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    AbstrakKecelakaan diatas kapal merupakan hal yang sangat dihindari karena menyangkut keselamatan jiwa manusia, kapal hingga muatan kapal yang apabila di nilai kerugiannya sangat mahal. Kecelakaan umumnya terjadi karena kelalaian manusia karena tidak terampil dalam bekerja maupun ketika terjadi keadaan darurat. Untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan maka setiap awak kapal wajib memiliki sertifikat keterampilan bidang keselamatan salah satunya adalah Basic safety training (BST). Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Dumai sebagai lembaga pendidikan kelautan dan perikanan bekerja sama dengan lembaga pelatihan menyelenggarakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yaitu pelatihan BST kepada pelaku usaha perikanan khususnya perikanan tangkap di Kota Dumai. Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah terselenggaranya pelatihan dan tersertifikasinya peserta pelatihan BST. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan adalah service learning berupa teori dikelas (ceramah) dan praktik latihan secara langsung dikapal (demonstrasi). Hasil dari pelatihan ini seluruh peserta dinyatakan terampil pada bidang keselamatan diatas kapal yang dinyatakan dengan terbitnya sertifikat BST atas nama peserta. Sertifikat tersebut diakui dan mendapat pengesahan dari Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut selaku Administrasi  AbstractAccidents on ships are avoided because they involve the safety of human life, ships and shiploads, which if the value of the loss is costly. Ship accidents generally occur due to human negligence who are not skilled at work or when an emergency occurs. To prevent accidents, every crew must have a certificate of safety skills, one of which is Basic safety training certificate (BST). Dumai Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic, as a marine and fisheries educational institution in collaboration with marine training institutions organizes BST training activities as a form of community service for fisheries business actors, especially capture fisheries in Dumai City. The purpose of this training is to implement training and certification of BST training participants. The training method used is a theory in class (lectures) and practical training onboard (demonstration). As a result of this training, all participants were declared skilled in the field of safety on board, which was started by issuing a BST certificate on behalf of the participants. The certificate is recognized and approved by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation as the Administration.

    Rancang Bangun Alat Penjernih Air Portable untuk Persediaan Air di Kota Dumai

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    Dumai City has poor quality water availability. The resulting water has poor physical and chemical conditions. Poor water quality due to the effects of industrial and home industrial waste. The decline in water quality causes the survival of living things to be disrupted. The use of water itself is used for aquaculture. Aquaculture water must have a quality that meets the standards. Therefore, water quality must be considered in aquaculture. The purpose of this study is to determine the reliability of the filter in a water filter. Water filter materials used are natural zeolite stone, silica sand, greensand sand, activated carbon, Bio-ball and cotton filter. Portable cylindrical filter device with a diameter of 25mm and length of 254mm. outdoor water quality portable water filter is tested with the acidity or pH meter, Total Dissolve Solid or the level of water clarity, Salinity, and discharge of water from the portable water filter. Discharge of water entering the portable water purifier is 0.22 Liters / second to 0.28 Liters / Second. Discharge of water that comes out is 0.13 Liters / Second to 0.16 Liters / Second. Changes in water quality can be seen from TDS, from 178ppm to 359ppm. Water quality can be seen from the pH of 8.48 mg / L to 7.95 mg / L and for Salinity from 1% to 0%. Portable water purifier can improve water quality in the city of Dumai. But in the future there should be further research on the quality of water produced from portable water purifiers