224 research outputs found

    Walt Whitman\u27s There Was a Child Went Forth : The Image of Edges in the Origins of Life

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    Offers a reading of There Was a Child Went Forth emphasizing how Whitman\u27s poems reconcile images of edges into the central edge of the poem\u27s shore mud, a gesture that conveys edges as representative of the origins of life

    The Possibilities of Dismantling the Racializing Strategies of White Supremacy

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    The politics of racelessness in Richard Wright's The Outsider

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    Vascular Manifestations of Behçet’s Disease

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    Behçet’s disease (BD), a very morphologically diverse systemic disease, may involve the vascular system. The venous system is the most frequently attacked vessel system. The arterial system, when involved, increases the severity and morbidity of Behçet’s disease. Cardiac involvement, although rare, can be very subtle and in itself increases the mortality. Vasculitis is the hallmark pathology resulting in occlusion, aneurysms, or both. Vascular involvement may be very challenging in all phases of treatment beginning from diagnosis till recovery and remission


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    Bu çalışma, fiber takviyeli ve piezoelektrik özelliğe sahip bir kompozit malzemenin lineer elektro-termoelastik analizi için bünye denklemlerinin geliştirilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Fiber takviyeli kompozit ortamın anizotropik bir yapıda olduğu varsayılmış ve piezoelektrik özelliğinden dolayı sıkışabilir olduğu kabul edilmiştir. Bunun yanında fiber ailesinin uzamaz olduğu farzedilmiştir. Ayrıca kompozit malzeme fiber boyunca yön değişimine duyarsız kalacağından, matematiksel olarak fiber vektörünün değişiminden etkilenmeyeceği için fiber vektörünün bileşenlerinin dış çarpımı olan simetrik bir tansör tanımlanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın temelini elektro-termomekanik denge denklemleri, fiber deformasyon geometrisi ve kinematiği ile ilgili denklemler oluşturmaktadır. Bünye aksiyomlarının kullanılması sonucunda gerilme potansiyelinin Green deformasyon tansörüne, fiber-dağılım tansörüne, elektrik alanı vektörüne ve mutlak sıcaklığa bağlı olduğu, ısı vektörü fonksiyonunun ise bu büyüklükler ile birlikte sıcaklık alanının gradyanına bağlı olduğu görülmüştür. Kompozit ortamın anizotropik yapıda olmasından dolayı, gerilme potansiyeli ve ısı vektörü fonksiyonları yaklaşık teorilerden bulunmuş, etkileşimlerin tümü lineer kabul edilerek seri açılımı yapılmıştır. Uzaysal koordinatlarda elde edilen simetrik gerilmenin, polarizasyonun ve ısı akısı vektörünün lineer bünye denklemlerinin ve denge denklemlerinde yer alan ifadelerin denge denklemlerinde yerlerine yazılması sonucunda alan denklemleri bulunmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Denge denklemleri, Alan denklemleri, Fiber dağılım tansörü, Gerilme, Polarizasyon, Isı akısı, Termoelastisite, Anizotropi, Piezoelektrik

    The assessment of cervical vertebral anomalies on lateral cephalograms and cone-beam computed tomographs

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    Objectives: The aims of this study were (1) to determine the occurrence of cervical vertebral anomaly in the selected population, (2) to evaluate the reliability of the findings obtained from lateral cephalograms. For this purpose, the lateral cephalogram findings were compared with those obtained from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT).Subjects and Methods: A sample of 123 subjects who had both lateral cephalogram and CBCT were comprised from the archive. Only the subjects with images presenting the first four cervical vertebrae were included; thus 25 subjects (14 female, 11 male) formed the study group. Normal appearance was determined when the first four vertebrae could be traced as separate entities, with all anatomical components present. Characteristics of the cervical column were classified according to Sandham as posterior arch deficiencies (PAD) and fusions.Results: The lateral cephalogram findings of the 25 subjects revealed an occurrence of 16% for fusion and an occurrence of 20% for PAD. However, none of these findings were confirmed by the evaluation of CBCT images.Conclusions: The occurrence of cervical vertebral anomalies was zero in the evaluated orthodontic population. Our findings suggest that the evaluation of two-dimensional radiographs for the diagnosis of cervical vertebral anomalies was not a reliable metho

    A Study of Dynamic Finite Size Scaling Behavior of the Scaling Functions-Calculation of Dynamic Critical Index of Wolff Algorithm

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    In this work we have studied the dynamic scaling behavior of two scaling functions and we have shown that scaling functions obey the dynamic finite size scaling rules. Dynamic finite size scaling of scaling functions opens possibilities for a wide range of applications. As an application we have calculated the dynamic critical exponent (zz) of Wolff's cluster algorithm for 2-, 3- and 4-dimensional Ising models. Configurations with vanishing initial magnetization are chosen in order to avoid complications due to initial magnetization. The observed dynamic finite size scaling behavior during early stages of the Monte Carlo simulation yields zz for Wolff's cluster algorithm for 2-, 3- and 4-dimensional Ising models with vanishing values which are consistent with the values obtained from the autocorrelations. Especially, the vanishing dynamic critical exponent we obtained for d=3d=3 implies that the Wolff algorithm is more efficient in eliminating critical slowing down in Monte Carlo simulations than previously reported.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, 13 eps figures. Accepted for publication in Computer Physics Communicatio