48 research outputs found

    Suriyeli Mülteci Öğrencilerin Öğretmeni Olmak: Öğretmenlerin Okul Deneyimleri

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    This study aims to focus on the class and school wide experiences of teachers working with Syrian refugee students and to reveal what these experiences indicate in terms of inclusive education. The main hypothesis of the present study is that inclusive education should be reconsidered in terms of teachers’ in-service /preservice training, beliefs, attitudes and competencies. Qualitative design was employed in the study since it explored teachers’ lived experiences on refugee student phenomenon. The sample consisted of 21 teachers who were voluntary to participate and chosen from five schools located in two different districts of Kayseri where refugee population is dense. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed through content analysis. The results showed that teachers put into practice actions to boost refugee students’ active participation in classroom and reduce discrimination against them. However, the teachers believed that their efforts to provide refugee students with qualified and equal education were not sufficient. They also believed that they were not proficient to train refugee students. As for assessment, the results revealed that differences of refugee students were ignored, and this was caused by lack of legal regulations and knowledge. It was determined that teachers put forth an effort to design social environment in the classroom to include belonging and they had experiences consistent with reactive and preventive approaches. Lastly, it can be said that the main source of occupational motivation for teachers is affection for children. It was suggested that curriculum be designed in a way that it included refugee students, long-running studies be planned, and preservice / in-service trainings be reconsidered contextually.Bu çalışma, Kayseri’deki mülteci çocuklara eğitim veren öğretmenlerin, okul ve sınıf deneyimlerine odaklanmayı ve bu deneyimlerin kapsayıcı eğitim bakımından neye işaret ettiğini ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmanın temel varsayımı, kapsayıcı eğitimin, öğretmenlerin hizmet öncesi eğitimleri, hizmet içi eğitimleri, inançları, tutumları ve yeterlikleri bağlamında yeniden düşünülmesi gerektiği yönündedir. Çalışma mülteci öğrenci olgusuna ilişkin, öğretmenlerin öznel deneyimlerine odaklandığından fenomenolojik araştırma niteliğindedir. Bu bağlamda nitel araştırma yaklaşımıyla planlanmış ve gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örneklem, Kayseri’de Suriyeli mültecilerin yoğun olarak yaşadığı iki mahalledeki beş okuldan gönüllülük esasına göre belirlenen 21 öğretmenden oluşmaktadır. Veriler, çalışma grubuyla gerçekleştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmelerden elde edilmiş, içerik analizi tekniğine uygun olarak çözümlenmiştir. Sonuçlar, Kayseri’de görevli öğretmenlerin, sınıflarda mülteci öğrencilerin öğrenmeye katılımını artırmaya ve ayrımcılığı azaltmaya yönelik uygulamalara yer verdiklerini ortaya koymakla birlikte, gösterdikleri çabanın eşit ve nitelikli eğitim sağlamaya yeterli olmadığına inandıklarını ve kendilerini mülteci çocuklarla çalışmada yetkin hissetmediklerini göstermektedir. Öğrenmenin ölçülmesine dönük deneyimlerin işaret ettiği nokta, mülteci çocukların farklılıklarının görmezden gelindiği yönünde olup konuyla ilgili yasal metinlerin ve bilgi eksikliğinin bu durumun nedeni olduğu değerlendirilmektedir. Sınıf içindeki sosyal ortamı aidiyet içerecek biçimde düzenlemeye çalıştıkları belirlenen öğretmenlerin, tepkisel ve önleyici modellerle tutarlı deneyimlere sahip oldukları, araştırma sonuçları arasındadır. Öğretmenlerin en önemli mesleki motivasyon kaynağının, çocuk sevgisi olduğu belirlenmiştir. Öğretim programlarının mülteci çocukları kapsayan biçimde düzenlenmesi, konuyla ilgili uzun soluklu çalışmaların planlanması, öğretmenlerin hizmet öncesi ve hizmet içi eğitimlerinin bağlam çerçevesinde yeniden gözden geçirilmesi önerilmektedir

    Being the Teacher of Syrian Refugee Students: Teachers' School Experiences

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    This study aims to focus on the class and school wide experiences of teachers working with Syrian refugee students and to reveal what these experiences indicate in terms of inclusive education. The main hypothesis of the present study is that inclusive education should be reconsidered in terms of teachers' in-service /preservice training, beliefs, attitudes and competencies. Qualitative design was employed in the study since it explored teachers' lived experiences on refugee student phenomenon. The sample consisted of 21 teachers who were voluntary to participate and chosen from five schools located in two different districts of Kayseri where refugee population is dense. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed through content analysis. The results showed that teachers put into practice actions to boost refugee students' active participation in classroom and reduce discrimination against them. However, the teachers believed that their efforts to provide refugee students with qualified and equal education were not sufficient. They also believed that they were not proficient to train refugee students. As for assessment, the results revealed that differences of refugee students were ignored, and this was caused by lack of legal regulations and knowledge. It was determined that teachers put forth an effort to design social environment in the classroom to include belonging and they had experiences consistent with reactive and preventive approaches. Lastly, it can be said that the main source of occupational motivation for teachers is affection for children. It was suggested that curriculum be designed in a way that it included refugee students, long-running studies be planned, and preservice / in-service trainings be reconsidered contextually

    Teacher perceptions of classroom management and problematic behaviors in primary schools

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    AbstractThe aim of this research is to determine and evaluate the problematic behaviors teachers that work in primary schools encounter in classroom management, the reasons of these behaviors and the methods, activities they use to cope with these behaviors, and their ideas and thoughts regarding classroom management. The interview method which is one of the qualitative research methods has been used. Maximum variety exemplification, which is one of the purposeful exemplification methods, is employed in this paper. Eighteen teachers that work in different schools in central districts of Kayseri in the school years of 2006-2007 participated in the sample of this research. Research results show that teachers that work in primary schools are faced with various problematic behaviors of students in the process of learning-teaching activities. Among these behaviors are students’ coming unprepared to the lessons and lack of attention to the lesson, and especially their speaking without permission, and being disrespectful to the teacher. To cope with these problems, teachers first employ nonverbal warnings (jests and mimics), then spoke with the student one by one, gave difficult homework, and employed reward-punishment system. Some of the teachers agreed that teacher's coming prepared to the lesson is the most important factor in facilitating classroom management