39 research outputs found

    Beteiligungsrechte der Laien und Frauen in der katholischen Kirche. Grundlagen und Grenzen im CIC/1983

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    ZusammenfassungIm kirchlichen Gesetzbuch von 1983 gibt es erstmals in der Geschichte der katholischen Kirche eine systematische Zusammenstellung von Pflichten und Rechten der Gläubigen (cc. 208 – 223 CIC) sowie speziell der Laien (cc. 224 – 231 CIC). Nach einer ekklesiologischen Vergewisserung über die Begrifflichkeit „Beteiligungsrechte“ und über das Spezifikum der Rechtsordnung einer Gemeinschaft, die die irdische Wirklichkeit erfasst und zugleich transzendiert, werden die Grundlagen, der Inhalt und die positive Auswirkung dieser Pflichten und Rechte aufgezeigt. In einem weiteren Gedankengang werden die Probleme und Grenzen in deren Formulierung, Ausgestaltung, strukturellen Absicherung und rechtlichen Umsetzung herausgearbeitet sowie auf das fehlende Problembewusstsein für eine geschlechtergerechte Anwendung und das mangelnde Wissen und Bewusstsein über die existierenden Pflichten und Rechte (in) der kirchlichen Gemeinschaft hingewiesen.AbstractThe ecclesiastical code of canon law (CIC) from 1983 for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church provides a systematic compilation of duties and rights of the faithful (cc. 208 – 223 CIC) and especially of the laity (cc. 224 – 231 CIC). After the ecclesiological assertion of both the concept of “participation rights” and the specifity of the legal system of a community that appreciates and understands worldly reality while at the same time transcending it, the content and the positive impact of these obligations and rights are identified. In another line of thought, the problems and limitations in their formulation, design, structural protection and legal implementation are examined and attention is drawn to the lack of awareness of gender-equitable application and the lack of knowledge as well as awareness about the existing obligations and rights in the ecclesial community

    How do ionic superdiscs self-assemble in nanopores?

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    Discotic ionic liquid crystals (DILCs) consist of self-assembled superdiscs of cations and anions that spontaneously stack in linear columns with high one-dimensional ionic and electronic charge mobility, making them prominent model systems for functional soft matter. Unfortunately, a homogeneous alignment of DILCs on the macroscale is often not achievable, which significantly limits their applicability. Infiltration into nanoporous solid scaffolds can in principle overcome this drawback. However, due to the extreme experimental challenges to scrutinise liquid crystalline order in extreme spatial confinement, little is known about the structures of DILCs in nanopores. Here, we present temperature-dependent high-resolution optical birefringence measurement and 3D reciprocal space mapping based on synchrotron-based X-ray scattering to investigate the thermotropic phase behaviour of dopamine-based ionic liquid crystals confined in cylindrical channels of 180~nm diameter in macroscopic anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membranes. As a function of the membranes' hydrophilicity and thus the molecular anchoring to the pore walls (edge-on or face-on) and the variation of the hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance between the aromatic cores and the alkyl side chain motifs of the superdiscs by tailored chemical synthesis, we find a particularly rich phase behaviour, which is not present in the bulk state. It is governed by a complex interplay of liquid crystalline elastic energies (bending and splay deformations), polar interactions and pure geometric confinement, and includes textural transitions between radial and axial alignment of the columns with respect to the long nanochannel axis.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, 1 ancillary fil

    Was ist die Zivilehe fĂĽr den Katholiken?

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