238 research outputs found

    The prevalence and morphometric features of mastoid emissary vein on multidetector computed tomography

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    Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence and morphometric features of mastoid emissary vein (MEV) on multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) scans, emphasize its clinical significance and review its surgical implications. Materials and methods: Cranial and temporal bone MDCTs of 248 patients (496 sides) were analysed by 2 radiologists. Mastoid foramen (MF) was defined on the 3 dimensional volume rendered (3DVR) images. The MF and mastoid emissary canal (MEC) were investigated in axial thin slices and the diameters of the largest MF and MEC were measured. Mean diameters of MF and MEC were determined. The number of the mastoid foramina was noted. Differences in MF prevalence by sex and side were evaluated. Results: The overall prevalence of MEC was 92.3%. It was observed in 91.5% of women and 93.3% of men. MEC was present on the right side in 84.7% and on the left side in 82.3% of temporal bones. The mean diameter of MF was 1.92 ± ± 1.02 mm on the right and 1.84 ± 0.98 mm on the left. In both sides the number of the MF’s changed from absent to triple. The mean diameter of MEC was 1.58 ± 0.86 mm on the right and 1.48 ± 0.79 mm on the left side. The mean diameter of MEC was significantly larger in men. No significant correlation was detected between age and the MEC diameter. Conclusions: The preoperative detection of mastoid emissary veins is necessary. The radiologists should be familiar with their clinical significance and variant appearances and report them accurately. Knowledge of their morphology and surgical implications by the surgeons will make them aware to avoid unexpected and fatal complications while operating in the suboccipital and mastoid area. MDCT is a reliable diagnostic tool for imaging the MEC and MF.


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    Felsefenin insanlık tarihiyle başladığı ifade edilmektedir. Insanlık tarihinin unutulmaz isimleri peygamberler, filozoflar ve bilginlerdir. Biz, bu makalede M.S. I. yüzyılda Anadolu'da yaşamış olan Antik Yunan filozofu Epiktetos'un hayatını ve felsefi görüşlerini ineeledik Araştırmaınızda daha çok, filozofun mevcut olan "Düşünceler ve Konuşmalar" adlı tek eserinden faydalandık Onun bu eser bağlamında Felsefe ve Filozof, Tanrı, Ruh, Ahlak ve Akıl hakkındaki görüşlerinin yanı sıra diğer görüşlerine de kısaca temas ettik


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    Although much has been written on Sufısm, . there are only some sources or writings evaluating the dynarnics of Muridizm mavement in Circassia in relation with Naqshbandi Sufism. Therefore, the aim of this study is to compensate such a shortage through analyzing the dynamics of Muridizm movement. Such an aim requires elucidating, on the one hand, the geopolitical, socio-cultural structure of Circassia, on the other hand, the religious and more particularly, the Sufi grounds of Muridizm movement. Although the acceptance of Islam by all the Circassian tribes was very Iate, all native tribes except Georgians and Armenians had become Muslim during the eighteenth century. From the early leader of the movement, namely Imam Mansur, to Sheik Shamil, Naqshbandism was very successful and effective in that region in terms of organizing as well as uniting all Circassian tribes under the banner of Islam and Muridizın against the Russian troops and their invasions. In this study, my principal thesis is as follows: there were at least two main factors behind the success of the Muridizm movement; they were Naqshbandi Sufism and tribal "asabiyya". Both amalgamated and brought unity for all Circassian tribes to struggie against Russian Empire. Consequently, this stud


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    Üstad-ı Hikmet denilen Muğlalı Palaltıyık Mehmet Efendi, XVIII. yüzyılda yaşamış olan bir Osmanlı-Türk düşünürüdür. Kaynaklar onu, felsefe, kelam, mantık, matematik, astronomi, şiir ve musiki alanlarında kendi döneminde söz salıibi biri olarak tanıtmaktadır. Palabıyık Mehmet Efendi'nin hayatı, eserleri ve ilmi kişiliğini anlatan bu makaledeki amaç, hakkında yok denecek kadar az bilgi bulunan bir düşünürün günyüzüne çıkartılınasıdır. Aynı zamanda o dönemin fikir yapısı hakkında da bilgi salıibi olup geçmişle bir kültür köprüsü kurmaktır. Bu durum Türk-İslam Düşüncesi'nin tarihsel süreçteki bilim ve kültür yapısının karanlıkta kalan kayıp zincir halkalarının bulunup tekrar yerlerine eklenmesi ve günümüzle bütünlük arz etmesi bakımından da öneıİılidir

