856 research outputs found

    Is government ownership of banks really harmful to growth?

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    We show that previous results suggesting that government ownership of banks has a negative effect on economic growth are not robust to adding more 'fundamental' determinants of economic growth, such as institutions. We also present regression results from a more recent period (1995-2007) which suggest that, if anything, government ownership of banks has been associated with higher long run growth rates, even after controlling for institutions and other variables suggested by the growth literature. Drawing on the current global financial crisis, we provide a conceptual framework which explains why under certain circumstances government owned banks could have a greater effect on economic growth than privately-owned banks

    Government ownership of banks, institutions and financial development

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    Using a suitably modified locational model of banking, we examine the influence of institutions, such as deposit contract enforcement, in explaining the share of previous termgovernmentnext term owned previous termbanksnext term in the banking system. We present cross-country evidence suggesting that institutional factors are relatively more important determinants of the share of state previous termbanksnext term than political or historical ones. We argue that rather than privatizing or subsidizing state previous termbanks governmentsnext term in developing countries should build institutions that foster the development of private banking

    Money Laundering and Central Bank Governance in The European Union

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    Dirty money is often a by-product or a symptom of political corruption in the jurisdictions in which it originates. It can also spread corruption and erode democracy on its journey to its final destination. This typically involves multiple jurisdictions and is the reason why it is so hard to detect. Recently, a series of money laundering scandals have highlighted weaknesses in the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CFT) framework of the European Union (EU), the implementation of which remains the responsibility of Member States. The paper argues that EU’s defences against money laundering have been weakened partly reflecting a little-known erosion in the independence of Member State central banks, which are often the AML supervisors. It puts forward a number of new proposals to strengthen the governance and AML/CFT implementation in the EU

    Political Economy Origins of Financial Markets in Europe and Asia

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    We provide historical evidence from London, Amsterdam and Hong Kong which highlights the essential role played by governments in kick-starting financial development. In the cases of London and Amsterdam, the emergence of financial markets was a by-product of the rise of large trading monopolies. These monopolies, partly created to improve public finances, were responsible for major financial innovations and helped to strengthen investors' property rights. In Hong Kong, where the financial development model was bank-based, a large banking monopoly with close links to both the British and Chinese governments, set up to finance international trade, played a similar role. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.postprin

    Sources and legitimacy of financial liberalization

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    AbstractThis article seeks to clarify how we understand domestic and international sources of globalization and specifically how we explain financial liberalization across countries. The article also develops our understanding of the underlying legitimacy of financial liberalization. We debate e.g. Abiad and Mody (2005) and others who have found political factors to have little impact on financial openness. Using the same data undergirding such conclusions we argue, in contrast, that even a slight broadening of the political variables employed in the model and much closer attention to “input” and “output” aspects of the political legitimacy of financial liberalization over time reveal a more central role for politics in shaping liberalization. Input legitimacy involves the representation of stakeholders in initial and ongoing decisions to liberalize, while “output” legitimacy concerns liberalization's distributional consequences and management thereof over time. Several empirical measures of domestic-national and international political factors plausibly influence such aspects of legitimacy and are found to play a significant role in shaping liberalization, suggesting legitimation politics to be more important to financial openness than existing studies have typically acknowledged

    Scan-Negative Cauda Equina Syndrome A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Objective: To describe clinical features relevant to diagnosis, mechanism, and etiology in patients with “scan-negative” cauda equina syndrome (CES). Methods: We carried out a prospective study of consecutive patients presenting with the clinical features of CES to a regional neurosurgery center comprising semi-structured interview and questionnaires investigating presenting symptoms, neurologic examination, psychiatric and functional disorder comorbidity, bladder/bowel/sexual function, distress, and disability. Results: A total of 198 patients presented consecutively over 28 months. A total of 47 were diagnosed with scan-positive CES (mean age 48 years, 43% female). A total of 76 mixed category patients had nerve root compression/displacement without CES compression (mean age 46 years, 71% female) and 61 patients had scan-negative CES (mean age 40 years, 77% female). An alternative neurologic cause of CES emerged in 14/198 patients during admission and 4/151 patients with mean duration 25 months follow-up. Patients with scan-negative CES had more positive clinical signs of a functional neurologic disorder (11% scan-positive CES vs 34% mixed and 68% scan-negative, p < 0.0001), were more likely to describe their current back pain as worst ever (41% vs 46% and 70%, p = 0.005), and were more likely to have symptoms of a panic attack at onset (37% vs 57% and 70%, p = 0.001). Patients with scan-positive CES were more likely to have reduced/absent bilateral ankle jerks (78% vs 30% and 12%, p < 0.0001). There was no significant difference between groups in the frequency of reduced anal tone and urinary retention. Conclusion: The first well-phenotyped, prospective study of scan-negative CES supports a model in which acute pain, medication, and mechanisms overlapping with functional neurologic disorders may be relevant

    Systematic review of the incidence and clinical risk predictors of atrial fibrillation and permanent pacemaker implantation for bradycardia in Fabry disease

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    INTRODUCTION: Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder caused by enzyme deficiency, leading to glycosphingolipid accumulation. Cardiac accumulation triggers local tissue injury, electrical instability and arrhythmia. Bradyarrhythmia and atrial fibrillation (AF) incidence are reported in up to 16% and 13%, respectively. OBJECTIVE: We conducted a systematic review evaluating AF burden and bradycardia requiring permanent pacemaker (PPM) implantation and report any predictive risk factors identified. METHODS: We conducted a literature search on studies in adults with FD published from inception to July 2019. Study outcomes included AF or bradycardia requiring therapy. Databases included Embase, Medline, PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL and Cochrane. The Risk of Bias Agreement tool for Non-Randomised Studies (RoBANS) was utilised to assess bias across key areas. RESULTS: 11 studies were included, eight providing data on AF incidence or PPM implantation. Weighted estimate of event rates for AF were 12.2% and 10% for PPM. Age was associated with AF (OR 1.05–1.20 per 1-year increase in age) and a risk factor for PPM implantation (composite OR 1.03). Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) was associated with AF and PPM implantation. CONCLUSION: Evidence supporting AF and bradycardia requiring pacemaker implantation is limited to single-centre studies. Incidence is variable and choice of diagnostic modality plays a role in detection rate. Predictors for AF (age, LVH and atrial dilatation) and PPM (age, LVH and PR/QRS interval) were identified but strength of association was low. Incidence of AF and PPM implantation in FD are variably reported with arrhythmia burden likely much higher than previously thought

    German macro: how it's different and why that matters. EPC Discussion Paper, May 2016

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    Do the macroeconomics of the German political establishment really differ from standard western macroeconomics? That question was the starting point for the seminar on ‘German macro: How it’s Different and Why that Matters’, which was held at Heriot-Watt University in December 2015, with financial support from the Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE) and the Money, Macro & Finance Research Group (MMF). This ebook, edited by George Bratsiotis and David Cobham, is the result of that exercise; six of the papers were presented at the seminar in earlier versions, and the editors sought some additional papers to complete the range of perspectives offered. The authors all sought out to discover whether or not there is something unique about German macroeconomics, and in what ways it differs from standard western macroeconomics; is it true that the former neglects demand management (although it may be quite interventionist in other ways), rejects debt relief and emphasises structural reform designed to improve competitiveness as the (only) key to economic growth? How much of whatever difference exists is due to a well worked out set of ideas in the form of Ordoliberalism? In what way does it relate to Germany’s own experiences in different periods? And how far is this the result of political preferences and how much do the idiosyncrasies of these German views matter, for the development of the Eurozone and indeed the health of the German economy
