8 research outputs found

    Marine substrate response from the analysis of seismic attributes in CHIRP sub-bottom profiles

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    This paper presents an evaluation of the response of seismic reflection attributes in different types of marine substrate (rock, shallow gas, sediments) using seafloor samples for ground-truth statistical comparisons. The data analyzed include seismic reflection profiles collected using two CHIRP subbottom profilers (Edgetech Model 3100 SB-216S), with frequency ranging between 2 and 16 kHz, and a number (38) of sediment samples collected from the seafloor. The statistical method used to discriminate between different substratum responses was the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis analysis, carried out in two steps: 1) comparison of Seismic Attributes between different marine substrates (unconsolidated sediments, rock and shallow gas); 2) comparison of Seismic Attributes between different sediment classes in seafloors characterized by unconsolidated sediments (subdivided according to sorting). These analyses suggest that amplitude-related attributes were effective in discriminating between sediment and gassy/rocky substratum, but did not differentiate between rocks and shallow gas. On the other hand, the Instantaneous Frequency attribute was effective in differentiating sediments, rocks and shallow gas, with sediment showing higher frequency range, rock an intermediate range, and shallow gas the lowest response. Regarding grain-size classes and sorting, statistical analysis discriminated between two distinct groups of samples, the SVFS (silt and very fine sand) and the SFMC (fine, medium and coarse sand) groups. Using a Spearman coefficient, it was found that the Instantaneous Amplitude was more efficient in distinguishing between the two groups. None of the attributes was able to distinguish between the closest grain size classes such as those of silt and very fine sand.O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar uma avaliação da resposta dos atributos sísmicos (Amplitude Instantânea, Amplitude RMS, Energia e Frequência Instantânea) em diferentes tipos de substratos marinhos, correlacionando-os com características sedimentológicas das amostras coletadas. Foram analisados perfis sísmicos obtidos com um perfilador de subsuperfície com sinal do tipo CHIRP modelo SB-216S da marca EdgeTech, com frequência de trabalho de 2 e 16 kHz. O método se deu a partir da análise estatística não-paramétrica de Kruskal-Wallis foi aplicada para comparar o comportamento dos atributos com as diferentes classes dos grãos das amostras (subagrupadas segundo o grau de seleção) e com diferentes feições. Com base na análise dos resultados, foi possível distinguir dois grupos distintos nas amostras, o grupo SAMF (silte e areia muito fina) e o grupo AFMG (areia fina, areia média e areia grossa). Como conclusão, pode-se dizer que os atributos não foram capazes de distinguir entre as classes mais próximas dos grãos. Utilizando o coeficiente de Spearman foi verificado que o atributo "Amplitude Instantânea" mostrou-se mais eficiente em separar os dois conjuntos. Comparando sedimentos, gás e rocha, os atributos que utilizaram o atributo "amplitude" foram eficazes em separar os sedimentos do gás e da rocha, porém não os distinguiram entre as duas feições, visto que elas apresentaram amplitudes muito altas, mas semelhantes entre si. O atributo "Frequência Instantânea" mostrou-se eficaz na diferenciação entre sedimento, rocha e gás, o sedimento apresentou uma maior banda de frequência, a rocha uma faixa intermediária e o gás a menor delas

    Characterization of sedimentary processes along the access channel to the Santos Harbor using acoustic methods

