16 research outputs found

    Клинические и морфологические особенности лимфаденопатии средостения при гранулематозных заболеваниях легких

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    The purpose of this study was to determine detection rate and clinical and morphological characteristics of mediastinal lymphadenopathy (ML) in patients with respiratory system sarcoidosis (RSS), disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis (DPT) and exogenic allergic alveolitis (EAA).Materials and Methods. Patients (n = 278) with established diagnosis RSS, DPT, EAA were investigated. The cumulative index parameters were determined, hematology test, assessments of pulmonary function, diffuse lung capacity, diffusion coefficient were performed in all patients. Computed tomography of chest organs and morphologic examination of mediastinal lymph node (LN) biopsy were performed.Results. Subjects with newly diagnosed (n = 72) and recurrent (n = 104) disease were observed among patients with RSS (n = 176). ML was observed in 95% of cases, involved bronchopulmonary, bifurcation, paratracheal and paraaortal groups; dimensions of intrathoracic LN (ITLN) were 20.0 ± 1.9 mm. Epitheliocellular granulomas (EG) without necrosis, not fusing with each other, were established morphologically; they were determined in recurrent disease course in association with background fibrosis. In patients with DPT (n = 41), subacute (n = 28) and chronic (n = 13) disease course was noted. With subacute course of DPT in 28.6% of cases, ML of paratracheal and bifurcation groups (dimensions of ITLN – 13.1 ± 0.3 mm) was observed, with chronic course – the enlargement of paratracheal and bronchopulmonary LN (7.7% of cases). EG with necrosis and tendency to fusion was verified histologically; inflammatory process involved LN capsule and could be spread to fatty tissue. In patients with EAA (n = 76), acute (n = 10), subacute (n = 38) and chronic (n = 28) disease courses were observed. With acute EAA course, hyperplasia of ITLN of bifurcation and tracheo-bronchial groups up to 13.5 ± 0.6 mm was observed in 20% of cases. Follicular hyperplasia with widening and edema of hermintative centers was observed at morphological investigation. With subacute EAA course, increased ITLN in bifurcation and broncho-pulmonary groups up to 13.6 ± 0.6 mm were observed in 46% of cases. Formation of histiocytic-macrophagal granulomas without epithelioid cells and deposit precipitation in the plasma cell aggregation areas was found at morphological evaluation. With chronic EAA, ML in broncho-pulmonary and paratracheal groups was detected in 17.8% of cases (enlargement of LN up to 11 ± 0.9 mm). The formation of diffuse and focal fibrosis and hyalinosis was noted morphologically.Conclusion. ML is observed in all granulomatous pulmonary diseases studied, however its rate and severity, composition of involved ITLN groups and character of morphological changes is different which is possible to use in diagnostics.Целью данного исследования явилось определение частоты выявления, клинических и морфологических особенностей лимфаденопатии средостения (ЛС) у больных саркоидозом органов дыхания (СОД), диссеминированным туберкулезом легких (ДТЛ) и экзогенным аллергическим альвеолитом (ЭАА).Материалы и методы. Обследованы пациенты (n = 278) с установленными диагнозами СОД, ДТЛ и ЭАА. У всех больных определялись показатели кумулятивного индекса, проводились исследование клинического анализа крови, функции внешнего дыхания, диффузионной способности легких, коэффициента диффузии. Выполнялись компьютерная томография органов грудной клетки и морфологическое исследование биопсии лимфатических узлов (ЛУ) средостения.Результаты. Среди больных СОД (n = 176) наблюдались лица с впервые выявленным (n = 72) и рецидивирующим (n = 104) заболеванием. ЛС наблюдалась в 95 % случаев, затрагивала бронхопульмональные, бифуркационные, паратрахеальные и парааортальные группы; размеры внутригрудных ЛУ (ВГЛУ) составляли 20,0 ± 1,9 мм. Морфологически установлены эпителиоидноклеточные гранулемы (ЭГ) без некроза, не сливающиеся между собой, при рецидивирующем течении определялись на фоне фиброза. У пациентов с ДТЛ (n = 41) отмечалось подострое (n = 28) и хроническое (n = 13) течение заболевания. При подостром течении ДТЛ в 28,6 % случаев наблюдалась ЛС паратрахеальной и бифуркационной групп (размеры ВГЛУ – 13,1 ± 0,3 мм), при хроническом – увеличение паратрахеальных и бронхопульмональных ЛУ (7,7 % случаев). Гистологически верифицирована ЭГ с некрозом и тенденцией к слиянию; воспалительный процесс затрагивал капсулу ЛУ и мог переходить на жировую клетчатку. У пациентов с ЭАА (n = 76) отмечено острое (n = 10), подострое (n = 38) и хроническое (n = 28) течение заболевания. При остром течении ЭАА в 20 % случаев наблюдалась гиперплазия до 13,5 ± 0,6 мм ВГЛУ бифуркационной и трахеобронхиальной групп. Морфологически выявлялась фолликулярная гиперплазия с расширением и отеком герминтативных центров. При подостром течении ЭАА в 46 % случаев отмечалось увеличение до 13,6 ± 0,6 мм ВГЛУ бифуркационной и бронхопульмональной групп. Морфологически выявлялось формирование гистиоцитарно-макрофагальных гранулем без эпителиоидных клеток и отложения депозитов в зонах скопления плазматических клеток. При хроническом ЭАА ЛС бронхопульмональной и паратрахеальной групп выявлена в 17,8 % случаев (увеличение ЛУ до 11 ± 0,9 мм). Морфологически отмечено формирование диффузного и очагового фиброза и гиалиноза.Заключение. ЛС наблюдается при всех исследованных гранулематозных заболеваниях легких, однако частота и степень ее выраженности, состав вовлекаемых групп ВГЛУ и характер морфологических изменений различен, что возможно использовать в диагностике

