33 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency with an application container

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    Efficient use of energy is an issue that the information technology (IT) world gives prominence to both in academia and industry. Cloud computing and the Internet of things, today's most popular subjects, make the efficient use of resources and energy even more important. Every year, millions of smart devices connected to the Internet increase the demand for data center capacity to provide service to those devices. This increases energy consumption in the IT sector. Thus, more efficient use of energy in these systems is of critical importance. The increase in the migration to cloud computing makes fast and efficient infrastructure-as-a-service and platform-as-a-service services provided by Internet service providers important. On the other hand, virtual machines have been used for a long time as an alternative to physical servers. The application containerization concept is shaping the virtualization world by offering faster deployment, reduced resource consumption, easier manageability, and reduced energy consumption, as demonstrated in this study. Our study shows that this new concept is more energy-efficient than virtualization technologies that are currently being used

    Measurement of iron mass in concrete wall using ultra-wide band radar

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    Here, it is aimed to measure and detect the iron mass of a concrete solid wall, column, floor by using of ultra-wide band radar. Electromagnetic waves boundary conditions, reflection, and refraction of waves that radiate in solid material are analysed. GPR imaging methodology and scanning types such as A, B, and C are analysed. Ultra-wide band radar imaging is used for detecting measuring the diameter of the iron material

    Kalman filter aided target density function for radar imaging

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    This study proposes a new algorithm for air target radar imaging by taking the geometrical and processing advantages of array antenna systems. The backscattered signal is processed with a new technique to benefit the facilities of angular scanning. In order to virtually increase the number of the radar elements of the array system, a powerful optimal estimator is employed, namely Kalman filter

    Analysis and Comparision of Waterfall Model and Agile Approach in Software Projects

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    Looking at the history of civilization from past to present, the concepts of project and project management are frequently encountered. Thanks to project management, businesses can work target-oriented, provide high motivation, facilitate internal control and provide a significant increase in quality. The concept of software, born with the development of technology, penetrates our lives more and more day by day. The globalizing world has brought together the concepts of software and project management and integrated them. Software projects require special management techniques because of their content. For this reason, new methods have emerged over time in the management of software projects. In this study, the concept of the project, the development of project management from its birth over the years, project management in software projects, software development life cycles, and the Waterfall Model and Agile Approach, which are two methods used in software projects, are discussed. The perception of the Waterfall Model and Agile Approach was evaluated with the survey study created with the participation of 145 employees from the software industry. Thus, it is aimed to support managers to choose an effective and efficient method at the point of deciding which method to proceed in software project management

    Active sensor imaging by wavelet and Gabor theories

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    In the present paper, two new algorithms are studied by taking advantage of time frequency analysis techniques. Wavelet and Gabor theories are applied to active imaging by sensors such as radars. This is achieved by estimating a new target density function (TDF). It is shown how wavelet and Gabor transforms can be used to imaging by active sensors by transmitting a waveform which is a kernel for these transforms. Both wavelet and Gabor theories satisfy a new TDF kernel as the direction range density function. The windowing characteristics of both theories are plausible to reaching an accurate imaging. The presented TDF is developed by a novel range scanning angle plane different from the conventional methods. Although both imaging techniques are obtained via the linear phased array radars, the problem associated with beam forming is bypassed in both theories

