21 research outputs found

    A Synthesis of Tagging Studies Examining the Behaviour and Survival of Anadromous Salmonids in Marine Environments

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    This paper synthesizes tagging studies to highlight the current state of knowledge concerning the behaviour and survival of anadromous salmonids in the marine environment. Scientific literature was reviewed to quantify the number and type of studies that have investigated behaviour and survival of anadromous forms of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), brown trout (Salmo trutta), steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii). We examined three categories of tags including electronic (e.g. acoustic, radio, archival), passive (e.g. external marks, Carlin, coded wire, passive integrated transponder [PIT]), and biological (e.g. otolith, genetic, scale, parasites). Based on 207 papers, survival rates and behaviour in marine environments were found to be extremely variable spatially and temporally, with some of the most influential factors being temperature, population, physiological state, and fish size. Salmonids at all life stages were consistently found to swim at an average speed of approximately one body length per second, which likely corresponds with the speed at which transport costs are minimal. We found that there is relatively little research conducted on open-ocean migrating salmonids, and some species (e.g. masu [O. masou] and amago [O. rhodurus]) are underrepresented in the literature. The most common forms of tagging used across life stages were various forms of external tags, coded wire tags, and acoustic tags, however, the majority of studies did not measure tagging/handling effects on the fish, tag loss/failure, or tag detection probabilities when estimating survival. Through the interdisciplinary application of existing and novel technologies, future research examining the behaviour and survival of anadromous salmonids could incorporate important drivers such as oceanography, tagging/handling effects, predation, and physiology

    Transatlantic secondary contact in Atlantic Salmon, comparing microsatellites, a single nucleotide polymorphism array and restriction-site associated DNA sequencing for the resolution of complex spatial structure

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    Identification of discrete and unique assemblages of individuals or populations is central to the management of exploited species. Advances in population genomics provide new opportunities for re-evaluating existing conservation units but comparisons among approaches remain rare. We compare the utility of RAD-seq, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array and a microsatellite panel to resolve spatial structuring under a scenario of possible trans-Atlantic secondary contact in a threatened Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar, population in southern Newfoundland. Bayesian clustering indentified two large groups subdividing the existing conservation unit and multivariate analyses indicated significant similarity in spatial structuring among the three data sets. mtDNA alleles diagnostic for European ancestry displayed increased frequency in southeastern Newfoundland and were correlated with spatial structure in all marker types. Evidence consistent with introgression among these two groups was present in both SNP data sets but not the microsatellite data. Asymmetry in the degree of introgression was also apparent in SNP data sets with evidence of gene flow towards the east or European type. This work highlights the utility of RAD-seq based approaches for the resolution of complex spatial patterns, resolves a region of trans-Atlantic secondary contact in Atlantic Salmon in Newfoundland and demonstrates the utility of multiple marker comparisons in identifying dynamics of introgression.Keywords: Atlantic Salmon, RAD-seq, secondary contac

    Genetic mixed stock analysis of an interceptory Atlantic salmonfishery in the Northwest Atlantic

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    Interceptory fisheries represent an ongoing threat to migratory fish stocks particularly when managed in the absence of stock specific catch and exploitation information. Atlantic salmon from the southern portion of the North American range may be subject to exploitation in the commercial and recreational salmon fisheries occurring in the French territorial waters surrounding St. Pierre and Miquelon off southern Newfoundland. We evaluated stock composition of Atlantic salmon harvested in the St. Pierre and Miquelon Atlantic salmon fishery using genetic mixture analysis and individual assignment with a microsatellite baseline (15 loci, 12,409 individuals, 12 regional groups) encompassing the species western Atlantic range. Individual salmon were sampled from the St. Pierre and Miquelon fishery over four years (2004, 2011, 2013, and 2014). Biological characteristics indicate significant variation among years in the size and age distribution. Nonetheless, estimates of stock composition of the samples showed consistent dominance of three regions (i.e., Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Gaspe Peninsula, and Newfoundland). Together salmon from these regions accounted for more than 70% of annual harvest over the decade examined. Comparison of individual assignments and biological characteristics revealed a trend of declining fresh water age with latitude of assigned region. Moreover, locally harvested Newfoundland salmon were ten times more likely to be small or one sea winter individuals whereas Quebec and Gaspe Peninsula salmon were two-three times more likely to be harvested as large or two sea winter salmon. Estimates of region specific catch were highest for salmon from the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence region ranging from 242 to 887 individuals annually. This work illustrates how genetic analysis of interceptory marine fisheries can directly inform assessment and management efforts in highly migratory marine species.Keywords: Mixed-stock analysis Genetic assignment Atlantic salmon Genetic structure Microsatellite