    Multilayered Nano-Microcomposite Ti-Al-N/TiN/Al2O3Al_2O_3 Coatings. Their Structure and Properties

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    This paper presents the first results on formation and study of structure and properties of micro- and nanocomposite combined coatings. By means of modeling the deposition processes (deposition conditions, current density-discharge, plasma composition and density, voltage) we formed the three-layer nanocomposite coatings of Ti-Al-N/Ti-N/Al2O3Al_2O_3. The coating composition, structure and properties were studied using physical and nuclear-physical methods. The Rutherford proton and helium ion backscattering, scanning electron microscopy with microanalysis, grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, as well as nanohardness tests (hardness) were used. Measurements of wear resistance and corrosion resistance in NaCl, HCl and H2SO4H_2SO_4 solutions were also performed. For testing mechanical properties such characteristics of layered structures as hardness H, elastic modulus E: H3//E2H^3//E^2 etc. were measured. It is demonstrated that the formed three-layer nanocomposite coatings have hardness of 32 to 36 GPa and elastic modulus of 328 ± 18 to 364 ± 14 GPa. Its wear resistance (cylinder-surface friction) increased by factor of 17 to 25 in comparison with the substrate (stainless steel). The layers thickness was in the range of 56-120 μm

    Multiphoton ionization of iodine atoms and CF

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    We report about effective ionization of iodine atoms and CF3I molecules under the action of intense XeCl laser radiation (308 nm). The only ion fragment resulting from the irradiation of the CF3I molecules is the I+ ion. We have studied the influence of the intensity, spectral composition, and polarization of the laser radiation used on the intensity of the ion signal and the shape of its time-of-flight peak. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, we have suggested the mechanism of this effect. The conclusion drawn is that the ionization of the iodine atoms by the ordinary XeCl laser with a nonselective cavity results from a three- (2 + 1)-photon REMPI process. This process is in turn due to the presence of accidental two-photon resonances between various spectral components of the laser radiation and the corresponding intermediate excited states of the iodine atom. The probability of ionization of the atoms from their ground state I(2P3/2) by the radiation of the ordinary XeCl laser is more than two orders of magnitude higher than the probability of their ionization from the metastable state I*(2P1/2). The ionization of the CF3I molecules by the XeCl laser radiation occurs as a result of a four-photon process involving the preliminary one-photon dissociation of these molecules and the subsequent (2 + 1)-photon REMPI of the resultant neutral iodine atoms