    Classified of Buildings With Fuzzy Methods

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    DergiPark: 242119trakyafbdIn this study, A fuzzy classifıcation system based on fuzzy logic technics has been developed. To classify buildings according to soıne realibility and durability criteria. The buildings consist of steel construction, concrete and wood. The fuzzy system analyse the performance of the buildings in question for earthquake and other natural disasters. Finally, Results show that the fuzzy design can deterınine the risk of earthquake damage in the buildings. On the other hand, consistent classes in the design have been observed for ?kes ? 0.7 and ?kes ? 0.85 values. While fırst cut value detem1ines ınore general, second one deterınines ınore realistic classifying.Bu çalışmada son yılların önemli ve etkin karar alma yöntemlerinden olan bulanık mantık tekniklerinden yararlanılarak tasarlanan bulanık sınıflama sisteminin, konut ve iş yeri olarak içinde yaşanılan yapıların sınıflanması presesine uygulanabilirliği araştırılmaktadır. Bulanık sistem çelik konstrüksüyon, ahşap ve betonanne olarak bilinen yapıların sadece dayanıklık ve güvenlik kriterlerini göz önüne alarak geliştirilmiştir. Tasarlanan bulanık sınıflama yöntemi ile, yapıların deprem ve benzeri etkilere karşısındaki performansları araştırılmıştır. Bulanık yapıdaki kriterler ile oluşturulan bulanık sınıflarla, kullanıcılara doğru bir yapıyı tercih etme konusunda fikir verilebilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar bulanık tasarımın, binalardaki deprem riskini dar bir çerçevede de olsa belirleyebildiğini saptamıştır. Tasarım ile kendi içinde de tutarlı sayılabilecek sınıfl arın, ?kes ? 0.7 ve ?kes ? 0.85 kesim değerleriyle oluştuğu tespit edilmiştir. Birinci kesim değeri ile daha genel, ikincisi ile de daha gerçekçi sınıflamanın yapıldığı görülmüştür

    International Federation for Information Processing

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    In this paper, as an active sensor imaging technique, a new target density function in form of the range density function(RDF) is developed by Gabor transform which is called short time Fourier transform (STFT). It is shown that Gabor theory, (STFI) can be used as approach to imaging by active sensors by transmitting a waveform. which is a kernel for this transform. Then an alternative signal dimension reduction approach is proposed to the developed technique by taking advantage of Walsh functions

    Real Time Tracking of TV Satellites on Moving Vehicles Using Kalman Filter

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    This paper presents a real time tracking of TV satellites on mobile vehicles using Kalman filter. Kalman filter is adapted to tracking the satellite for uninterrupted broadcasting on moving vehicles. Information about the real time position of the vehicle and satellite is gathered with the aid of onboard sensors on an android device and then analyzed on an android based application. A real time application has been implemented continuously to calculate the azimuth and elevation angle of the satellite. Accelerometer and magnetometer sensors are used for collecting the information on the position of the antenna. GPS sensor is used for collecting the latitude and longitude data of the vehicle. These data are then used for calculating the azimuth and elevation angle of a parabolic dish antenna


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    In this study, at first, Parallel Virtual Machine is reviewed. Since It is based upon parallel processing, it is similar to parallel systems in principle in terms of architecture. Parallel Virtual Machine is neither an operating system nor a programming language. It is a specific software tool that supports heterogeneous parallel systems. However, it takes advantage of the features of both to make users close to parallel systems. Since tasks can be executed in parallel on parallel systems by Parallel Virtual Machine, there is an important similarity between PVM and distributed systems and multiple processors. In this study, the relations in question are examined by making use of Master-Slave programming technique. In conclusion, the PVM is tested with a simple factorial computation on a distributed system to observe its adaptation to parallel architects

    Performance Analysis of Image Reconstruction Based on Modified Radon Transform with Wavelet Transform

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    In many medical imaging modalities, image reconstruction is a key component. Radon Transform is mostly used for reconstruction due to its ability to map from the image space to line parameter space. The goal of this work is to perform another alternative to remove blurring on reconstructed images which is obtained by the Classic Radon Transform. Wavelet Transform, which provides time and frequency representation, allows complex information such as images to be separated into elementary forms at different positions and scales and reconstructed with good precision. In consequence, we have an additional chance to distinguish image content and noise. By combining benefits both Radon Transform and Wavelet Transform, it becomes one of many ways to reconstruct an image. In addition, filters are applied on reconstructed images to improve their performance. The quality of the images is evaluated by Peak Signal Noise to Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity (SSIM) to find the performance of the reconstructed images. Numerical results show that the Modified Radon Transform with Wavelet Transform plus wiener filter is more effective than the Classic Radon Transform