    Distribution and biological characteristics of atlantic salmon (salmo salar) at greenland based on the analysis of historical tag recoveries

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    In this study, we examined 5481 records of tag recoveries at Greenland from a new tagging database held by ICES that contains information on salmon tagged in Canada, France, Faroes, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Spain, the UK (Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales), and the United States from the early 1960s to the present. For 4806 of the tag recoveries, latitude and longitude information were available, describing, to varying degrees of accuracy, the location of recovery of tagged fish. Release and recovery dates were variable, but no significant differences over time were noted. The information derived from tag recoveries was used to describe the distribution and growth of salmon of different origins. The proportion of recoveries from East Greenland suggested that potential multi-sea-winter salmon from northern Europe have a more easterly distribution than those from southern Europe. The location of recovery of salmon of North American origin differed from that of European salmon along the west coast of Greenland. Tag recoveries by country were not uniformly distributed across the respective NAFO Divisions. Tags from salmon originating in Canada and the United States were more commonly recovered in northern locations than tags from European-origin salmon. Analysis of rates of tag recovery suggested similar rates before and after the introduction of the NASCO Tag Return Incentive Scheme. The straight-line migration speed of both North American and European salmon changed very little over the time-series, but was similar to 40% greater for North American salmon (0.43 m s(-1)) than for European salmon (0.29-0.32 m s(-1))

    Distribution and biological characteristics of atlantic salmon (salmo salar) at greenland based on the analysis of historical tag recoveries

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    In this study, we examined 5481 records of tag recoveries at Greenland from a new tagging database held by ICES that contains information on salmon tagged in Canada, France, Faroes, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Spain, the UK (Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales), and the United States from the early 1960s to the present. For 4806 of the tag recoveries, latitude and longitude information were available, describing, to varying degrees of accuracy, the location of recovery of tagged fish. Release and recovery dates were variable, but no significant differences over time were noted. The information derived from tag recoveries was used to describe the distribution and growth of salmon of different origins. The proportion of recoveries from East Greenland suggested that potential multi-sea-winter salmon from northern Europe have a more easterly distribution than those from southern Europe. The location of recovery of salmon of North American origin differed from that of European salmon along the west coast of Greenland. Tag recoveries by country were not uniformly distributed across the respective NAFO Divisions. Tags from salmon originating in Canada and the United States were more commonly recovered in northern locations than tags from European-origin salmon. Analysis of rates of tag recovery suggested similar rates before and after the introduction of the NASCO Tag Return Incentive Scheme. The straight-line migration speed of both North American and European salmon changed very little over the time-series, but was similar to 40% greater for North American salmon (0.43 m s(-1)) than for European salmon (0.29-0.32 m s(-1))

    A correction to "distribution and biological characteristics of atlantic salmon (salmo salar) at greenland based on the analysis of historical tag recoveries"

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    Reddin, D. G., Hansen, L. P., Bakkestuen, V., Russell, I., White, J., Potter, E. C. E., Dempson, J. B., Sheehan, T. F., O Maoilidigh, N., Smith, G. W., Isaksson, A., Jacobsen, J. A., Fowler, M., Mork, K. A., and Amiro, P. 2013. Distribution and biological characteristics of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) at Greenland based on the analysis of historical tag recoveries. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69: 1589-1597