potential VL endemic areas appeared to be the most important. HIV infection as a possible predisposition seemed remote considering the clinical and epidemiological similarity to VL occurring in East Africa, adequate humoral response in DAT, and immediate positive response to specific anti-Leishmania chemotherapy

    Quantum secret sharing between m-party and n-party with six states

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    We propose a quantum secret sharing scheme between mm-party and nn-party using three conjugate bases, i.e. six states. A sequence of single photons, each of which is prepared in one of the six states, is used directly to encode classical information in the quantum secret sharing process. In this scheme, each of all mm members in group 1 choose randomly their own secret key individually and independently, and then directly encode their respective secret information on the states of single photons via unitary operations, then the last one (the mmth member of group 1) sends 1/n1/n of the resulting qubits to each of group 2. By measuring their respective qubits, all members in group 2 share the secret information shared by all members in group 1. The secret message shared by group 1 and group 2 in such a way that neither subset of each group nor the union of a subset of group 1 and a subset of group 2 can extract the secret message, but each whole group (all the members of each group) can. The scheme is asymptotically 100% in efficiency. It makes the Trojan horse attack with a multi-photon signal, the fake-signal attack with EPR pairs, the attack with single photons, and the attack with invisible photons to be nullification. We show that it is secure and has an advantage over the one based on two conjugate bases. We also give the upper bounds of the average success probabilities for dishonest agent eavesdropping encryption using the fake-signal attack with any two-particle entangled states. This protocol is feasible with present-day technique.Comment: 7 page

    Characteristic velocities of stripped-envelope core-collapse supernova cores

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    The velocity of the inner ejecta of stripped-envelope core-collapse supernovae (CC-SNe) is studied by means of an analysis of their nebular spectra. Stripped-envelope CC-SNe are the result of the explosion of bare cores of massive stars (≄8\geq 8 M⊙_{\odot}), and their late-time spectra are typically dominated by a strong [O {\sc i}] λλ\lambda\lambda6300, 6363 emission line produced by the innermost, slow-moving ejecta which are not visible at earlier times as they are located below the photosphere. A characteristic velocity of the inner ejecta is obtained for a sample of 56 stripped-envelope CC-SNe of different spectral types (IIb, Ib, Ic) using direct measurements of the line width as well as spectral fitting. For most SNe, this value shows a small scatter around 4500 km s−1^{-1}. Observations (<100< 100 days) of stripped-envelope CC-SNe have revealed a subclass of very energetic SNe, termed broad-lined SNe (BL-SNe) or hypernovae, which are characterised by broad absorption lines in the early-time spectra, indicative of outer ejecta moving at very high velocity (v≄0.1cv \geq 0.1 c). SNe identified as BL in the early phase show large variations of core velocities at late phases, with some having much higher and some having similar velocities with respect to regular CC-SNe. This might indicate asphericity of the inner ejecta of BL-SNe, a possibility we investigate using synthetic three-dimensional nebular spectra.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Surface and bulk transitions in three-dimensional O(n) models

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    Using Monte Carlo methods and finite-size scaling, we investigate surface criticality in the O(n)(n) models on the simple-cubic lattice with n=1n=1, 2, and 3, i.e. the Ising, XY, and Heisenberg models. For the critical couplings we find Kc(n=2)=0.4541655(10)K_{\rm c}(n=2)=0.454 1655 (10) and Kc(n=3)=0.693002(2)K_{\rm c}(n=3)= 0.693 002 (2). We simulate the three models with open surfaces and determine the surface magnetic exponents at the ordinary transition to be yh1(o)=0.7374(15)y_{h1}^{\rm (o)}=0.7374 (15), 0.781(2)0.781 (2), and 0.813(2)0.813 (2) for n=1n=1, 2, and 3, respectively. Then we vary the surface coupling K1K_1 and locate the so-called special transition at Îșc(n=1)=0.50214(8)\kappa_{\rm c} (n=1)=0.50214 (8) and Îșc(n=2)=0.6222(3)\kappa_{\rm c} (n=2)=0.6222 (3), where Îș=K1/K−1\kappa=K_1/K-1. The corresponding surface thermal and magnetic exponents are yt1(s)=0.715(1)y_{t1}^{\rm (s)} =0.715 (1) and yh1(s)=1.636(1)y_{h1}^{\rm (s)} =1.636 (1) for the Ising model, and yt1(s)=0.608(4)y_{t1}^{\rm (s)} =0.608 (4) andyh1(s)=1.675(1)y_{h1}^{\rm (s)} =1.675 (1) for the XY model. Finite-size corrections with an exponent close to -1/2 occur for both models. Also for the Heisenberg model we find substantial evidence for the existence of a special surface transition.Comment: TeX paper and 10 eps figure

    The Type Ic Hypernova SN 2003dh/GRB 030329

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    The spectra of SN 2003dh, identified in the afterglow of GRB030329, are modeled using radiation transport codes. It is shown that SN 2003dh had a high explosion kinetic energy (∌4×1052\sim 4 \times 10^{52} erg in spherical symmetry), making it one of the most powerful hypernovae observed so far, and supporting the case for association between hypernovae and Gamma Ray Bursts. However, the light curve derived from fitting the spectra suggests that SN 2003dh was not as bright as SN 1998bw, ejecting only \sim 0.35\Msun of \Nifs. The spectra of SN 2003dh resemble those of SN 1998bw around maximum, but later they look more like those of the less energetic hypernova SN 1997ef. The spectra and the inferred light curve can be modeled adopting a density distribution similar to that used for SN 1998bw at v>25,000 v > 25,000\kms but more like that of SN 1997ef at lower velocities. The mass of the ejecta is \sim 8\Msun, somewhat less than in the other two hypernovae. The progenitor must have been a massive star (M \sim 35-40\Msun), as for other hypernovae. The need to combine different one-dimensional explosion models strongly indicates that SN 2003dh was an asymmetric explosion.Comment: 11 pages, 1 table and 5 figures. To appear in the Astrophysical Journal (Letters). Revised version taking referee's comments into account, minor change

    Contrasting Energy Scales of the Reentrant Integer Quantum Hall States

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    We report drastically different onset temperatures of the reentrant integer quantum Hall states in the second and third Landau level. This finding is in quantitative disagreement with the Hartree-Fock theory of the bubble phases which is thought to describe these reentrant states. Our results indicate that the number of electrons per bubble in either the second or the third Landau level is likely different than predicted
