8 research outputs found

    Search for electroweak production of single top quarks in ppˉp\bar{p} collisions.

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    We present a search for electroweak production of single top quarks in the electron+jets and muon+jets decay channels. The measurements use ~90 pb^-1 of data from Run 1 of the Fermilab Tevatron collider, collected at 1.8 TeV with the DZero detector between 1992 and 1995. We use events that include a tagging muon, implying the presence of a b jet, to set an upper limit at the 95% confidence level on the cross section for the s-channel process ppbar->tb+X of 39 pb. The upper limit for the t-channel process ppbar->tqb+X is 58 pb. (arXiv

    Therapy of chronic herpesvirus infection in frequently ill children. Possible causes of inefficiency

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    A.S. Levina1,2, I.V. Babachenko1,2, N.V. Skripchenko1,2, T.A. Chebotareva3, O.I. Demina3 1St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 2Children’s Scientific Clinical Center of Infectious Diseases of the Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 3Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, Moscow, Russian Federation Background: therapy for frequently ill children (FIC) with chronic herpesvirus infection includes antivirals and immunomodulators as these patients are considered immunocompromised. According to our data based on the prevalence of diseases and the viral replication activity, therapy may fail in 22% of cases. Aim: to identify a spectrum of rare genetic variants associated with primary immunodeficiency (PID) detected in FIC with stable, active persistence of herpesvirus infections that were resistant to repeat courses of antiviral and immunotropic therapy. Patients and Methods: DNA samples of 33 frequently ill children with chronic herpesvirus infection who did not respond to therapy were analyzed using targeted high-throughput multigene sequencing to identify mutations in PID-associated genes. Results: pathogenic variants matching the potential diagnosis of PID were identified in two (6.1%) children. Rare genetic variants associated with the development of autoinflammatory diseases were found in 54.5% of cases. The p.Gln705Lys NLRP3 gene variant was the most common finding — it was detected in 5 (15.2%) children. Rare variants of the MEFV gene (MEFV p.Thr767Ile and MEFV p.Lys695Arg) were found in three (9.2%) children. In seven (21.2%) children rare variants of the NOD2 gene were identified, in four of them (12.2%) it was NOD2 p.Leu1007fs. Conclusions: the inefficiency of therapy in frequently ill children with chronic herpesvirus infection could be associated with characteristics of the innate immune system. Such children should be referred to immunology consultant and undergo molecular genetic testing. The detection of rare genetic variants associated with autoinflammatory diseases in more than half of the patients indicates that frequent (occurring every month) diseases with fever may mimic hidden or sometimes typical autoinflammatory diseases, despite the detection of the markers of viral and bacterial agents in a child. Keywords: frequently ill children, chronic herpesvirus infection, rare genetic variants, primary immunodeficiency. For citation: Levina A.S., Babachenko I.V., Skripchenko N.V. et al. Therapy of chronic herpesvirus infection in frequently ill children. Possible causes of inefficiency. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2022;5(4):332–339 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2022-5-4-332-339. <br

    Клинические проявления инфекционного мононуклеоза при первичной или реактивированной герпесвирусной инфекции

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    Based on the analysis of foreign and domestic literature, the article presents the features of infectious mononucleosis caused by the main pathogens from the Herpesviridae family, course of the disease at various phases of the infectious process. The article identifies clinical and laboratory manifestations characteristic of each pathogen. The authors discuss the issues related to the lack of the unified terminology for describing chronic herpes virus infection. The article discusses the causes of persistent herpes virus infections, risk factors for the adverse course and outcome of herpes virus infections.На основе анализа данных зарубежной и отечественной литературы представлены особенности инфекционного мононуклеоза, вызванного основными возбудителями из семейства Herpesviridae, течения заболевания в различных фазах инфекционного процесса. Выделены клинические и лабораторные проявления инфекционного мононуклеоза, характерные для каждого из возбудителей. Выносятся на обсуждение вопросы, связанные с отсутствием единой терминологии для описания хронически протекающей герпесвирусной инфекции. Приводится обсуждение причин персистенции герпесвирусных инфекций, факторов риска неблагоприятного течения и исхода герпесвирусных инфекций

