927 research outputs found

    Modeling the transient flow of undercooled glass-forming liquids

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    n a recent experimental study on flow behavior of Vitreloy-1 (Zr41.25Ti13.75Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5), three distinct modes of flow are suggested: Newtonian, non-Newtonian, and localized flow. In a subsequent study, the experimental flow data is utilized in a self-consistent manner to develop a rate equation to govern local free volume production. In the present study the production-rate equation is transformed into a transport equation that can be coupled with momentum and energy transport via viscosity to formulate a model capable to govern the flow of undercooled glass forming liquids. The model is implemented to study the flow behavior of undercooled Vitreloy-1 melt. For a temperature of 700 K and shear loading of 1.0 MPa, the model predicts that the flow profile gradually stabilizes to its Newtonian limit while the liquid is maintained in structural and thermal equilibrium. For the conditions of 675 K and 100 MPa, the model predicts that the flow profile departs from its Newtonian limit and gradually stabilizes to a non-Newtonian limit. The non-Newtonian profile is evaluated independently by considering structurally quasistatic conditions, which yield the shear-rate dependency of flow. For the conditions of 650 K and 2.0 GPa, the model predicts that the flow continuously localizes and ultimately accelerates unconstrained, while the system is driven out of structural and thermal equilibration towards an unstable state associated with free volume generation, viscosity degradation, and temperature rise. The computed temperature and shear rate evolutions for the three distinct flow modes are superimposed on a temperature-shear rate diagram and appear to computationally reproduce the experimental flow map. The system's structural state that appears to dictate flow behavior is quantified by a dimensionless number, which results from a time scale analysis of the free volume production equation

    Coarse-grained description of localized inelastic deformation in amorphous metals

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    The sequence of shear transformation events that lead to a shear band transition in amorphous metals is described by a spatially random coarse-grained model calibrated to obey the thermodynamic scaling relations that govern flow in a real glass. The model demonstrates that shear banding is a consequence of local shear transformation events that self-organize along planes of maximum resolved shear stress to form extended bands of highly localized deformation. This description suggests that shear band formation is incipient during the early stages of deformation of a randomly inhomogeneous material

    Fragility of iron-based glasses

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    The viscosity of various iron-based bulk-glass-forming liquids is measured around the glass transition, and the associated fragility is calculated. Fragility is found to vary broadly between compositions, from a low value of ~43, which indicates fairly “strong” liquid behavior, to ~65, well within the region of “fragile” behavior. Despite a strong covalent bonding identified in the structure of this class of metal/metalloid glasses, their liquid fragility can be remarkably high, exceeding even the very fragile palladium and platinum bulk-glass formers. An inverse correlation between glass-forming ability and fragility is identified, suggesting that iron-based glasses are effectively “kinetically” stabilized

    Rheology and ultrasonic properties of Pt57.5Ni5.3Cu14.7P22.5 liquid

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    The equilibrium and nonequilibrium viscosity and isoconfigurational shear modulus of Pt57.5Ni5.3Cu14.7P22.5 supercooled liquid are evaluated using continuous–strain-rate compression experiments and ultrasonic measurements. By means of a thermodynamically-consistent cooperative shear model, variations in viscosity with both temperature and strain rate are uniquely correlated to the variations in isoconfigurational shear modulus, which leads to an accurate prediction of the liquid fragility and to a good description of the liquid strain-rate sensitivity

    Anelastic to Plastic Transition in Metallic Glass-Forming Liquids

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    The configurational properties associated with the transition from anelasticity to plasticity in a transiently deforming metallic glass-forming liquid are studied. The data reveal that the underlying transition kinetics for flow can be separated into reversible and irreversible configurational hopping across the liquid energy landscape, identified with beta and alpha relaxation processes, respectively. A critical stress characterizing the transition is recognized as an effective Eshelby “backstress,” revealing a link between the apparent anelasticity and the “confinement stress” of the elastic matrix surrounding the plastic core of a shear transformation zone

    Deformation of glass forming metallic liquids: Configurational changes and their relation to elastic softening

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    The change in the configurational enthalpy of metallic glass forming liquids induced by mechanical deformation and its effect on elastic softening is assessed. The acoustically measured shear modulus is found to decrease with increasing configurational enthalpy by a dependence similar to one obtained by softening via thermal annealing. This establishes that elastic softening is governed by a unique functional relationship between shear modulus and configurational enthalpy

    Energy Loss in Submerged Hydraulic Jump Within Inclined Channel

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Is query translation a distinct task from search?

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    INTRODUCTION The University of Sheffield participated in iCLEF 2002 using, as a test-bed, the prototype under development in the Clarity project. Clarity is an EU funded project aimed at developing a system for cross-language information retrieval for so-called low density languages, those with few translation resources. Currently translation between English and Finnish is supported; soon Swedish will be added and in the near future Latvian and Lithuanian. Clarity is being developed in a user-centred way with user involvement from the beginning. The design of the first user interface was based on current best practise, particular attention was paid to empirical evidence for a specific design choice. Six paper-based interface mock-ups representing important points in the cross-language search task were generated and presented for user assessment as a part of an extensive user study. The study (reported in Petrelli et al. 2002) was conducted to understand users and uses of cross-language information retrieval systems. Many different techniques were applied: contextual enquiry, interviews, questionnaires, informal evaluation of existing cross-language technology, and participatory design sessions with the interface mock-ups mentioned above. As a result, a user class profile was sketched and a long list of user requirements was compiled. As a followup, a redesign session took place and the new system was designed for users whoknow the language(s) they are searching (polyglots); • search for writing (journalists, translators business analysts); • have limited searching skills; • know the topic in advance or will learn/read on it while searching; • use many languages in the same search session and often swap between them. New system features were listed as important and the user interface was redesigned. Considering the result of the study the new interface allowed the user to dynamically change the language setting from query to query, hid the query translation and showed the retrieved set as ranked list primary. Despite the fact that this new design was considered to be more effective, a comparison between the first layout based on the relevant literature and the new one based on the user study was considered an important research question. In particular, the choice of hiding the query translation was considered an important design decision, against the common agreement to allow and support the user in controlling the system actions. Thus the participation of Sheffield in iCLEF was organized around the idea of checking if the user should validate the query translation before the search is run or instead if the system should perform the translation and search in a single step without any user’s supervision

    Stochastic Metallic-Glass Cellular Structures Exhibiting Benchmark Strength

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    By identifying the key characteristic “structural scales” that dictate the resistance of a porous metallic glass against buckling and fracture, stochastic highly porous metallic-glass structures are designed capable of yielding plastically and inheriting the high plastic yield strength of the amorphous metal. The strengths attainable by the present foams appear to equal or exceed those by highly engineered metal foams such as Ti-6Al-4V or ferrous-metal foams at comparable levels of porosity, placing the present metallic-glass foams among the strongest foams known to date
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