38 research outputs found
Magyarországi gyártóegységek ipar 4.0 gyakorlatának elemzése – technológia, stratégia, szervezet = Analysis of the industry 4.0 practice of the Hungarian production units – technology, strategy, organization
Bár számos koncepcionális tanulmány létezik az Ipar 4.0 (I4.0) technológiáiról és empirikus eredmények is vannak konkrét
I4.0 alkalmazásokról, a jelenlegi irodalom csak felületes képet ad a szervezeti szintű I4.0 transzformációkról. A cikk célja,
hogy az I4.0 bevezetésére kialakított keretrendszer alapján bemutasson három esettanulmányt. A szerzők eredményei
alapján még a nagyvállalatok is küzdenek az I4.0-val. Mindenesetre, nekik már van digitális stratégiájuk, digitális transzformációs
tervük és digitális kormányzásuk. De a digitalizáció egyelőre egy különálló osztály kompetenciája. Az I4.0 erőfeszítések rendszerint a szervezeten belülre, a termelésre irányulnak. A helyettesítő technológiák kedvező, jól becsülhető megtérüléssel kecsegtetnek, de nem fognak áttörő transzformációhoz vezetni. ------ Although there are conceptual works on key I4.0 technologies and empirical findings about specific I4.0 applications,
current literature offers only superficial empirical findings about organisation wide I4.0 transformations. The authors’ objective is to provide a framework for I4.0 implementation and discuss three case studies along the framework. Based
on their findings, even the large companies struggle with I4.0. Nevertheless, they already have digital strategy, digital transformation plan, and digital governance. But digitalization is still in a separated department. Efforts are usually made internally, in manufacturing. Replacing technologies can provide good, easy to estimate return, but will not lead to breakthrough transformations
Assessing Industry 4.0 readiness: a multi-country industry level analysis
Recently digital solutions and novel industrial technologies started to become widespread
in manufacturing. There are many different approaches to assess the so called Industry
4.0 transition of national economies (macro) and of individual companies (micro) as well.
Our paper elaborates a framework that enables the assessment of Industry 4.0 at sector
(meso) level. Relying on the proposed methodology we compare the (evolution of)
Industry 4.0 readiness of four manufacturing sectors in EU28. We conclude that the
aggregated sector of computer and vehicle manufacturing is the most advanced in I4.0. A
deeper analysis of this sector has revealed that countries with top starting performance in
the transition in 2014 (SWE, DE, AT) have presented the greatest progress between 2014-
2017. While there are expectations that I4.0 could strengthen the relative importance of
manufacturing in terms of value added, we did not find evidence for it
Detection of a putative novel adenovirus by PCR amplification, sequencing and phylogenetic characterisation of two gene fragments from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues of a cat diagnosed with disseminated adenovirus disease
Adenoviral nucleic acid was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue samples of a cat that had suffered from disseminated adenovirus infection. The identity of the amplified products from the hexon and DNA-dependent DNA polymerase genes was confirmed by DNA sequencing. The sequences were clearly distinguishable from corresponding hexon and polymerase sequences of other mastadenoviruses, including human adenoviruses. These results suggest the possible existence of a distinct feline adenovirus
The effects of infrared laser therapy and weightbath traction hydrotherapy in disorders of the lumbar spine: a controlled pilot study with follow-up
Introduction: The therapeutic modalities available for the conservative management of chronic lumbar pain included infrared laser therapy and underwater traction, which usefulness is not universally acknowledged. This study was intended to ascertain any benefi cial impact of infrared laser therapy and weightbath treatment on the clinical aprameters and quality of life of patients with lumbar discopathy.Material and methods: The study population comprised 54 randomised subjects. I. group of 18 patents received only infrared laser therapy to lumbar region and painful Valley points. II. Group of 18 subjects each received underwater traction therapy of lumbar spine with add-on McKenzie exercise and iontophoresis. The remaining III. Group treated with exercise and iontophoresis, served as control. VAS, Oswestry index, SF36 scores, range of motion, neurological fi ndings and thermography were monitored to appraise therapeutic affi cacy in lumbar discopathy. A CT or MRI scan was done at baseline and after 3 months follow-up.Result: infrared laser therapy and underwater traction for discopathy achieved signifi cant improvement of all study parameters, which was evident 3 months later. Among the controls, signifi - cant improvement of only a single parameter was seen in patients with lumbar disco pathy.Conclusions: infrared laser therapy and underwater traction treatment effectively mitigate pain, muscle spasms, enhance joint fl exibility, and improve the quality of life of patients with lumbar discopathy. DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2010/1/2
Laser particle acceleration technologies : probe laser beam diagnostics of extended plasmas
As plasma-based particle acceleration techniques are becoming intensely developed, the diagnostic tools for the study of the generation and properties of plasmas are increasingly important. We present results on the investigation of probe laser beam diagnostics for the measurement of the plasma density in extended spatial regions. Such extended plasmas are used in particle driven plasma wakefield acceleration experiments for the acceleration of electron/positron bunches to as high as TeV energies in the foreseeable future
A TP53-mutáció-analízis jelentősége krónikus lymphocytás leukaemiában | TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Bevezetés: Az elmúlt években jelentős előrelépések történtek a
krónikus lymphocytás leukaemia kezelésében, ugyanis az új innovatív gyógyszerek
a TP53-defektust hordozó csoportban is hatékonynak bizonyultak. Ezen betegek
maradéktalan azonosításához elengedhetetlen a TP53-defektus mindkét formájának
(17p-deletio és TP53-mutációk) vizsgálata. A
TP53-mutációk vizsgálata ma a nemzetközi ajánlások részét
képezi, segítséget nyújtva az optimális terápiás stratégia megalkotásában.
Célkitűzés: Jelen tanulmány célja a
TP53-mutációk előfordulásának és a 17p-deletióhoz való
viszonyának meghatározása, valamint a mutációk rutindiagnosztikus kimutatására
alkalmas szekvenálási eljárás beállítása volt. Módszer: A
mutációanalízist Sanger-szekvenálással végeztük el 196, krónikus lymphocytás
leukaemiában szenvedő beteg esetében. Eredmények: A betegek
15,8%-ában azonosítottunk TP53-mutációt, ami az esetek felében
17p-deletio nélkül fordult elő. A TP53-defektus mindkét formájának vizsgálatával
összesen a betegek 25,4%-ánál azonosítottunk TP53-defektust.
Következtetések: A mutációanalízis elvégzésével további 10%
magas rizikójú beteg azonosítható, akik számára a legjobb választást az ebben a
betegcsoportban is hatékony új célzott terápiák jelentik. Orv. Hetil., 2017,
158(6), 220–228.
Introduction: In recent years much progress has been made in the
therapy of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, as the new innovative medicine proved
to be effective in managing patients carrying TP53 abnormalities. To identify
all these patients, it is essential to screen for both forms of TP53 defects,
including both 17p deletions and TP53 mutations.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency
of TP53 mutations and their association with 17p deletions in a
large Hungarian cohort of 196 patients suffering from chronic lymphocytic
leukaemia. Method: We performed mutation analysis of
TP53 (exons 3–10) using Sanger sequencing.
TP53 mutations were present in 15.8% of patients, half of which
were associated with 17p deletion. By analysing both forms, TP53 defect was
identified in 25.4% of the patients. Conclusions: Our study
demonstrates that by performing a TP53 mutation analysis, an
additional 10% of high-risk patients can be detected. Orv. Hetil., 2017,
158(6), 220–228