13 research outputs found

    Substance use disorder status moderates the association between personality traits and problematic mobile phone/internet use

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    Background: Associations between personality traits and problematic smartphone use (PSU) among individuals with substance use disorder (SUD) have not been widely investigated. The current study aims to assess whether SUD status moderates the association between personality traits and PSU. Methods: The study group included 151 individuals with SUD and a normative sample (NS) comprised of 554 non-SUD students. The following self-report questionnaires were used: the Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale (MPPUS-10) to assess problematic smartphone use (PSU), the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) to assess intensity of internet use, and the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) to assess Personality traits. Results: SUD status moderated the association between neuroticism and openness to new experiences on PSU. That is, greater neuroticism and openness were significantly associated with more excessive PSU among the NS. In the SUD group, greater openness was a significant protective factor against PSU. Moderation results were similar when using the IAT (which was significantly correlated with MPPUS) as an outcome. Conclusions: The presence of SUD may influence how personality traits are associated with problematic mobile phone/internet use. Given that this is among one of the first studies examining this topic, findings should be replicated with additional studies

    Używanie telefonów komórkowych i internetu przez osoby uzależnione od substancji psychoaktywnych, pacjentów z zaburzeniami psychicznymi oraz studentów

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    Introduction: Behavioral disorders involving new technologies are important group of addictions with growing prevalence. This study was designed to assess patterns of mobile phone and internet use among drug addicts, patients diagnosed with mental disorder and medical students. Material and methods: 151 of drug addicts (PU), 183 psychiatric patients (PP) and 613 medical students being control group (GK) were enrolled to the study. Participants were asked to complete questionnaires on mobile phone use (Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale; MPPUS-10 and Mobile Phone Addiction Assessment Questionnaire; MPAAQ) and internet addiction (Internet Addiction Test; IAT). Results: There were no significant differences among the study groups in terms of problem us of mobile phone as measured with MPPUS-10; medians were as follows: PU=31.5 (IQR = 30.2), PP = 33 (IQR = 20.8), GK=35 (IQR = 22). According to MPAAQ, 35.8% of participants met mobile phone addiction criteria, while all other participants were at risk of addiction. MPAAQ medians were: PU=43 (IQR =40), PP=32.5 (IQR = 22.2), GK=31 (IQR = 18) with significant difference between PU and GK, PU and PP (both p < 0.001). Medians of internet addiction measured with IAT were: PU=31 (IQR = 26.5), PP=32 (IQR =10), GK=30 (IQR = 10) with significant difference between PU and PP as well as PP and GK, p = 0.015 and p = 0.012, respectively. Conclusion: Study results suggest high prevalence of mobile phone and internet addiction in Poland. This may indicate common background of substance dependence and behavioral addictions as well as comorbidity of internet addiction with mental disorders.Wstęp: Uzależnienia od nowych technologii stanowią ważną grupę uzależnień behawioralnych, a ich rozpowszechnieniew ostatnich latach wyraźnie wzrasta. Celem badania była ocena używania telefonów komórkowych i internetuwśród osób uzależnionych od substancji psychoaktywnych, pacjentów leczonych z powodu zaburzeń psychicznychoraz studentów medycyny. Materiał i metody: W badaniu wzięło udział 151 osób uzależnionych od substancji psychoaktywnych (PU), 183pacjentów oddziałów psychiatrycznych (PP) oraz 613 studentów uniwersytetu medycznego jako grupa kontrolna (GK).Badanie miało charakter ankietowy; uczestnicy wypełniali kwestionariusze oceniające używanie telefonu komórkowegoi internetu: Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale (MPPUS-10), Kwestionariusz do Badania Uzależnienia od Telefonu Komórkowego(KBUTK) oraz Internet Addiction Test (IAT). Wyniki: Nie stwierdzono różnic między badanymi grupami pod względem problemowego używania telefonu komórkowegoocenianego za pomocą skali MPPUS-10. Mediany skali MPPUS-10 wyniosły: PU = 31,5 (IQR = 30,2),PP = 33 (IQR = 20,8), GK = 35 (IQR = 22). W badanych populacjach, według skali KBUTK uzależnionych od telefonukomórkowego było 35,8% badanych, a pozostali badani byli zagrożeni uzależnieniem. Mediany KBUTK wynosiły:PU = 43 (IQR = 40), PP = 32,5 (IQR = 22,2), GK = 31 (IQR = 18). Istotnie statystycznie różniły się PU i GK oraz PUi PP (p &lt; 0,001). Uzależnienie od internetu oceniano według skali IAT; mediany: PU = 31 (IQR = 26,5), PP = 32 (IQR= 10), GK = 30 (IQR = 10). Istotnie statystycznie różnili się PU i PP oraz PP i GK (odpowiednio p = 0,015 i p = 0,012). Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki mogą świadczyć o dużym rozpowszechnieniu w Polsce uzależnienia od telefonów komórkowychi internetu. Mogą również udowadniać wspólne podłoże uzależnień od substancji psychoaktywnych i behawioralnych,a także częste współwystępowanie uzależnienia od internetu z zaburzeniami psychicznymi

