73 research outputs found

    Fish Biodiversity in Floodplain Lakes of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley

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    Fish assemblages from 54 oxbow lakes in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley were sampled to identify relationships among environmental variables and fish biodiversity in floodplain lake ecosystems. Environmental variables deterministic over fish biodiversity showed a hierarchical organization and were classified as primary or secondary depending on if one variable was considered to govern another. Primary variables included depth, surface area, surrounding land use, and degree of lake-river interconnectedness. Secondary variables included suites of water quality and primary productivity variables. Maximum depth and percentage of agricultural land surrounding lakes showed strongest relationships with other ecosystem components, significantly influencing water quality, primary productivity, and fish biodiversity. I found contrasting results regarding effect of lake-river interconnectedness on fish biodiversity, but maintain that connectivity is nonetheless an important floodplain lake ecosystem component and suggest that floodplain lake management efforts focus on depth, percentage of agricultural land, and restoration of connectivity

    Environmental Variables Measured at Multiple Spatial Scales Exert Uneven Influence on Fish Assemblages of Floodplain Lakes

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    We examined the interaction between environmental variables measured at three different scales (i.e., landscape, lake, and in-lake) and fish assemblage descriptors across a range of over 50 floodplain lakes in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley of Mississippi and Arkansas. Our goal was to identify important local- and landscape-level determinants of fish assemblage structure. Relationships between fish assemblage structure and variables measured at broader scales (i.e., landscape-level and lake-level) were hypothesized to be stronger than relationships with variables measured at finer scales (i.e., in-lake variables). Results suggest that fish assemblage structure in floodplain lakes was influenced by variables operating on three different scales. However, and contrary to expectations, canonical correlations between in-lake environmental characteristics and fish assemblage structure were generally stronger than correlations between landscape-level and lake-level variables and fish assemblage structure, suggesting a hierarchy of influence. From a resource management perspective, our study suggests that landscape-level and lake-level variables may be manipulated for conservation or restoration purposes, and in-lake variables and fish assemblage structure may be used to monitor the success of such efforts

    Hierarchy in Factors Affecting Fish Biodiversity in Floodplain Lakes of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley

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    River-floodplain ecosystems offer some of the most diverse and dynamic environments in the world. Accordingly, floodplain habitats harbor diverse fish assemblages. Fish biodiversity in floodplain lakes may be influenced by multiple variables operating on disparate scales, and these variables may exhibit a hierarchical organization depending on whether one variable governs another. In this study, we examined the interaction between primary variables descriptive of floodplain lake large-scale features, suites of secondary variables descriptive of water quality and primary productivity, and a set of tertiary variables descriptive of fish biodiversity across a range of floodplain lakes in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley of Mississippi and Arkansas (USA). Lakes varied considerably in their representation of primary, secondary, and tertiary variables. Multivariate direct gradient analyses indicated that lake maximum depth and the percentage of agricultural land surrounding a lake were the most important factors controlling variation in suites of secondary and tertiary variables, followed to a lesser extent by lake surface area. Fish biodiversity was generally greatest in large, deep lakes with lower proportions of watershed agricultural land. Our results may help foster a holistic approach to floodplain lake management and suggest the framework for a feedback model wherein primary variables can be manipulated for conservation and restoration purposes and secondary and tertiary variables can be used to monitor the success of such efforts

    Phenology of Annulus Formation in Walleye and Smallmouth Bass Otoliths

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    Walleye Sander vitreus and smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu were sampled monthly (May-October) from Lake Sharpe, South Dakota during 2006 and 2007 to estimate the timing of otolith annulus formation and to evaluate the influence of fish age, sex, and sample location (walleye only) on the timing and detection of annulus formation. Timing of annulus formation was evaluated using marginal increment analysis. Walleye samples were stratified by age, sex, and sample location (i.e., upper and lower Lake Sharpe) and smallmouth bass samples were stratified by age and sex. Monthly mean marginal increment measurements for both species generally increased from May to June, declined in July, and slowly increased from August to October. Although monthly differences in marginal increment measurements across analysis strata were rarely consistent, July generally had the lowest mean marginal increment across species and strata, suggesting that annulus formation in walleye and smallmouth bass in Lake Sharpe likely occurs in July. The lack of differences in timing of annulus formation across species-specific strata was surprising given the well-known influences of age, sex, and water temperature on somatic growth. Nonetheless, results will aid managers in improving the accuracy of age estimates

