51 research outputs found

    Analysis of Involvement of Cytokine Genetic Polymorphisms in Development of Genital Endometriosis

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    The article outlines the role of cytokines in development of genital endometriosis. There were detected associations between genetic polymorphisms and their combinations and development of genital endometriosis among women in the Central region of Russi

    Associations of Cytokines Genetic Variants with Myomatous Knots Sizes

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    The article presents study of cytokines molecular genetic markers’ impact on nature of uterus affection with myomatous knot

    Identical Functional Organization of Nonpolytene and Polytene Chromosomes in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Salivary gland polytene chromosomes demonstrate banding pattern, genetic meaning of which is an enigma for decades. Till now it is not known how to mark the band/interband borders on physical map of DNA and structures of polytene chromosomes are not characterized in molecular and genetic terms. It is not known either similar banding pattern exists in chromosomes of regular diploid mitotically dividing nonpolytene cells. Using the newly developed approach permitting to identify the interband material and localization data of interband-specific proteins from modENCODE and other genome-wide projects, we identify physical limits of bands and interbands in small cytological region 9F13-10B3 of the X chromosome in D. melanogaster, as well as characterize their general molecular features. Our results suggests that the polytene and interphase cell line chromosomes have practically the same patterns of bands and interbands reflecting, probably, the basic principle of interphase chromosome organization. Two types of bands have been described in chromosomes, early and late-replicating, which differ in many aspects of their protein and genetic content. As appeared, origin recognition complexes are located almost totally in the interbands of chromosomes

    Setup of ways of contraception among female students of medical university

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    The aim of the study - to determine the structure of contraceptive methods among medical university students.Цель исследования - определение структуры методов контрацепции среди учащихся медицинского университета

    Effect of Phytopreparations Based on Bioreactor-Grown Cell Biomass of Dioscorea Deltoidea, Tribulus Terrestris and Panax Japonicus on Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    In the present study, we explored the therapeutic potential of bioreactor-grown cell cultures of the medicinal plant species Dioscorea deltoidea, Tribulus terrestris and Panax japonicus to treat carbohydrate metabolism disorders (CMDs) in laboratory rats. In the adrenaline model of hyperglycemia, aqueous suspensions of cell biomass pre-administered at a dose of 100 mg dry biomass/kg significantly reduced glucose level in animal blood 1–2.5 h (D. deltoidea and T. terrestris) or 1 h (P. japonicus) after adrenaline hydrochloride administration. In a streptozotocin-induced model of type 2 diabetes mellitus, the cell biomass of D. deltoidea and T. terrestris acted towards normalization of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, as evidenced by a significant reduction of daily diuresis (by 39– 57%), blood-glucose level (by 46–51%), blood content in urine (by 78–80%) and total cholesterol (25– 36%) compared to animals without treatment. Bioactive secondary metabolites identified in the cell cultures and potentially responsible for their actions were deltoside, 25(S)-protodioscin and protodioscin in D. deltoidea; furostanol-type steroidal glycosides and quinic acid derivatives in T. terrestris; and ginsenosides and malonyl-ginsenosides in P. japonicus. These results evidenced for high potential of bioreactor-grown cell suspensions of these species for prevention and treatment of CMD, which requires further investigation. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This.Funding: Bioreactor cultivation of plant cell suspensions and their biochemical analysis were financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation through Megagrant project no. 075-15-2019-1882 and performed by using the equipment of the large-scale research facilities “Experimental biotechnological facility” and “All-Russian Collection of cell cultures of higher plants” of the IPPRAS (EBF IPPRAS and ARCCC HP IPPRAS). Hypoglycemic activity evaluation of the cell biomass was performed with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation project no. 19-14-00387. The results of the hypoglycemic activity evaluation were obtained by using the equipment of the Center for Collective Use “Analytical Center of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University (SPCPU) of the Ministry of Health of Russia”, equipped with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

    Cooperative and Antagonistic Contributions of Two Heterochromatin Proteins to Transcriptional Regulation of the Drosophila Sex Determination Decision

