830 research outputs found

    Growth rate, population entropy, and perturbation theory.

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    This paper is concerned with the connection between two classes of population variables: measures of population growth rate—the Malthusian parameter, the net reproduction rate, the gross reproduction rate, and the mean life expectancy; and measures of demographic heterogeneity—population entropy. It is shown that the entropy functions predict the response of the growth rate parameters to perturbations in the age-specific fecundity and mortality schedule. These results are invoked to introduce the notion of environmental intensity. The intensity function, expressed in terms of the entropy parameters, is applied to give a comparative study of the effect of environmental factors on the dynamics of Swedish and French populations

    Evolutionary Entropy: A Predictor of Body Size, Metabolic Rate and Maximal Life Span

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    Body size of organisms spans 24 orders of magnitude, and metabolic rate and life span present comparable differences across species. This article shows that this variation can be explained in terms of evolutionary entropy, a statistical parameter which characterizes the robustness of a population, and describes the uncertainty in the age of the mother of a randomly chosen newborn. We show that entropy also has a macroscopic description: It is linearly related to the logarithm of the variables body size, metabolic rate, and life span. Furthermore, entropy characterizes Darwinian fitness, the efficiency with which a population acquires and converts resources into viable offspring. Accordingly, entropy predicts the outcome of natural selection in populations subject to different classes of ecological constraints. This predictive property, when integrated with the macroscopic representation of entropy, is the basis for enormous differences in morphometric and life-history parameters across species

    Alzheimer's disease: the amyloid hypothesis and the Inverse Warburg effect.

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    Epidemiological and biochemical studies show that the sporadic forms of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are characterized by the following hallmarks: (a) An exponential increase with age; (b) Selective neuronal vulnerability; (c) Inverse cancer comorbidity. The present article appeals to these hallmarks to evaluate and contrast two competing models of AD: the amyloid hypothesis (a neuron-centric mechanism) and the Inverse Warburg hypothesis (a neuron-astrocytic mechanism). We show that these three hallmarks of AD conflict with the amyloid hypothesis, but are consistent with the Inverse Warburg hypothesis, a bioenergetic model which postulates that AD is the result of a cascade of three events-mitochondrial dysregulation, metabolic reprogramming (the Inverse Warburg effect), and natural selection. We also provide an explanation for the failures of the clinical trials based on amyloid immunization, and we propose a new class of therapeutic strategies consistent with the neuroenergetic selection model

    Fluoroscopic placement of double-pigtail ureteral stents.

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    Purpose: Double-pigtail ureteral stent is placed cystoscopically after ureteroscopy. We describe a technique for fluoroscopic placement of ureteral stents and demonstrate its use in a non-randomized prospective study.Materials and methods: Double-pigtail stents were placed either fluoroscopically or cystoscopically in 121 consecutive patients. In the fluoroscopic method, the stent was placed over a guide wire using a stent pusher without the use of cystoscopy. Conversely, stents were placed through the working channel of the cystoscope under vision. The procedure, stent length, width, type, method, ureteral dilation, and use of a retrieval string were noted.Results: A wide range of stent sizes were used. The success with fluoroscopic placement of double-pigtail ureteral stents was 100% (89 of 89 cases). No stents migrated or required replacement. Stents were placed after ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy (53/89) and ureteroscopic tumor treatment (22/89). Cystoscopic visualization was used in 32 additional procedures requiring precise control (15 ureteral strictures and nine retrograde endopyelotomy).Conclusions: The fluoroscopic placement of ureteral stents is a safe and simple technique with a very high success rate. We have used cystoscopic placement only after incisional procedures such as retrograde endopyelotomy, stricture or ureterotomy

    Lethality and entropy of protein interaction networks

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    We characterize protein interaction networks in terms of network entropy. This approach suggests a ranking principle, which strongly correlates with elements of functional importance, such as lethal proteins. Our combined analysis of protein interaction networks and functional profiles in single cellular yeast and multi-cellular worm shows that proteins with large contribution to network entropy are preferentially lethal. While entropy is inherently a dynamical concept, the present analysis incorporates only structural information. Our result therefore highlights the importance of topological features, which appear as correlates of an underlying dynamical property, and which in turn determine functional traits. We argue that network entropy is a natural extension of previously studied observables, such as pathway multiplicity and centrality. It is also applicable to networks in which the processes can be quantified and therefore serves as a link to study questions of structural and dynamical robustness in a unified way

    Toxicity of Pyrolysis Gases from Elastomers

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    The toxicity of the pyrolysis gases from six elastomers was investigated. The elastomers were polyisoprene (natural rubber), styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM), acrylonitrile rubber, chlorosulfonated polyethylene rubber, and polychloroprene. The rising temperature and fixed temperature programs produced exactly the same rank order of materials based on time to death. Acryltonitrile rubber exhibited the greatest toxicity under these test conditions; carbon monoxide was not found in sufficient concentrations to be the primary cause of death

    Characterizing Distances of Networks on the Tensor Manifold

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    At the core of understanding dynamical systems is the ability to maintain and control the systems behavior that includes notions of robustness, heterogeneity, or regime-shift detection. Recently, to explore such functional properties, a convenient representation has been to model such dynamical systems as a weighted graph consisting of a finite, but very large number of interacting agents. This said, there exists very limited relevant statistical theory that is able cope with real-life data, i.e., how does perform analysis and/or statistics over a family of networks as opposed to a specific network or network-to-network variation. Here, we are interested in the analysis of network families whereby each network represents a point on an underlying statistical manifold. To do so, we explore the Riemannian structure of the tensor manifold developed by Pennec previously applied to Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) towards the problem of network analysis. In particular, while this note focuses on Pennec definition of geodesics amongst a family of networks, we show how it lays the foundation for future work for developing measures of network robustness for regime-shift detection. We conclude with experiments highlighting the proposed distance on synthetic networks and an application towards biological (stem-cell) systems.Comment: This paper is accepted at 8th International Conference on Complex Networks 201

    Evolutionary entropy predicts the outcome of selection: Competition for resources that vary in abundance and diversity

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    Competition between individuals for resources which are limited and diverse in composition is the ultimate driving force of evolution. Classical studies of this event contend that the outcome is a deterministic process predicted by the growth rate of the competing types-a tenet called the Malthusian selection principle. Recent studies of competition indicate that the dynamics of selection is a stochastic process, regulated by the population size, the abundance and diversity of the resource, and predicted by evolutionary entropy-a statistical parameter which characterizes the rate at which the population returns to the steady state condition after a random endogenous or exogenous perturbation. This tenet, which we will call the entropic selection principle entails the following relations: This article delineates the analytic, computational and empirical support for this tenet. We show moreover that the Malthusian selection principle, a cornerstone of classical evolutionary genetics, is the limit, as population size and resource abundance tends to infinity of the entropic selection principle. The Malthusian tenet is an approximation to the entropic selection principle-an approximation whose validity increases with increasing population size and increasing resource abundance. Evolutionary entropy is a generic concept that characterizes the interaction dynamics of metabolic entities at several levels of biological organization: cellular, organismic and ecological. Accordingly, the entropic selection principle represents a general rule for explaining the processes of adaptation and evolution at each of these levels

    Molecular Evolution in Time Dependent Environments

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    The quasispecies theory is studied for dynamic replication landscapes. A meaningful asymptotic quasispecies is defined for periodic time dependencies. The quasispecies' composition is constantly changing over the oscillation period. The error threshold moves towards the position of the time averaged landscape for high oscillation frequencies and follows the landscape closely for low oscillation frequencies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Latex, uses Springer documentclass llncs.cl