    Gape:Body Size Relationship for Smallmouth Bass

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    The types and sizes of prey fishes consumed by predatory fish often are limited by gape dimensions of the predator (Slaughter and Jacobson 2008). In general, the size of prey consumed is positively related to predator size when prey are available across a wide range of sizes (Werner and Hall 1974). Opportunistic predators with large gape dimensions, such as smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), may consume a wide range of prey types and sizes, thereby exerting top-down influences on prey population dynamics and potentially restructuring aquatic communities (e.g., Werner and Hall 1974, Jackson 2002). Although feeding ecology of smallmouth bass varies with location and prey availability, they typically undergo several ontogenetic diet shifts throughout their development. After yolk sac depletion and as smallmouth bass increase in size from larvae to juveniles (~50 mm total length; TL), targeted prey typically proceeds from microcrustaceans (e.g., copepods) to larger zooplankters (e.g., cladocerans) to macroinvertebrates (e.g., ephemeropterans; Brown et al. 2009). Opportunistic feeding behaviors become more apparent during the juvenile stage (TL \u3e 50 mm) when smallmouth bass begin to consume readily available aquatic macroinvertebrates and prey fishes (Clady 1974, Easton and Orth 1992). Studies evaluating adult feeding ecology highlight the importance of crayfish (Gangl et al. 1997, Liao et al. 2002, Bacula 2009) but also reveal the piscivorous nature of smallmouth bass in some locations (e.g., Jackson 2002, Liao et al. 2002, Bacula 2009, Wuellner et al. 2010)

    Depth and Littoral Habitat Association of Age-0 Yellow Perch in Two South Dakota Glacial Lakes

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    Yellow perch (Perca flavescens) are a recreationally important species and represent a key ecological component of glacial lake littoral fish assemblages (Stone 1996, Blackwell et al. 1999). Research has shown a generalized pattern of juvenile (age-0) yellow perch spatial distribution wherein larvae hatch in near-shore areas, migrate to limnetic areas where they remain for approximately 40 d, and then return to demersal behaviors and within near-shore littoral habitats (Noble 1975, Whiteside et al. 1985). However, anomalous distribution and habitat use by age-0 yellow perch has been observed in South Dakota glacial lakes (Fisher and Willis 1997) and the spatial distribution and habitat association of post-larval (\u3e25 mm) age-0 perch is largely unverified in northern Great Plains glacial lakes. Herein, we report the depth distribution and near-shore (0–2 m depth) habitat association of post-larval, age-0 yellow perch (hereafter referred to as age-0 yellow perch) in two northeastern South Dakota glacial lakes

    A Simple Method to Reduce Interpretation Error of Ages Estimated from Otoliths

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    We designed and tested a novel otolith viewing apparatus termed the otolith illumination device (OID) to ascertain if its use would result in a reduction of interpretation error as determined by increased precision of age estimates obtained from otoliths of walleye Sander vitreus and smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu. Clarity of annuli on otolith sections viewed with the OID was generally greater than clarity of annuli on sections viewed with an alternative method. OID-based age estimates were equally as, and in some instance more precise than ages estimated using the alternative method. Additionally, no systematic differences in coefficients of variation across ages were detected between the OID and alternative methods of fish age estimation. Results suggest that the OID may be useful for inexperienced readers and is a viable option for reducing interpretation error, which may improve reader efficiency and accuracy and precision in estimating fish ages

    Food Habits of Fall-Collected Age-0 Walleyes in Eastern South Dakota Glacial Lakes

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    Food habits of age-0 fishes can influence their growth and survival prior to the first winter (Hoxmeier et al. 2006, Shoup and Wahl 2011). Ontogenetic diet shifts in juvenile piscivorous fishes result in a transition in consumption from zooplankton to macroinvertebrates and eventually fish throughout development (Mittelbach and Persson 1998). Certain food items may be more energetically beneficial to fishes than others as consumption of prey fishes may lead to faster growth rates of predators, decreased overwinter starvation, avoidance of competition, and reduced predation risk (Werner and Gilliam 1984). By the time age-0 walleyes (Sander vitreus) have reached lengths of 60–80 mm total length (TL), their diets are predominantly composed of fish (Priegel 1969, Quist et al. 2002, Galarowicz and Wahl 2005). Previous studies have examined age-0 walleye food habits in South Dakota in a limited number of waters at various times and the majority of fall diets were composed of fish (Beck et al. 1998, Blackwell et al. 1999). Fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas), rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax), yellow perch (Perca flavescens), darters (Etheostoma spp.), and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) have all been documented as regionally important prey fish species for juvenile walleyes (Jackson et al. 1992, Beck et al. 1998, Blackwell et al. 1999, Pelham et al. 2001, Uphoff 2012). Although generalized feeding ecology of walleye during early life stages has been investigated, previous studies have only examined food habits in either a controlled setting or limited number of waters, thereby potentially overlooking spatial differences in feeding ecology. Therefore, this study examined food habits of age-0 walleye collected during fall across a range of eastern South Dakota glacial lakes