    Infectious mononucleosis in children: Clinical and laboratory characteristics depending on the disease etiology and phase of infection

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    Objective. To assess the association between clinical and laboratory characteristics of infectious mononucleosis (IM) and disease etiology and phase of infection. Patients and methods. This prospective observational study was conducted at Z.A.Bashlyaeva Children's City Clinical Hospital, Moscow Healthcare Department and included 107 children with IM. Laboratory testing was performed at the Department of Virological Diagnostics, National Medical Research Center for Hematology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Results. IM is a polyetiologic disease. So far, researcher have failed to find a significant correlation between clinical manifestations of IM and its etiology and phase of infection. Patients with IM caused by primary monoinfection with Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) are at high risk of developing chronic EBV infection. Neutrophilia is a typical laboratory sign of IM during the acute phase of it. Conclusion. The improvement of IM diagnosis with a detailed evaluation of clinical and laboratory criteria, as well as risk assessment of unfavorable outcome are currently impossible without the identification of both disease etiology and phase of infection. © 2020, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved

    Clinical manifestations of infectious mononucleosis in primary or reactivated herpes virus infection [Клинические проявления инфекционного мононуклеоза при первичной или реактивированной герпесвирусной инфекции]

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    Based on the analysis of foreign and domestic literature, the article presents the features of infectious mononucleosis caused by the main pathogens from the Herpesviridae family, course of the disease at various phases of the infectious process. The article identifies clinical and laboratory manifestations characteristic of each pathogen. The authors discuss the issues related to the lack of the unified terminology for describing chronic herpes virus infection. The article discusses the causes of persistent herpes virus infections, risk factors for the adverse course and outcome of herpes virus infections. © 2020 National Academy of Pediatric Science and Innovation. All rights reserved

    Interaction of Portland cement hydration products with complex chemical additives containing fiberglass in moisture-proof cement compositions

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    Physicochemical studies of interaction of the hydration products of Portland cement with the complex chemical additives, which ensure the penetrating action of moisture-proof cement compositions with the borosilicate fiberglass, have been executed. It is established that the fiberglass tightly outgrows by such products of hydration as crystal hydrates and hydrosilicate gel, and durable electro-heterogeneous contacts are formed between them. It is established that one can not expect the destruction of the fiberglass in the alkaline medium of concrete block in view of the dense structure of the hydration products of. With the development of the moisture-proof cement compositions containing fiberglass it is recommended to give the preference to calcium salts, minimizing the content of sodium salts

    Application of decorative fine-grained concretes for small architectural forms

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    Предложены и подобраны составы декоративного мелкозернистого бетона для малых архитектурных форм (МАФ) города. Для получения изделий с высокими эксплуатационно-техническими характеристиками, обеспечивающих долговечность и эстетичность МАФ, были проведены исследования влияния модифицирующих добавок на структуру и свойства бетонов. Подобран оптимальный состав бетона для столбика дорожного ограждения.Запропоновані і підібрані склади декоративного дрібнозернистого бетону для малих архітектурних форм (МАФ) міста. Для отримання виробів з високими експлуатаційно-технічними характеристиками, забезпечуючу довговічність і естетичність МАФ, були проведені дослідження впливу модифікуючих добавок на структуру і властивості бетонів. Підібраний оптимальний склад бетону для стовпчика дорожньої огорожі.Offered and neat compositions of decorative fine-grained concrete for the small architectural forms (MAF) of city. For the receipt of wares with high operating-technical descriptions, providing longevity and aesthetically beautifulness of MAF, researches of influence of modifying additions were conducted on a structure and properties of concretes. Optimum composition of concrete is neat for the column of travelling protection

    Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities

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