88 research outputs found

    The Canadian Perinatal Network: A National Network Focused on Threatened Preterm Birth at 22 to 28 Weeks\u27 Gestation

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    Objective: The Canadian Perinatal Network (CPN) maintains an ongoing national database focused on threatened very preterm birth. The objective of the network is to facilitate between-hospital comparisons and other research that will lead to reductions in the burden of illness associated with very preterm birth. Methods: Women were included in the database if they were admitted to a participating tertiary perinatal unit at 22+0 to 28+6 weeks\u27 gestation with one or more conditions most commonly responsible for very preterm birth, including spontaneous preterm labour with contractions, incompetent cervix, prolapsing membranes, preterm prelabour rupture of membranes, gestational hypertension, intrauterine growth restriction, or antepartum hemorrhage. Data were collected by review of maternal and infant charts, entered directly into standardized electronic data forms and uploaded to the CPN via a secure network. Results: Between 2005 and 2009, the CPN enrolled 2524 women from 14 hospitals including those with preterm labour and contractions (27.4%), short cervix without contractions (16.3%), prolapsing membranes (9.4%), antepartum hemorrhage (26.0%), and preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (23 0%) The mean gestational age at enrolment was 25.9 ± 1.9 weeks and the mean gestation age at delivery was 29.9 ± 5.1 weeks; 57.0% delivered at \u3c 29 weeks and 75.4% at \u3c 34 weeks. Complication rates were high and included serious maternal complications (26 7%), stillbirth (8.2%), neonatal death (16.3%), neonatal intensive care unit admission (60 7%), and serious neonatal morbidity (35 0%). Conclusion: This national dataset contains detailed information about women at risk of very preterm birth. It is available to clinicians and researchers who are working with one or more CPN collaborators and who are interested in studies relating processes of care to maternal or perinatal outcomes

    Polska, Ukraina, świat

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    Od Wydawcy: "Krakowska Szkoła Wyższa im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego, największa niepubliczna szkoła wyższa w Małopolsce od początku swego powstania przywiązuje wagę do kontaktów z uczelniami zagranicznymi. Współpraca nawiązana z wieloma partnerami zagranicznymi nie tylko pozwoliła kadrze dydaktycznej i studentom Frycza nawiązać interesujące kontakty naukowe i biznesowe, wzbogacić księgozbiór o specjalistyczne publikacje, ale zaowocowała także wieloma cennymi programami. Współpraca Szkoły z Międzynarodowym Uniwersytetem REG I im. Akademika Stepana Demianczuka w Równem na Ukrainie - pierwszym partnerem zagranicznym, z którym umowę podpisano w grudniu roku 2001 - przebiega na wielu płaszczyznach (wymiana studentów i pracowników, udział w konferencjach, wspólne publikacje). Owocem jej je st też poniższa książka Polska, Ukraina, Świat pod redakcją Klemensa Budzowskiego i Anatolija Stiepanowicza Demianczuka, zawierająca dorobek naukowy pracowników obu uczelni."(...

    The struggle of the communist regime against dissidents in Ukraine in 1987-1989

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    The article analyzes the socio-political activity of Ukrainian dissidents in 1987-1989 and the struggle against them led by the Communist Party of Ukraine. Presents the anti-Soviet nature of their activities in the eyes of authority. In particular, the article shows their political actions which had a broad social resonance

    The Use of First Trimester Ultrasound

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    In Response

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    Poesias em língua de sinais : uma revisão bibliográfica

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    O presente artigo de revisão de literatura analisa produções acadêmicas sobre a poesia sinalizada. Foram encontradas e analisadas duas dissertações e dez artigos científicos publicados em revistas ou anais de eventos científicos. Como resultado, podem ser apontadas três diferentes abordagens sobre a poesia sinalizada: oviés discursivo e pedagógico, que trata do papel político e educacional de empoderamento e visibilidade da cultura surda; os estudos linguísticos, que abordam aspectos específicos relacionados aos elementos constitutivos da língua de sinais e seus efeitos para a produção de sentidos no universo poético;e os estudos da tradução, quediscutem o conceitode traduzibilidade dos poemas sinalizados e acentuam igualmente o papel das marcas de visibilidade da cultura surda nas traduções possíveis. A diversidade de abordagens, somada às poucas produções encontradas, enfatiza a importância de ampliação de estudos nesta área, uma vez que as poesias possibilitam o empoderamento do povo surdo pelo uso criativo da língua de sinais e também pelas temáticas abordadas, entre as quais a política, a proibição/reconhecimento das línguasde sinais, entre outros.The present literature review article analyzes academic productions about sign language poetry. Two MA thesis and ten scientific articles published in journals or proceedings of scientific events were found and analyzed. As a result, three different approaches to sign languagepoetry can be pointed out: the discursive and pedagogical bias, which deals with the political and educational role of empowerment and visibility of deaf culture; the linguistic studies, which deal with specific aspects related to theconstituent elements of sign language and their effects for the production of meanings in the poetic universe; and the translation studies, that discuss the concepts of translatability of the sign languagepoems and also emphasize the role of the marks ofvisibility of the deaf culture in the possible translations. The diversity of approaches, along with the few publications found, emphasizes the importance of expanding studies in this area, since poetry enables the deaf people to be empowered by the creative use of sign language and by the themes addressed, among which politics, the prohibition / recognition of sign languages, among others.El presente artículo de revisión de literatura analiza producciones académicas sobre la poesía en lengua de señas. Se encontraron y analizaron dos disertaciones y diez artículos científicos publicados en revistas o anales de eventos científicos. Como resultado, pueden apuntarse tres distintos enfoques sobre la poesía en señas: la perspectiva discursiva y pedagógica, que trata del papel político y educacional de empoderamiento y visibilidad de la cultura sorda; los estudios lingüísticos, que abordan aspectos específicos relacionados a los elementos constitutivos de la lengua de señas y sus efectos para la producción de sentidos en el universo poético; y los estudios de traducción, que discuten el concepto de traducibilidad de los poemas en señas y acentúan igualmente el papel de las marcas de visibilidad de la cultura sorda en las traducciones posibles. La diversidad de enfoques, sumada a las pocas producciones encontradas, enfatiza la importancia de la ampliación de estudios en esta área, una vez que las poesías posibilitan el empoderamiento del pueblo sordo por el uso creativo de la lengua de señas y también por las temáticas abordadas, entre las cuales la política, la prohibición/reconocimiento de las lenguas de señas, entre otras