477 research outputs found

    Penetration of polyethylene into semi-infinite 2024-T351 aluminum up to velocities of 37,000 feet per second

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    Light gas projector used in penetration of polyethelene into semiinfinite aluminu

    Trace Anomaly in Quantum Spacetime Manifold

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    In this paper we investigate the trace anomaly in a spacetime where single events are de-localized as a consequence of short distance quantum coordinate fluctuations. We obtain a modified form of heat kernel asymptotic expansion which does not suffer from short distance divergences. Calculation of the trace anomaly is performed using an IR regulator in order to circumvent the absence of UV infinities. The explicit form of the trace anomaly is presented and the corresponding 2D Polyakov effective action and energy momentumtensor are obtained. The vacuum expectation value of the energy momentum tensor in the Boulware, Hartle-Hawking and Unruh vacua is explicitly calculated in a (rt)-section of a recently found, noncommutative geometry inspired, Schwarzschild-like solution of the Einstein equations. The standard short distance divergences in the vacuum expectation values are regularized in agreement with the absence of UV infinities removed by quantum coordinate fluctuations.Comment: 15pages, RevTex, no figures, 1 Tabl

    Gravity from Spinors

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    We investigate a possible unified theory of all interactions which is based only on fundamental spinor fields. The vielbein and metric arise as composite objects. The effective quantum gravitational theory can lead to a modification of Einstein's equations due to the lack of local Lorentz-symmetry. We explore the generalized gravity with global instead of local Lorentz symmetry in first order of a systematic derivative expansion. At this level diffeomorphisms and global Lorentz symmetry allow for two new invariants in the gravitational effective action. The one which arises in the one loop approximation to spinor gravity is consistent with all present tests of general relativity and cosmology. This shows that local Lorentz symmetry is tested only very partially by present observations. In contrast, the second possible new coupling is severely restricted by present solar system observations.Comment: New material on absence of observational tests of local Lorentz invariance, 21 pages, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Existence and Stability of Steady Fronts in Bistable CML

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    We prove the existence and we study the stability of the kink-like fixed points in a simple Coupled Map Lattice for which the local dynamics has two stable fixed points. The condition for the existence allows us to define a critical value of the coupling parameter where a (multi) generalized saddle-node bifurcation occurs and destroys these solutions. An extension of the results to other CML's in the same class is also displayed. Finally, we emphasize the property of spatial chaos for small coupling.Comment: 18 pages, uuencoded PostScript file, J. Stat. Phys. (In press

    In-Vivo Biodistribution and Safety of 99mTc-LLP2A-HYNIC in Canine Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

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    Theranostic agents are critical for improving the diagnosis and treatment of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL). The peptidomimetic LLP2A is a novel peptide receptor radiotherapy candidate for treating NHL that expresses the activated α4β1 integrin. Tumor-bearing dogs are an excellent model of human NHL with similar clinical characteristics, behavior, and compressed clinical course. Canine in vivo imaging studies will provide valuable biodistribution and affinity information that reflects a diverse clinical population of lymphoma. This may also help to determine potential dose-limiting radiotoxicity to organs in human clinical trials. To validate this construct in a naturally occurring model of NHL, we performed in-vivo molecular targeted imaging and biodistribution in 3 normal dogs and 5 NHL bearing dogs. 99mTc-LLP2A-HYNIC-PEG and 99mTc-LLP2A-HYNIC were successfully synthesized and had very good labeling efficiency and radiochemical purity. 99mTc-LLP2A-HYNIC and 99mTc-LLP2A-HYNIC-PEG had biodistribution in keeping with their molecular size, with 99mTc-LLP2A-HYNIC-PEG remaining longer in the circulation, having higher tissue uptake, and having more activity in the liver compared to 99mTc-LLP2A-HYNIC. 99mTc-LLP2A-HYNIC was mainly eliminated through the kidneys with some residual activity. Radioactivity was reduced to near-background levels at 6 hours after injection. In NHL dogs, tumor showed moderately increased activity over background, with tumor activity in B-cell lymphoma dogs decreasing after chemotherapy. This compound is promising in the development of targeted drug-delivery radiopharmaceuticals and may contribute to translational work in people affected by non-Hodgkin lymphoma

    Domain Walls in Non-Equilibrium Systems and the Emergence of Persistent Patterns

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    Domain walls in equilibrium phase transitions propagate in a preferred direction so as to minimize the free energy of the system. As a result, initial spatio-temporal patterns ultimately decay toward uniform states. The absence of a variational principle far from equilibrium allows the coexistence of domain walls propagating in any direction. As a consequence, *persistent* patterns may emerge. We study this mechanism of pattern formation using a non-variational extension of Landau's model for second order phase transitions. PACS numbers: 05.70.Fh, 42.65.Pc, 47.20.Ky, 82.20MjComment: 12 pages LaTeX, 5 postscript figures To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Effective Lagrangian for self-interacting scalar field theories in curved spacetime

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    We consider a self-interacting scalar field theory in a slowly varying gravitational background field. Using zeta-function regularization and heat-kernel techniques, we derive the one-loop effective Lagrangian up to second order in the variation of the background field and up to quadratic terms in the curvature tensors. Specializing to different spacetimes of physical interest, the influence of the curvature on the phase transition is considered.Comment: 14 pages, LaTex, UTF 29

    Nonlinear excitations in arrays of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    The dynamics of localized excitations in array of Bose-Einstein condensates is investigated in the framework of the nonlinear lattice theory. The existence of temporarily stable ground states displaying an atomic population distributions localized on very few lattice sites (intrinsic localized modes), as well as, of atomic population distributions involving many lattice sites (envelope solitons), is studied both numerically and analytically. The origin and properties of these modes are shown to be inherently connected with the interplay between macroscopic quantum tunnelling and nonlinearity induced self-trapping of atoms in coupled BECs. The phenomenon of Bloch oscillations of these excitations is studied both for zero and non zero backgrounds. We find that in a definite range of parameters, homogeneous distributions can become modulationally unstable. We also show that bright solitons and excitations of shock wave type can exist in BEC arrays even in the case of positive scattering length. Finally, we argue that BEC array with negative scattering length in presence of linear potentials can display collapse.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Poincare gauge invariance and gravitation in Minkowski spacetime

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    A formulation of Poincare symmetry as an inner symmetry of field theories defined on a fixed Minkowski spacetime is given. Local P gauge transformations and the corresponding covariant derivative with P gauge fields are introduced. The renormalization properties of scalar, spinor and vector fields in P gauge field backgrounds are determined. A minimal gauge field dynamics consistent with the renormalization constraints is given.Comment: 36 pages, latex-fil

    Multistable Pulse-like Solutions in a Parametrically Driven Ginzburg-Landau Equation

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    It is well known that pulse-like solutions of the cubic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation are unstable but can be stabilised by the addition of quintic terms. In this paper we explore an alternative mechanism where the role of the stabilising agent is played by the parametric driver. Our analysis is based on the numerical continuation of solutions in one of the parameters of the Ginzburg-Landau equation (the diffusion coefficient cc), starting from the nonlinear Schr\"odinger limit (for which c=0c=0). The continuation generates, recursively, a sequence of coexisting stable solutions with increasing number of humps. The sequence "converges" to a long pulse which can be interpreted as a bound state of two fronts with opposite polarities.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; to appear in PR
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