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    Sistemas estuarinos são locais de transição entre ambientes marinhos e fluviais, cujas forçantes influenciam a dinâmica e a distribuição das propriedades químicas, biológicas e sedimentares. Aproximadamente 60 % de todas as grandes cidades se desenvolveram ao redor de estuários que, por serem ambientes abrigados, favorecem a navegação e instalação de portos. O objetivo geral do trabalho foi de identificar os processos sedimentares atuantes em um trecho do canal de acesso ao Porto de Santos (Trecho 1 do Porto organizado), compreendendo 12 km de comprimento desde a embocadura da baía de Santos até a entrada no Canal do Porto, utilizando um conjunto de dados de diferentes períodos (entre 2010 e 2016), provenientes de diferentes fontes acústicas, visando contribuir para a melhor compreensão da dinâmica sedimentar do Sistema Estuarino de Santos. Foram utilizados dados obtidos com um duplo chirp (frequências entre 2-8 kHz e 10-20 kHz) e dados de batimetria multifeixe. A metodologia consistiu na comparação de levantamentos batimétricos (executados em diferentes períodos) e de forma complementar foram utilizados os dados obtidos com a fonte acústica chirp. As análises proporcionaram a identificação de indícios de erosão e de assoreamento no Trecho 1 do canal do Porto de Santos. Em alguns locais, foi possível relacionar os padrões de erosão e de assoreamento com a hidrodinâmica local e, assim, sugerir tendências nos processos sedimentares atuantes na área de estudo. Sem dragagem a tendência do Trecho 1 do Porto de Santos é de assoreamento. O Trecho 1 foi divido em 2 setores com comportamento distintos. O setor A (próximo à embocadura do canal) é, naturalmente, mais profundo, o sedimento de fundo não é depositado em grande quantidade nesse local devido à intensidade da velocidade das correntes que ocorrem no setor. Há indícios de instabilidade das encostas no trecho mais estreito do canal, da ocorrência de lama fluida e de gás raso nesse local. O setor B era, naturalmente, mais raso em 1960, período em que o canal passou a ter a sua configuração atual, sugerindo a formação de um delta de maré vazante no setor, onde a velocidade das correntes são mais lentas, quando comparadas com o setor A.Estuarine systems are sites of transition between marine and fluvial environments, whose forcing influences the dynamics and distribution of chemical, biological and sedimentary properties. Approximately 60% of all large cities have developed around estuaries because they are sheltered environments, allowed the navigation and harbors installation. The objective of the study was to identify the sedimentary processes in a section of Santos Harbor channel, comprising 12 km in length from the mouth of the bay to the entrance in the Port Channel. It was used a data set from different periods (2010-2016), from different acoustic sources, aiming to contribute to a better understanding the sedimentary dynamics in the Santos Estuary System. It was used a double chirp data with frequencies between 2-8 kHz and 10-20 kHz and multibeam bathymetry data. The methodology consisted in the comparison of bathymetric surveys performed in different periods and in a complementary way used the data obtained from a double chirp. The analyzes allowed an identification of erosion and silting in Section 1 of Santos Port Channel. It was possible to relate erosion and silting patterns to local hydrodynamics and to suggest trends in sedimentary processes in the study region. Without dredging, the trend of Section 1 from the Santos Harbor was of silting. The Section 1 it was divided into 2 sectors with different behavior. Sector A is naturally deeper; the sediment is not deposited in large quantities at this location because of the currents velocities that occurring there. In this site there is evidence of instability of the slopes in the channel\'s narrowest section, the occurrence of fluid mud and shallow gas. Sector B was naturally shallower in 1960, when the canal became its current configuration, suggesting the formation in this site of an ebb tide delta, where the currents velocities are slower when compared to sector A

    Marine substrate response from the analysis of seismic attributes in CHIRP sub-bottom profiles

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    Abstract This paper presents an evaluation of the response of seismic reflection attributes in different types of marine substrate (rock, shallow gas, sediments) using seafloor samples for ground-truth statistical comparisons. The data analyzed include seismic reflection profiles collected using two CHIRP subbottom profilers (Edgetech Model 3100 SB-216S), with frequency ranging between 2 and 16 kHz, and a number (38) of sediment samples collected from the seafloor. The statistical method used to discriminate between different substratum responses was the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis analysis, carried out in two steps: 1) comparison of Seismic Attributes between different marine substrates (unconsolidated sediments, rock and shallow gas); 2) comparison of Seismic Attributes between different sediment classes in seafloors characterized by unconsolidated sediments (subdivided according to sorting). These analyses suggest that amplitude-related attributes were effective in discriminating between sediment and gassy/rocky substratum, but did not differentiate between rocks and shallow gas. On the other hand, the Instantaneous Frequency attribute was effective in differentiating sediments, rocks and shallow gas, with sediment showing higher frequency range, rock an intermediate range, and shallow gas the lowest response. Regarding grain-size classes and sorting, statistical analysis discriminated between two distinct groups of samples, the SVFS (silt and very fine sand) and the SFMC (fine, medium and coarse sand) groups. Using a Spearman coefficient, it was found that the Instantaneous Amplitude was more efficient in distinguishing between the two groups. None of the attributes was able to distinguish between the closest grain size classes such as those of silt and very fine sand

    Shallow gas seismic structures: forms and distribution on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil

