48 research outputs found

    Quality teaching in a managerialist setting: higher education challenges in Australia

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    Australian universities face increased challenges in a global higher education marketplace. They have responded to this competitive environment by introducing greater efficiency and accountability measures. One key measure is the quality of teaching and in particular, the delivery of student-centred teaching. However, the reforms have changed the working lives of academic teachers who now have greater reporting and administrative responsibilities with less sense of collegiality in the sector. In these circumstances, it is not clear that teaching staff will share the same perceptions of quality teaching as their institutions expect. This paper examines the utility of role theory and learning organization theory as part of a project which will examine the ways in which implicit knowledge can be made explicit and shared in the organization as part of academic teachers' roles. The paper hypothesizes that when academics share their perceptions of good teaching, universities will benefit from a coherent set of quality teaching indicators which are aligned with their organizational cultures

    A study of Mangesium Oxysulphates

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    X-Ray, thermal, and Dehydration studies on Magnesium oxychlorides

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    Международный опыт противодействия киберпреступности

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    Демедюк, С. В. Міжнародний досвід протидії кіберзлочинності / С. В. Демедюк, Т. С. Демедюк // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. – 2014. – № 4 (67). – С. 65-75.Висвітлено проблемні питання, що розглядались на міжнародній науково-практичній конференції «Протидія кіберзлочинності» в Сінгапурі. Зокрема: відкриття та можливості Глобального Інноваційного комплексу; надання для тренінгів спеціалістів сфери протидії кіберзлочинності країн-учасниць Інтерполу модельних справ, розроблених Інтерполом; характеристика найбільш вразливих класичних операційних систем; створення інформаційного порталу TURN BACK CRIME. The article outlines the challenging issues that were discussed during the international research and training conference «Cybercrime Counteraction» in Singapore. The opening process and capabilities of the Global Innovative complex (its usage in criminal investigations; model training programs for training experts in cybercrime counteraction; gaining and sharing positive experience; effort coordination of the law enforcement agencies of ICPO member states carrying out international investigative activities) are described. The author emphasizes the necessity of providing cybercrime combating expert trainings with model tasks developed by Interpol as its participants are not always authorized to use their own cases due to secrecy of investigation. Most vulnerable classical operating systems are characterized. The main functions of the data portal TURN BACK CRIME created to prevent artificial latency are described. Отражены проблемные вопросы, которые рассматривались на международной научно-практической конференции «Противодействие киберпреступности» в Сингапуре. В частности: открытие и возможности Глобального Инновационного комплекса; предоставление для тренингов специалистов сферы противодействия киберпреступности стран – участниц Интерпола модельных дел, разработанных Интерполом; характеристика наиболее уязвимых классических операционных систем; создание информационного портала TURN BACK CRIME

    Studies on magnesium and calcium oxychlorides

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    Impurity binding energy for delta-doped quantum well structures

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    ABSTRACT: The binding energy of an impurity delta layer situated either in the centre or at the edge of a quantum well (QW) is theoretically considered for the example of n-type Si0⋅8Ge0⋅2/Si/Si0⋅8Ge0⋅2 QW doped with phosphorus. Calculations are made for the case of not so big impurity concentrations, when impurity bands are not yet formed and it is still possible to treat impurity as isolated ones. It is shown on the base of self-consistent solution of Schrödinger, Poisson and electro-neutrality equations that impurity binding energy is dependent on the degree of impurity ionization and the most noticeably for the case of edge-doped QWs

    Phase Relations in Magnesium Oxysulfate Cements

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    Solubilities of MgO in H2SO4 solutions were measured and X‐ray analyses of over 100 neat cement samples were used to construct an isothermal phase diagram for the system MgO‐H2SO4‐H2O at 23°±3°C. The phases MgO, Mg(OH)2, 3Mg(OH)2 MgSO4·8H2O (3·1·8), MgSO4·7H2O, MgSO4·6H2O, and MgSO4·H2O were stable at 23°C. The phases Mg(OH)2· MgSO4·5H2O (1·1·5) and MgSO4·4H2O were observed but are considered to be metastable, resulting from overheating during reaction. Invariant liquids were located at 8.2±0.2 MgO, 17.4±0.5 wt% H2SO4 in equilibrium with Mg(OH)2 and 3·1·8; at 8.6±0.2 MgO, 21.2±0.5 wt% H2SO4 in equilibrium with 318 and MgSO4·7H2O; at 6.9±0.2 MgO, 42.4±1.0 wt% H2SO4 in equilibrium with MgSO4·7H2O and MgSO4·6H2O; and at 6.0±0.5 MgO, 48±2 wt% H2SO4 in equilibrium with MgSO4·6H2O and MgSO4·H2O. The diagram indicates that cements containing \u3e50 wt% 3·1·8 cannot be made from MgO and MgSO4 solutions at 23°C. Steam curing, however, offers some possibilities for increasing binder‐phase content. Mg(OH)2 formed in the system provides X‐ray patterns which indicate an exaggerated sheet morphology. Copyright © 1980, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserve

    Background impurities in Si0.8 Ge0.2/Si/Si0.8 Ge0.2 n-type δ-doped QW

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    Additional (residual) impurities in the barriers change the energy profile of a quantum well. This means that they alter the ionization energy for the impurity delta layer situated within the quantum well. In turn, this is accompanied by the change of a V-shaped quantum well created by ionization of the delta layer. All of this is the subject of studies presented in this article. It has been shown that the most dramatic are the changes in the difference between the space-quantized energy levels for an edge-doped quantum well. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim