737 research outputs found

    Методика локализации изображения лица для систем видеоконтроля на основе нейронной сети

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    Предлагается метод и алгоритм локализации лица человека для автоматизированных систем распознавания и видеоконтроля на базе сверточных нейронных сетей. Преимущество использования свёрточных нейронных сетей в том, что они обеспечивают устойчивость к изменениям масштаба, смещениям, поворотам, смене ракурса и другим искажениям входного изображения. Обосновывается топология используемой нейронной сети и методика ее обучения

    Engagement on Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation

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    Brain lateralization probed by water diffusion at atomic-to-micrometric scale

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    Combined neutron scattering and diffusion nuclear magnetic resonance experiments have been used to reveal significant interregional asymmetries (lateralization) in bovine brain hemispheres in terms of myelin arrangement and water dynamics at micron to atomic scales. Thicker myelin sheaths were found in the left hemisphere using neutron diffraction. 4.7\u2009T dMRI and quasi-elastic neutron experiments highlighted significant differences in the properties of water dynamics in the two hemispheres. The results were interpreted in terms of hemisphere-dependent cellular composition (number of neurons, cell distribution, etc.) as well as specificity of neurological functions (such as preferential networking)

    Mapping specificity, cleavage entropy, allosteric changes and substrates of blood proteases in a high-throughput screen

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    Proteases are among the largest protein families and critical regulators of biochemical processes like apoptosis and blood coagulation. Knowledge of proteases has been expanded by the development of proteomic approaches, however, technology for multiplexed screening of proteases within native environments is currently lacking behind. Here we introduce a simple method to profile protease activity based on isolation of protease products from native lysates using a 96FASP filter, their analysis in a mass spectrometer and a custom data analysis pipeline. The method is significantly faster, cheaper, technically less demanding, easy to multiplex and produces accurate protease fingerprints. Using the blood cascade proteases as a case study, we obtain protease substrate profiles that can be used to map specificity, cleavage entropy and allosteric effects and to design protease probes. The data further show that protease substrate predictions enable the selection of potential physiological substrates for targeted validation in biochemical assays

    Validação do zoneamento ecológico do Estado do Paraná para produção de sementes de soja.

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    Em determinadas regiões do Estado do Paraná, o baixo potencial de germinação, atribuído às condições climáticas desfavoráveis, durante o período de maturação da soja, é o principal fator de eliminação de lotes de sementes. Objetivando avaliar a dimensão do problema o estudo visou determinar as regiões mais apta do Paraná para produção de sementes de soja de elevado padrão fisiológico. Para tal, foram coletadas 121 amostras de sementes da cultivar BR16 (1996/97, 1997/98 e 1998/1999) e 119 amostras da cultivar BRS 133 (1999/2000, 2000/2001 e 20012002). Os parâmetros tomados por base para analisar a qualidade das sementes foram: germinação (%), vigor (TZ 1-3), viabilidade (TZ 1-5), deterioração por umidade (TZ 6-8), dano mecânico (6-8) e lesões de percevejos (TZ 6-8). Para interpretação dos dados, o estado do Paraná foi dividido em três regiões ecológicas: T1, temperatura média do mês mais quente (Fevereiro) >24oC; T2, temperatura média entre 22 e 24oC; T3, temperatura média <22oC. A região T3 que abrange os municípios de Ponta Grossa, Guarapuava, Pato Branco, Marilândia do Sul, Francisco Beltrão e parte de Cascavel, destacou-se, invariavelmente, por apresentar reduzidos índices de sementes com deterioração por umidade, com dano mecânico e com lesões de percevejos, resultando num melhor potencial de germinação, de vigor e de viabilidade. A validação do zoneamento ecológico adiciona uma tecnologia capaz de identificar a região Sul do estado do Paraná, com melhores condições climáticas para produção de sementes de soja de qualidade

    Entwickeln sich wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung und Politikberatung auseinander?