    Pressures to Publish: Catalysts for the Loss of Scientific Writing Integrity?

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    Publishing research is the final step in the scientific process and is used as the primary means for disseminating research findings to the scientific community. Publishing can embody many personal motivations (e.g., gratification, seeing a finished product in print, desire to further science) for authors as well as professional benefits (e.g., promotion, tenure, future funding opportunities). As the scientific workforce and competition for jobs and funding increase, publishing productivity has become a driving factor for many authors, which may lead to writing practices that violate integrity. In this essay, we discuss writing actions that may be considered a violation of integrity in the context of traditional manuscript sections (introduction and discussion, methods, and results). We define “integrity” as consistency of actions that reflect honesty and truthfulness. Writing the introduction and discussion can be compared to an artistic creation because the rendition of the data may vary depending on the intentions and experience of the author. Some authors may be tempted to relate their research to a hot topic (e.g., climate change, model selection) in an attempt to increase publication success or maximize visibility in search engines, despite not having sufficient data to support their conclusions. Caution must be taken to not overextend the “story” beyond the bounds of the data. Modification of the methods and results sections contains the most extreme cases of scientific integrity violations (e.g., changing an alpha level, only presenting positive results, running numerous tests until desired outcome). Manipulation of methods or results is more difficult to detect by peer review. We believe that however destructive integrity violations may be, despite benefits to the author (e.g., accolades, publication, potential citations, promotion, etc.), the individual scientist should hold him- or herself accountable and to a high standard to avoid sacrificing integrity. Presión para publicar: catalizadores de la pérdida de integridad en la publicación científica Resume: La publicación es la etapa final del proceso científico y se utiliza como el medio principal para diseminar los hallazgos de una investigación. Para los autores, publicar puede implicar distintas motivaciones tanto personales (p.e. satisfacción, ver un producto final impreso, deseo de hacer más ciencia) como profesionales (p.e. promoción interna, basificación, oportunidades de financiamiento). A medida que se incrementa la fuerza laboral científica y la competencia por trabajo y financiamiento, la productividad en cuanto a las publicaciones se ha convertido en un factor determinante para muchos autores, lo cual puede dar pie a prácticas de publicación que comprometen la integridad. En este ensayo se discuten aquellas prácticas de publicación que se considera que comprometen la integridad en el contexto de las secciones habituales que conforman un artículo (introducción y discusión, métodos y resultados). Se define la integridad como la consistencia en acciones que reflejan honestidad y veracidad. Escribir la introducción y discusión se compara con una creación artística en cuanto a que la interpretación de los datos puede variar dependiendo de las intenciones y experiencia del autor. Algunos autores pueden estar tentados a relacionar su investigación a un tópico de actualidad (p.e. cambio climático, selección de modelos) en un intento por incrementar el éxito de la publicación y maximizar la posibilidad de ser encontrados mediante motores de búsqueda, a pesar de que no cuentan con suficientes datos como para apoyar sus conclusiones. Se debe tener cuidado para no extender la historia más allá de los límites que establecen los datos. La modificación de las secciones de métodos y resultados implica los casos más extremos de violaciones a la integridad (p.e. cambiar el nivel de alfa, presentar sólo resultados positivos, realizar numerosas pruebas hasta que salga el resultado esperado). La manipulación de los métodos o los resultados resulta particularmente difícil de detectar durante el proceso de revisión por pares. Creemos que no obstante lo destructivas que puedan ser las violaciones a la integridad y a pesar de los beneficios que obtengan los autores (p.e. premios, potencial de citación, promociones, etc.), el individuo científico debe mantener su sentido de responsabilidad y sus estándares en alto con el fin de evitar sacrificar su integridad