1,806 research outputs found

    Study of a partnership between a group of initial teacher training students and a group of gifted and talented pupils developing effective ways to teach business and citizenship.

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    This paper outlines the nature of a partnership between a cohort of University Initial Teacher Training students and a cohort of ‘gifted and talented’ school pupils. It examines the process of the partnership and subsequent developments. It investigates how the project altered with the input of the participants, in particular the pupils, as evaluations revealed that the priorities of educators were not necessarily the same as those of pupils. Pupil priorities appeared to be just as valid and would possibly lead to better educational outcomes. The narrative follows through the three years of the project in chronological order, with comments, analysis, discussions and conclusions about each year’s project. The analysis and proposals for further development are grounded in qualitative data from pupils who have seen the full three-year cycle of the study through (these pupils were aged 15 at the time). These comment on what they have both taught and learned and on possible improvements and developments to the programme. Pupil, student and staff comments are included, along with the researcher’s interpretation of how particular participant groups reacted to the conditions that were imposed. The paper concludes with implications and future research recommendations

    Let’s Talk About it: Caregivers’ Perspective on Communication About Sexuality with Foster Youth

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    Foster youth are particularly at risk for pregnancy and are 2.5 times more likely to become pregnant by age 19 than their peers that are not in the child welfare system (Comlossy, 2013). Researchers have gathered that parents and children are commonly apprehensive when it comes to discussing sexual health and reproduction. Limited research has been conducted regarding the roles of caregivers as advocates for youth and caregivers’ perceptions of how to carry out this role as an educator. This study aims to further investigate caregivers’ beliefs of their self-efficacy levels in assisting youth with their sexual health and reproduction

    Comment: Monitoring Networked Applications With Incremental Quantile Estimation

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    Comment: Monitoring Networked Applications With Incremental Quantile Estimation [arXiv:0708.0302]Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/088342306000000619 in the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Charting the Realms of Mesoscale Cloud Organisation using Unsupervised Learning

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    Quantifying the driving mechanisms and effect on Earth's energy budget, of mesoscale shallow cloud organisation, remains difficult. Partly because quantifying the atmosphere's organisational state through objective means remains challenging. We present the first map of the full continuum of convective organisation states by extracting the manifold within an unsupervised neural networks's internal representation. On the manifold distinct organisational regimes, defined in prior work, sit as waymarkers in this continuum. Composition of reanalysis and observations onto the manifold, shows wind-speed and water vapour concentration as key environmental characteristics varying with organisation. We show, for the first time, that mesoscale shallow cloud organisation produces Âą1.4%\pm 1.4\% variations in albedo in addition to variations from cloud-fraction changes alone. We further demonstrate how the manifold's continuum representation captures the temporal evolution of organisation. By enabling study of states and transitions in organisation (in simulations and observations) the presented technique paves the way for better representation of shallow clouds in simulations of Earth's future climate

    Using data network metrics, graphics, and topology to explore network characteristics

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    Yehuda Vardi introduced the term network tomography and was the first to propose and study how statistical inverse methods could be adapted to attack important network problems (Vardi, 1996). More recently, in one of his final papers, Vardi proposed notions of metrics on networks to define and measure distances between a network's links, its paths, and also between different networks (Vardi, 2004). In this paper, we apply Vardi's general approach for network metrics to a real data network by using data obtained from special data network tools and testing procedures presented here. We illustrate how the metrics help explicate interesting features of the traffic characteristics on the network. We also adapt the metrics in order to condition on traffic passing through a portion of the network, such as a router or pair of routers, and show further how this approach helps to discover and explain interesting network characteristics.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/074921707000000058 in the IMS Lecture Notes Monograph Series (http://www.imstat.org/publications/lecnotes.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Canonical transforming growth factor-β signaling regulates disintegrin metalloprotease expression in experimental renal fibrosis via miR-29

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    Fibrosis pathophysiology is critically regulated by Smad 2– and Smad 3–mediated transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signaling. Disintegrin metalloproteases (Adam) can manipulate the signaling environment, however, the role and regulation of ADAMs in renal fibrosis remain unclear. TGF-β stimulation of renal cells results in a significant up-regulation of Adams 10, 17, 12, and 19. The selective Smad2/3 inhibitor SB 525334 reversed these TGF-β–induced changes. In vivo, using ureteral obstruction to model renal fibrosis, we observed increased Adams gene expression that was blocked by oral administration of SB 525334. Similar increases in Adam gene expression also occurred in preclinical models of hypertension-induced renal damage and glomerulonephritis. miRNAs are a recently discovered second level of regulation of gene expression. Analysis of 3′ untranslated regions of Adam12 and Adam19 mRNAs showed multiple binding sites for miR-29a, miR-29b, and miR-29c. We show that miR-29 family expression is decreased after unilateral ureter obstruction and this significant decrease in miR-29 family expression was observed consistently in preclinical models of renal dysfunction and correlated with an increase in Adam12 and Adam19 expression. Exogenous overexpression of the miR-29 family blocked TGF-β–mediated up-regulation of Adam12 and Adam19 gene expression. This study shows that Adams are involved in renal fibrosis and are regulated by canonical TGF-β signaling and miR-29. Therefore, both Adams and the miR-29 family represent therapeutic targets for renal fibrosis

    Henri Temianka Correspondence; (pdenby)

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    This collection contains material pertaining to the life, career, and activities of Henri Temianka, violin virtuoso, conductor, music teacher, and author. Materials include correspondence, concert programs and flyers, music scores, photographs, and books.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/temianka_correspondence/1977/thumbnail.jp

    Discovering the Importance of Mesoscale Cloud Organization Through Unsupervised Classification

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    The representation of shallow trade wind convective clouds in climate models dominates the uncertainty in climate sensitivity estimates. In particular the radiative impact of cloud spatial organization is poorly understood. This work presents the first unsupervised neural network model which autonomously discovers cloud organization regimes in satellite images. Trained on 10,000 GOES‐16 satellite images (tropical Atlantic and boreal winter) the regimes found are shown to exist in a hierarchy of organizational scales, with sub‐clusters having distinct radiative properties. The model requires no time‐consuming and subjective hand‐labeled data based on predefined structures allowing for objective study of very large data sets. The model enables the study of environmental conditions in different organizational regimes and in transitions between regimes and objective comparisons of model behavior with observations through cloud structures emerging in both. These abilities enable the discovery of previously unknown physical relationships in cloud processes, enabling better representation of clouds in weather and climate simulations

    All-white hirundines in Uganda

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