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    Ökonomen und Politiker beklagen sich gelegentlich übereinander. Die Ökonomen meinen, das politische Alltagsgeschäft berücksichtige die Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft zu wenig und sei mit inkonsistenten Maßnahmen und suboptimalen Ergebnissen verbunden. Die Politiker sehen sich dagegen zum Teil mit realitätsfernen Empfehlungen konfrontiert. Die Bewertungsschemata für wissenschaftliche Exzellenz schaffen zudem Anreize für eher theoretisch ausgerichtete Forschung. Eine solch dramatische Diskrepanz zwischen Politikberatung und Forschung können die Autoren dieses Zeitgesprächs in der Regel nicht erkennen.Most German economists show strong patterns of professional specialisation. In their work, they either focus on basic research or on policy consultancy. The evidence provided by Haucap und Mödl has been used to question work incentives in academia. The suggestion to change work incentives, however, is not supported by Richter, who rather calls into question the German tradition of research funding. He argues that Germany should devote more competitive funding to research projects and less to institutions. Schmidt et al. explore the question the other way around: do policy consultants publish in top journals? They conclude that they do. Güth/Kliemt show how precarious and limited our (technologically useful) knowledge is. The discussion of alternative policies among economic experts should be used to tease out the controversial arguments to allow for better informed political judgements. Wagner/Fratzscher take a historical view, showing that when modern economic research (and economic research institutes) apply a more pluralistic paradigm than that which prevailed in Germany for a long period after the Second World War, economic research will automatically have a more significant impact on politics, since policy advisors will produce more varied advice with the potential for realisation. Koll also claims that policy advice must not be based on a single supply-side oriented mainstream point of view. By drawing lessons from the crisis, economics must identify a new mainstream providing reliable guidance and policy advice

    Z-score mapping for standardized analysis and reporting of cardiovascular magnetic resonance modified Look-Locker inversion recovery (MOLLI) T1 data: normal behavior and validation in patients with amyloidosis

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    BACKGROUND: T1 mapping using modified Look-Locker inversion recovery (MOLLI) provides quantitative information on myocardial tissue composition. T1 results differ between sites due to variations in hardware and software equipment, limiting the comparability of results. The aim was to test if Z-scores can be used to compare the results of MOLLI T1 mapping from different cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) platforms. METHODS: First, healthy subjects (n = 15) underwent 11 combinations of native short-axis T1 mapping (four CMR systems from two manufacturers at 1.5 T and 3 T, three MOLLI schemes). Mean and standard deviation (SD) of septal myocardial T1 were derived for each combination. T1 maps were transformed into Z-score maps based on mean and SD values using a prototype post-processing module. Second, Z-score mapping was applied to a validation sample of patients with cardiac amyloidosis at 1.5 T (n = 25) or 3 T (n = 13). RESULTS: In conventional T1 analysis, results were confounded by variations in field strength, MOLLI scheme, and manufacturer-specific system characteristics. Z-score-based analysis yielded consistent results without significant differences between any two of the combinations in part 1 of the study. In the validation sample, Z-score mapping differentiated between patients with cardiac amyloidosis and healthy subjects with the same diagnostic accuracy as standard T1 analysis regardless of field strength. CONCLUSIONS: T1 analysis based on Z-score mapping provides consistent results without significant differences due to field strengths, CMR systems, or MOLLI variants, and detects cardiac amyloidosis with the same diagnostic accuracy as conventional T1 analysis. Z-score mapping provides a means to compare native T1 results acquired with MOLLI across different CMR platforms

    Potentiation of thrombus instability: a contributory mechanism to the effectiveness of antithrombotic medications

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    © The Author(s) 2018The stability of an arterial thrombus, determined by its structure and ability to resist endogenous fibrinolysis, is a major determinant of the extent of infarction that results from coronary or cerebrovascular thrombosis. There is ample evidence from both laboratory and clinical studies to suggest that in addition to inhibiting platelet aggregation, antithrombotic medications have shear-dependent effects, potentiating thrombus fragility and/or enhancing endogenous fibrinolysis. Such shear-dependent effects, potentiating the fragility of the growing thrombus and/or enhancing endogenous thrombolytic activity, likely contribute to the clinical effectiveness of such medications. It is not clear how much these effects relate to the measured inhibition of platelet aggregation in response to specific agonists. These effects are observable only with techniques that subject the growing thrombus to arterial flow and shear conditions. The effects of antithrombotic medications on thrombus stability and ways of assessing this are reviewed herein, and it is proposed that thrombus stability could become a new target for pharmacological intervention.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    The relationship between sensory sensitivity and autistic traits in the general population.

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    Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) tend to have sensory processing difficulties (Baranek et al. in J Child Psychol Psychiatry 47:591–601, 2006). These difficulties include over- and under-responsiveness to sensory stimuli, and problems modulating sensory input (Ben-Sasson et al. in J Autism Dev Disorders 39:1–11, 2009). As those with ASD exist at the extreme end of a continuum of autistic traits that is also evident in the general population, we investigated the link between ASD and sensory sensitivity in the general population by administering two questionnaires online to 212 adult participants. Results showed a highly significant positive correlation (r = .775, p &#60; .001) between number of autistic traits and the frequency of sensory processing problems. These data suggest a strong link between sensory processing and autistic traits in the general population, which in turn potentially implicates sensory processing problems in social interaction difficulties