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    Este artigo apresenta a distribuição espacial das estruturas de gás raso e as classifica com base em dois conjuntos de dados de registros sísmicos diferentes com o CHIRP, um na Lagoa da Conceição (CL) e o outro na Baía Norte (NB), ambos na Ilha de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil. Os dados de sonar de varredura lateral da CL foram usados para facilitar a interpretação. Os dados sísmicos de subsuperfície (SB) foram processados e interpretados por meio do software SeisPrho e os dados obtidos com o sonar de varredura lateral (SSS), pelo software SonarWiz5. A medida espacial foi realizada por intermédio de GIS. As estruturas de gás raso foram definidas de acordo com as formas apresentadas nos registros sísmicos (eco-caráter). Na CL, as acumulações rasas de gás foram encontradas sob a forma de escapes nas exsudações e feições apresentando estruturas de gás superficial, entre a superfície e 8,20 ms (cerca de 12,3 m). Estas acumulações de gás foram encontradas na forma de Cobertura Acústica com Plumas Acústicas associadas, além de Sombra Negra. As pockmarks foram observadas no fundo da lagoa, ligadas aos escapes de gás (diâmetro médio de 0,97 ± 0,19 m e densidade de 54 a 242 unidades por 50 m2). Na NB observou-se três tipos de estruturas de gás raso no perfil sísmico, ou seja, de Cobertura Acústica, Pináculos de Turbidez e Plumas Intrssedimentares. A profundidade variou da superfície até 12,10 ms (cerca de 18,15 m). Em ambos os ambientes, o gás é expelido a partir do sedimento para a coluna de água. As pockmarks na CL e na NB, as feições de pluma acústica e os sedimentos ricos em enxofre total validam essa evidência.This paper presents the spatial distribution of shallow gas structures and classifies them on the basis of two different data sets of CHIRP seismic records, one from the Conceição Lagoon (CL) and the other from North Bay (NB), both on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil. Side scan sonar data from the CL were used to facilitate the understanding. The sub bottom (SB) seismic data were processed and interpreted by means of the SeisPrho software, the side scan sonar (SSS) data by SonarWiz5 software and the spatial extension being measured with the help of GIS. The shallow gas structures were defined in accordance with their shapes in the seismic recordings (echo-character). At the CL, shallow gas accumulations were found in the form of seepages and features presenting shallow gas structures between the surface and 8.20 ms (around 12.3 m). Accumulations of gas were found in the form of Acoustic Blanking with Acoustic Plume, and also Black Shadows. Pockmarks were found on the lagoon floor and associated with gas seepages (average size diameter 0.97 ± 0.19 m and density from 54 to 242 units per 50 m2). In the NB three types of shallow gas features were found in the seismic profile, namely Acoustic Blanking, Turbidity Pinnacles and Intra-sedimentary plumes. The depth varied from the surface to 12.10 ms (around 18.15 m). In both environments, the gas is escaping from the sediment into the water column. The Pockmarks in the CL and the Acoustic Plume features and sediment rich in total sulfur in the NB validate these findings

    Shallow gas seismic structures: forms and distribution on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil

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    Abstract This paper presents the spatial distribution of shallow gas structures and classifies them on the basis of two different data sets of CHIRP seismic records, one from the Conceição Lagoon (CL) and the other from North Bay (NB), both on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil. Side scan sonar data from the CL were used to facilitate the understanding. The sub bottom (SB) seismic data were processed and interpreted by means of the SeisPrho software, the side scan sonar (SSS) data by SonarWiz5 software and the spatial extension being measured with the help of GIS. The shallow gas structures were defined in accordance with their shapes in the seismic recordings (echo-character). At the CL, shallow gas accumulations were found in the form of seepages and features presenting shallow gas structures between the surface and 8.20 ms (around 12.3 m). Accumulations of gas were found in the form of Acoustic Blanking with Acoustic Plume, and also Black Shadows. Pockmarks were found on the lagoon floor and associated with gas seepages (average size diameter 0.97 ± 0.19 m and density from 54 to 242 units per 50 m2). In the NB three types of shallow gas features were found in the seismic profile, namely Acoustic Blanking, Turbidity Pinnacles and Intra-sedimentary plumes. The depth varied from the surface to 12.10 ms (around 18.15 m). In both environments, the gas is escaping from the sediment into the water column. The Pockmarks in the CL and the Acoustic Plume features and sediment rich in total sulfur in the NB validate these findings

    Shallow gas seismic structures: forms and distribution on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil

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    Abstract This paper presents the spatial distribution of shallow gas structures and classifies them on the basis of two different data sets of CHIRP seismic records, one from the Conceição Lagoon (CL) and the other from North Bay (NB), both on Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil. Side scan sonar data from the CL were used to facilitate the understanding. The sub bottom (SB) seismic data were processed and interpreted by means of the SeisPrho software, the side scan sonar (SSS) data by SonarWiz5 software and the spatial extension being measured with the help of GIS. The shallow gas structures were defined in accordance with their shapes in the seismic recordings (echo-character). At the CL, shallow gas accumulations were found in the form of seepages and features presenting shallow gas structures between the surface and 8.20 ms (around 12.3 m). Accumulations of gas were found in the form of Acoustic Blanking with Acoustic Plume, and also Black Shadows. Pockmarks were found on the lagoon floor and associated with gas seepages (average size diameter 0.97 ± 0.19 m and density from 54 to 242 units per 50 m2). In the NB three types of shallow gas features were found in the seismic profile, namely Acoustic Blanking, Turbidity Pinnacles and Intra-sedimentary plumes. The depth varied from the surface to 12.10 ms (around 18.15 m). In both environments, the gas is escaping from the sediment into the water column. The Pockmarks in the CL and the Acoustic Plume features and sediment rich in total sulfur in the NB validate these findings