20 research outputs found

    About some educational trends: problems and prospects

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    The article views some western trends in the contemporary system of Russian education. The authors explain the essence of such educational approaches as tutoring and foresight and analyze basic problems and prospects of introducing these approaches into the system of professional educationРассматривается реализация западных тенденций в современной системе российского образования. Раскрывается сущность таких подходов, как тьюторство и форсайт, и анализируют основные трудности и перспективы их внедрения в систему российского профессионального образовани

    Structure and bonding in WCn (n = 2–5) clusters

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    Stochastic explorations of the configurational spaces for WC n (n = 2–5) clusters lead to densely populated spin states at each molecularity. We found 8, 16, 42, and 68 well-defined minima for n = 2, 3, 4, 5, respectively, in spin states ranging from singlets to quintuplets. The lowest energy isomers are triplets in all cases, except for n = 2 where there is competition between a quintuplet and a triplet state for the global minimum. The transition from planar to 3D structural preferences occurs between n = 4 and n = 5. For the global minima, the structures may be considered as the result of the interaction between two fragments: a tungsten cation and a covalently bonded anionic carbon chain. We found that spin–orbit (SO) effects reduce energy differences among isomers. Likewise, SO effects diminish as a function of the carbon content in the clusters to the point that for n = 5 they become negligible