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    Eukaryotic nuclei contain regions of differentially staining chromatin (heterochromatin), which remain condensed throughout the cell cycle and are largely transcriptionally silent. RNAi knockdown of the highly conserved heterochromatin protein HP1 in Drosophila was previously shown to preferentially reduce male viability. Here we report a similar phenotype for the telomeric partner of HP1, HOAP, and roles for both proteins in regulating the Drosophila sex determination pathway. Specifically, these proteins regulate the critical decision in this pathway, firing of the establishment promoter of the masterswitch gene, Sex-lethal (Sxl). Female-specific activation of this promoter, SxlPe, is essential to females, as it provides SXL protein to initiate the productive female-specific splicing of later Sxl transcripts, which are transcribed from the maintenance promoter (SxlPm) in both sexes. HOAP mutants show inappropriate SxlPe firing in males and the concomitant inappropriate splicing of SxlPm-derived transcripts, while females show premature firing of SxlPe. HP1 mutants, by contrast, display SxlPm splicing defects in both sexes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays show both proteins are associated with SxlPe sequences. In embryos from HP1 mutant mothers and Sxl mutant fathers, female viability and RNA polymerase II recruitment to SxlPe are severely compromised. Our genetic and biochemical assays indicate a repressing activity for HOAP and both activating and repressing roles for HP1 at SxlPe

    Late Replication Domains in Polytene and Non-Polytene Cells of Drosophila melanogaster

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    In D. melanogaster polytene chromosomes, intercalary heterochromatin (IH) appears as large dense bands scattered in euchromatin and comprises clusters of repressed genes. IH displays distinctly low gene density, indicative of their particular regulation. Genes embedded in IH replicate late in the S phase and become underreplicated. We asked whether localization and organization of these late-replicating domains is conserved in a distinct cell type. Using published comprehensive genome-wide chromatin annotation datasets (modENCODE and others), we compared IH organization in salivary gland cells and in a Kc cell line. We first established the borders of 60 IH regions on a molecular map, these regions containing underreplicated material and encompassing ∼12% of Drosophila genome. We showed that in Kc cells repressed chromatin constituted 97% of the sequences that corresponded to IH bands. This chromatin is depleted for ORC-2 binding and largely replicates late. Differences in replication timing between the cell types analyzed are local and affect only sub-regions but never whole IH bands. As a rule such differentially replicating sub-regions display open chromatin organization, which apparently results from cell-type specific gene expression of underlying genes. We conclude that repressed chromatin organization of IH is generally conserved in polytene and non-polytene cells. Yet, IH domains do not function as transcription- and replication-regulatory units, because differences in transcription and replication between cell types are not domain-wide, rather they are restricted to small “islands” embedded in these domains. IH regions can thus be defined as a special class of domains with low gene density, which have narrow temporal expression patterns, and so displaying relatively conserved organization

    Организационно-методические аспекты обеспечения безопасности эксплуатации полимерсодержащих потребительских товаров

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    The factors affecting the increase in the chemical danger of goods from polymer composites on the example of furniture made of laminated chipboards and medium density fiberboards are considered in the article. The limits of formaldehyde concentration growth due to the deviation of operating conditions from the standard parameters modeled in order to verify the product safety requirements are shownРассмотрены факторы, влияющие на повышение химической опасности эксплуатации товаров из полимерсодержащих материалов, на примере мебели из древесных плит. Показаны пределы роста концентрации формальдегида вследствие отклонения типовых условий эксплуатации изделий от стандартных значений параметров, моделируемых для подтверждения соответствия продукции требованиям безопасност

    Study of consumer perception of food quality as a basis for territorial branding

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    Development of agricultural production in Russia is seen as an important condition for food and economic security not only in agricultural production territories, but also in the territories where agribusiness is a socially significant industry that provides employment for the population. Agribusiness development requires multifaceted state support for producers, aimed not only at increasing the volume of agricultural production, but also at increasing its competitiveness by improving its quality, as well as creating and promoting regional product brands. The need to ensure effective support for agribusiness based on territorial branding determined the necessity to identify priority areas for food branding. The research conducted by the authors proved the need to carry out factor analysis of consumer perception of quality for food branding.