    X-band Interferometric Radar for Mapping Temporal Variability in Forest

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    Valuation, management and monitoring forest sources are crucial in today's world economically and ecologically. Remote sensing provides the possibility to map the extent, state and spatial structure of the forest and to detect and monitor the changes at lower cost than conventional land surveys. Space-borne SAR has the advantage of acquiring images on a global scale in all weather conditions and independently of sunlight; therefore it has become a powerful tool in forestry applications. In this thesis, five sets of dual-polarimetric (HH/VV) TanDEM-X co-registered single-look slant-range products, acquired between September 4 and November 9, 2011, are processed. For each TanDEM-X/TerraSAR-X pair, the canopy height models (CHM) are derived from the interferometric coherence phase using the LIDAR Digital Terrain model as auxiliary data. Using the land cover CLC2006 data, temporal variations in coherence statistics, average SPC heights, penetration depths and relative location of SPC to treetop are mapped with respect to coniferous, deciduous and mixed forest classes. Results reveal that all parameters have certain dependencies on the forest class. Except coherence amplitude statistics, all parameters show sensitivity to the time of autumn and also to the SAR system polarization. Highest temporal variations are observed for deciduous forest, while coniferous forest seem to be least affected. Also, HH polarization is found to have stronger temporal variability than VV polarization for all forest classes


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    Fütüvvet örgütlerinin tarihsel gelişimi ve dini-ahlaki kıymetleri hakkında iki farklıyaklaşım bulunmaktadır. Genel olarak, birinci yaklaşım fütüvvet gruplarının tarihsel gelişiminin ve bu grupların dini-ahlaki kıymetlerinin batıni-heterodoks faktörler ve ideallerle kuvvetli ilişkilerinin olduğunu iddia eder. Diğer taraftan, fütüvvet örgütlerinin dini-ahlaki kıymetlerinin ve tarihsel gelişiminin, ilk ortaya çıkışından itibaren, batıni-heterodoks unsurlarla ve ideallerle herhangi bir ilişkisinin bulunmadığı görüşünü savunur. Bu çalışmada her iki yaklaşım ve konu hakkındaki iddialar ele alınmıştır

    Transient conjugated forced convection heat transfer in thick walled pipes and minipipes with time periodically changing convective boundary condition

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    Transient conjugated heat transfer in thick walled pipes with thermally developing laminar flow is analyzed. Effects of axial fluid conduction as well as radial and axial wall conduction are involved. The problem is solved numerically in a two regional pipe, initially isothermal, for which the ambient temperature in the downstream region suddenly begins to change periodically in time. A parametric study is done to investigate the effects of five defining dimensionless parameters of the problem, which are namely; wall thickness ratio, wall-to-fluid thermal conductivity ratio, wall-to-fluid thermal diffusivity ratio, the Peclet number, the Biot number, and also the effect of the value of the angular frequency.Papers presented at the 13th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Portoroz, Slovenia on 17-19 July 2017 .International centre for heat and mass transfer.American society of thermal and fluids engineers

    Doğu Anadolu’da Yetişen Bir Anason Türünün (Pimpinella tragium subsp. lithophila) Uçucu Yağ Analizi

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    Bu çalışmada Bitlis’ten toplanan Pimpinella tragium Vill. subsp. lithophila (Schischkin) taksonuna ait uçucu yağların belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Uçucu yağlar su distilasyon yöntemi ile Clevenger apareyi kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Bitkinin uçucu yağ verimi %0,4 (v/w) olarak saptanmış, toplamda otuz altı bileşen tespit edilmiştir. Uçucu yağlar toplam yağın yaklaşık olarak %86,4’ünü oluşturmaktadır. Pimpinella tragium Vill. subsp. lithophila’daki ana bileşenler; β-pinen (%15.3), α-pinen (%14.5), β-kubeben (%12.9), β-bisabolen (%12.5) ve di-epi- α-sedren (%11.3) olarak belirlenmiştir

    Hydatid Disease Involving Some Rare Locations in the Body: a Pictorial Essay

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    Hydatid disease (HD) is an endemic illness in many countries, and it poses an important public health problem that's influenced by peoples' socioeconomic status and migration that spreads this disease. Although rare, it may occur in any organ or tissue. The most common site is the liver (59-75%), followed in frequency by lung (27%), kidney (3%), bone (1-4%) and brain (1-2%). Other sites such as the heart, spleen, pancreas and muscles are very rarely affected. Unusual sites for this disease can cause diagnostic problems. This pictorial essay illustrates various radiological findings of HD in the liver, spleen, kidney, pancreas, peritoneal cavity, omentum, adrenal, ovary, lung, mediastinum and retroperitoneum. Familiarity with the imaging findings of HD may be helpful in making an accurate diagnosis and preventing potential complications