    Analysis of the origin and importance of acetone and isopropanol levels in the blood of the deceased for medico-legal testimony

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the incidence of acetone and isopropanol in the blood of the deceased, and to assess cases in which the compounds have been detected with a focus on their origin and usefulness for medico-legal testimony. Material and methods: The study material consisted of results of tests detecting ethyl alcohol and reports of autopsies performed at the Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, from January 2008 to April 2009 – a total of 2,475 cases. The test group proper (group B) comprised only those cases in which acetone was detected in blood, either with or without isopropanol [n = 202 (8.2%)]. The blood levels of isopropanol varied depending on the cause of death. The need for differentiating the origin of isopropanol in the case of its presence in the blood of the deceased was pointed out. Results : The results of the present study show that the differentiation should be based on the isopropanol and acetone concentration ratio, as isopropanol concentration alone is not sufficient for preparing expert opinions. Even high concentrations of isopropanol, when accompanied by even higher concentrations of acetone, imply that isopropanol could have been formed as a result of acetone transformations. Isopropanol concentrations exceeding acetone levels strongly point to the exogenous origin of isopropanol, particularly when high levels of ethanol are concurrently detected

    Lack of effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 on beta-cell function in children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction The gut microbiota may be relevant in the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D). We examined the effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 on beta-cell function in children with newly diagnosed T1D.Research design and methods Children aged 8–17 years with newly (within 60 days) diagnosed T1D were enrolled in a double-blind, randomised controlled trial in which they received L. rhamnosus GG and B. lactis Bb12 at a dose of 109 colony-forming units or placebo, orally, once daily, for 6 months. The follow-up was for 12 months. The primary outcome measure was the area under the curve (AUC) of the C-peptide level during 2-hour responses to a mixed meal.Results Ninety-six children were randomised (probiotics, n=48; placebo n=48; median age 12.3 years). Eighty-eight (92%) completed the 6-month intervention, and 87 (91%) completed the follow-up at 12 months. There was no significant difference between the study groups for the AUC of the C-peptide level. For the secondary outcomes at 6 months, there were no differences between the study groups. At 12 months, with one exception, there also were no significant differences between the groups. Compared with the placebo group, there was a significantly increased number of subjects with thyroid autoimmunity in the probiotic group. However, at baseline, there was also a higher frequency of thyroid autoimmunity in the probiotic group. There were no cases of severe hypoglycemia or ketoacidosis in any of the groups. No adverse events related to the study products were reported.Conclusions L. rhamnosus GG and B. lactis Bb12, as administered in this study, had no significant effect in maintaining the residual pancreatic beta-cell function in children with newly diagnosed T1D. It remains unclear which probiotics, if any, alone or in combination, are potentially the most useful for management of T1D.Trial registration number NCT03032354

    No evidence of West Nile virus infection among Polish patients with encephalitis

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    West Nile virus (WNV) infection usually causes mild febrile illness, but in a small proportion of patients it can lead to encephalitis. Epidemiological studies of WNV indicate fast spread of infection worldwide and in Europe, but there have been no comprehensive studies of WNV infection among encephalitis patients in Poland. Here we present the results of WNV RNA and anti-WNV testing in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples in 80 patients with the clinical diagnosis of viral encephalitis. WNV RNA was not detected in any of the analyzed samples. Anti-WNV IgG and IgM were not present in CSF in any of the investigated patients, but anti-WNV IgM were unexpectedly detected in serum of 14 subjects. The latter represented false positive results are probably related to cross reactivity of antibodies. Although there was no evidence of WNV infection in any of our patients, epidemiological situation in the neighbouring countries warrants vigilance and appropriate measures, including introduction of specific diagnostic tools into clinical practice, seem necessary

    Współwystępowanie polimorfizmów genów układu renina&#8211;angiotensyna a rokowanie u osób z chorobą wieńcową &#8212; doniesienie wstępne

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    Background: Common variants of the renin&#8211;angiotensin system (RAS) genes have been linked to a higher risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) and its complications. Aim: To determine the prognostic significance of a combination of three common polymorphisms of RAS genes (angiotensin converting enzyme &#8212; ACE Ins/Del, angiotensin receptor type 1 &#8212; AGT1R A1166C and angiotensinogen &#8212; ATG M235T) in patients with CAD. Methods: The study included 216 patients (mean age 58 &#177; 9 years, 74% male) prospectively followed for a mean 41 &#177; 17 months. The end-points were all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction, stroke or the need for coronary revascularisation. Results: An end-point occurred in 41 (19%) patients. None of the polymorphisms analysed separately was associated with the end-point. Odds ratios were calculated for different combinations of analysed alleles to determine their relation to outcomes. Based on the cut-off points of odds ratios, the study group was divided into three subgroups: 55 patients without ATG 235T allele (T&#8211; subgroup); 100 patients with ATG 235T allele alone or ATG 235T allele combined with ACE Del allele or AGT1R 1166C allele (T+ or T+1 subgroup); and 61 patients with all three variants (T+2 subgroup). Multivariate analysis showed that the only independent predictor of the endpoint was an increasing number of variant genes (HR = 2.6, 95% CI 1.4&#8211;4.9, p = 0.002). Conclusions: Co-existing angiotensinogen M235T AGT polymorphism and two other common polymorphisms of the RAS genes are related to adverse events in patients with CAD. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 7: 688&#8211;695Wstęp: Często występujące warianty genów układu renina&#8211;angiotensyna (RAS) są związane z większym ryzykiem wystąpienia choroby wieńcowej i jej powikłań. Cel: Celem pracy była ocena znaczenia rokowniczego skojarzonego występowania trzech polimorfizmów genów RAS (enzymu konwertującego angiotensynę &#8212; ACE Ins/Del, receptora dla angiotensyny typu 1 &#8212; AGT1R A1166C oraz angiotensynogenu &#8212; ATG M235T) u osób z chorobą wieńcową. Metody: Do badania włączono 216 pacjentów (średni wiek 58 &#177; 9 lat, 74% mężczyzn), których obserwowano prospektywnie przez średnio 41 &#177; 17 miesięcy. Punkt końcowy obejmował: śmiertelność całkowitą, zawał serca, udar mózgu i potrzebę rewaskularyzacji wieńcowej. Wyniki Punkt końcowy wystąpił u 41 (19%) chorych. Badane polimorfizmy oceniane oddzielnie nie były związane z punktem końcowym. W celu oceny związku poszczególnych kombinacji allelów z punktem końcowym dla każdego z nich obliczono iloraz szans jego wystąpienia. Na podstawie tak uzyskanych punktów odcięcia grupę podzielono na 3 podgrupy: 55 pacjentów bez allelu ATG 235T (podgrupa T&#8211;), 100 nosicieli allelu ATG 235T osobno lub w skojarzeniu z allelem ACE Del lub z allelem AGT1R 1166C (podgrupa T+ or T+1) i 61 nosicieli wszystkich 3 wariantów genowych (podgrupa T+2). Analiza wieloczynnikowa wykazała, że jedynym niezależnym czynnikiem rokowniczym była zwiększająca się liczba obecnych u pacjentów wariantów genowych (HR = 2,6; 95% CI 1,4&#8211;4,9; p = 0,002). Wnioski: Współwystępowanie polimorfizmu M235T AGT i dwóch innych polimorfizmów genów RAS wiąże się z gorszym rokowaniem u osób z chorobą wieńcową. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 7: 688&#8211;69

    Adverse Events of Cabozantinib as a Potential Prognostic Factor in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients: Real-World Experience in a Single-Center Retrospective Study

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    Cabozantinib, an oral inhibitor targeting MET, AXL, and VEGF receptors, has become a key component of a sequential treatment strategy for clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). The purpose of this work is to show that effective management of adverse events (AEs) during cabozantinib treatment and achieving a balance between AEs and treatment efficacy is crucial to achieving therapeutic goals. In this retrospective study, involving seventy-one metastatic RCC (mRCC) patients receiving second or subsequent lines of cabozantinib at the Department of Genitourinary Oncology, Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, we explored the impact of AEs on overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). AEs were observed in 92% of patients. Hypothyroidism during treatment was significantly associated with prolonged OS and PFS (HR: 0.31; p p p = 0.021). Patients experiencing multiple AEs demonstrated superior OS and PFS compared to those with one or no AEs (HR: 0.36; p p < 0.001, respectively). Hypothyroidism and HFS serve as valuable predictive factors during cabozantinib treatment in ccRCC patients, indicating a more favorable prognosis

    DataSheet1_A MYH7 variant in a five-generation-family with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.PDF

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    Background: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a genetic condition with a prevalence of 1:500–1:3 000. Variants in genes encoding sarcomeric proteins are mainly responsible for the disease. MYH7 gene encoding a myosin heavy chain beta, together with MYPBC3 gene are the two most commonly affected genes. The clinical presentation of this disease varies widely between individuals. This study aims to report a variant of MYH7 responsible for HCM in a five-generation family with a history of cardiac problems.Methods: The diagnosis was established according to the European Society of Cardiology HCM criteria based on two-dimensional Doppler echocardiography or cardiovascular magnetic resonance. Genetic analysis was performed using next-generation-sequencing and Sanger method.Results: The medical history of the presented family began with a prenatal diagnosis of HCM in the first child of a family with previously healthy parents. Five generations of the family had a long history of sudden cardiac death and cardiac problems. A NM_000257.4:c.2342T>A (p.Leu781Gln) variant was detected in the MYH7 gene. It was heterozygous in the proband and in all affected individuals in a large family. The variant was present in 10 affected members of the family, and was absent in 7 members. The clinical course of the disease was severe in several members of the family: three family members died of sudden cardiac death, one patient required heart transplantation, three underwent septal myectomy, and three required implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) implantation.Conclusion: Herein, we report a MYH7 variant responsible for HCM. Familial HCM is inherited primarily in autosomal dominant mode, which is in accordance with our study. However, the presented family showed a broad clinical spectrum of HCM. Out of 10 family members with positive genetic testing 8 had severe presentation of the disease and 2 had a mild phenotype. This suggests that the severity of the disease may depend on other factors, most likely genetic.</p