26 research outputs found

    The Vehicle, Fall 1986

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    Table of Contents Selling Poetry: Honesty with the InvestorPatrick Peterspage 2 Father\u27s Book, Jan. 1984 (A Fictional Autobiography)James T. Finneganpage 3 Pet Day in Afternoon KindergartenDan Von Holtenpage 7 Dental Dreams in the Bathroom MirrorDan Von Holtenpage 7 PhotographStephanie Eihlpage 8 SilenceJoe Hortonpage 8 SkullMichael Salempage 9 The TunnelJim Harrispage 10 Lindenwood CemeteryJean Chandlerpage 12 Into the SeaDan Seltzerpage 13 PhotographStephanie Eihlpage 13 WindowsJim Harrispage 14 Little Pieces of YouStuart Albertpage 18 Slicing the AppleAmy Callpage 19 Winter WalkLarry Mitchellpage 19 Komical KellyJohn Fehrmannpage 20 Thermal SueJohn Fehrmannpage 20 Death PoemBob Zordanipage 21 Venice, ItalySherry L. Clinepage 22 RoadkillPhil Simpsonpage 24 I Hate CowsLori Delzer, Joe Crites, Becky Michaelpage 32 Telephone Operators: 1942Jim Harrispage 33 Expiration Date 3/8/65Edward Schellpage 34 Desert FloorPatrick Peterspage 35 PhotographLawrence McGownpage 36 PhotographStephanie Eihlpage 37 Coping with NightStuart Albertpage 38 PhotographDan Mountpage 38 One On OnePatrick Peterspage 39 An Acquired TasteTina Wrightpage 40 PhotographStephanie Eihlpage 40 PhotographStephanie Eihlpage 41 When Children Are Alone, The Devil SpeaksTom Greenpage 41 BobChristy Denphypage 42 Gut & ScissorsDane Buczkowskipage 42 This Old HouseAmy Callpage 43 MortgageTina Wrightpage 43https://thekeep.eiu.edu/vehicle/1048/thumbnail.jp

    The Vehicle, Fall 1986

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    Table of Contents Selling Poetry: Honesty with the InvestorPatrick Peterspage 2 Father\u27s Book, Jan. 1984 (A Fictional Autobiography)James T. Finneganpage 3 Pet Day in Afternoon KindergartenDan Von Holtenpage 7 Dental Dreams in the Bathroom MirrorDan Von Holtenpage 7 PhotographStephanie Eihlpage 8 SilenceJoe Hortonpage 8 SkullMichael Salempage 9 The TunnelJim Harrispage 10 Lindenwood CemeteryJean Chandlerpage 12 Into the SeaDan Seltzerpage 13 PhotographStephanie Eihlpage 13 WindowsJim Harrispage 14 Little Pieces of YouStuart Albertpage 18 Slicing the AppleAmy Callpage 19 Winter WalkLarry Mitchellpage 19 Komical KellyJohn Fehrmannpage 20 Thermal SueJohn Fehrmannpage 20 Death PoemBob Zordanipage 21 Venice, ItalySherry L. Clinepage 22 RoadkillPhil Simpsonpage 24 I Hate CowsLori Delzer, Joe Crites, Becky Michaelpage 32 Telephone Operators: 1942Jim Harrispage 33 Expiration Date 3/8/65Edward Schellpage 34 Desert FloorPatrick Peterspage 35 PhotographLawrence McGownpage 36 PhotographStephanie Eihlpage 37 Coping with NightStuart Albertpage 38 PhotographDan Mountpage 38 One On OnePatrick Peterspage 39 An Acquired TasteTina Wrightpage 40 PhotographStephanie Eihlpage 40 PhotographStephanie Eihlpage 41 When Children Are Alone, The Devil SpeaksTom Greenpage 41 BobChristy Denphypage 42 Gut & ScissorsDane Buczkowskipage 42 This Old HouseAmy Callpage 43 MortgageTina Wrightpage 43https://thekeep.eiu.edu/vehicle/1048/thumbnail.jp

    Advances in Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation with enphasys on soybean

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    Second-order conditioning detects unexpressed morphine-induced salt aversion

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    Morphine failed to condition a salt taste aversion at a dose (15 mg/kg) sufficient to produce a robust aversion to a saccharin taste. Indeed, three different concentrations of salt (1%, 1.5%, and 2%) paired with the same morphine dose yielded no direct evidence for conditioned aversion. Yet, when a novel saccharin taste was paired in compound with the previously conditioned salt conditioned stimulus, we found evidence for a conditioning to the saccharin cue alone in three separate experiments. Control groups eliminated alternative accounts such as neophobia and differential exposure to morphine. Combined, these findings indicate that morphine conditioned a salt aversion. Although this aversion was not directly expressed, a second-order conditioning procedure was able to provide a more sensitive index of conditioning

    Performance and Subjective Effects of Diazepam and D-Amphetamine in High and Low Sensation Seekers

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    Although sensation-seeking status is associated with age of initiation and amount of drug use among adolescents, and sensitivity to the behavioral and reinforcing effects of drugs among young adults, it is unclear whether sensation-seeking status among adolescents is predictive of sensitivity to the pharmacological effects of drugs (i.e. abuse potential) as adults. This study examined the acute behavioral effects of oral diazepam and d-amphetamine in young adults, ages 18-21 years, who had consistently scored in the highest or lowest third of their grade-based cohort on a modified Sensation Seeking Scale that was completed annually between ages 10 and 14 years. Healthy participants completed 16 7.5-h test days, with test days separated by a minimum of 48 h. Each day, assessments consisting of computer task performance, verbal report of drug effects, and cardiovascular measures were completed 0, 50, 110, 170, 230, and 290 min after drug administration. Placebo and three active doses of diazepam and d-amphetamine (2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 mg/70 kg) were tested under double-blind conditions according to a randomized-block design. Typical stimulant and sedative effects were obtained with d-amphetamine and diazepam, respectively. Drug effects varied as a function of sensation-seeking status, with magnitude of effects on cardiovascular function, task performance, and report of positive drug effects being greater among high sensation seekers, and report of negative drug effects being greater among low sensation seekers. Adolescents who report high levels of sensation seeking on a consistent basis are more sensitive to pharmacological effects of stimulant and sedative drugs that are associated with abuse potential as young adults

    Solarthermie 2000. Teilprogramm 2: Musterstatiken fuer tragende Aufstellkonstruktionen von thermischen Solaranlagen auf Flachdaechern Abschlussbericht

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    The target of the project is, to lower the costs of the basic constructions and the costs of the static calculation. These costs categories develop when setting up collectors on flat roofs. Cost-optimized solutions are presented beginning with the attachment detail up to the carrying construction. A economical implementation enables. A substantial point of the project is the examination of the load assumptions, particularly the wind load. Result is a modular system, which gives a selection of attachment details depending upon available roof structure and a combination of different carrying constructions co-ordinated with most frequently occurring collector types enables. (orig.)Das Ziel des Projektes ist, sowohl die Kosten fuer die Unterkonstruktion als auch die Kosten fuer die statische Berechnung, die fuer eine Aufstaenderung von Kollektoren auf flachen Daechern notwendig sind, zu senken. Dazu werden kostenoptimierte Loesungen fuer Aufstaenderungssysteme vom Befestigungsdetail bis zur Tragkonstruktion vorgestellt, die eine kostenguenstige Realisierung ermoeglichen. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Vorhabens ist die Ueberpruefung der Lastannahmen insbesondere der Windlast. Resultat ist ein modulares System, das, je nach vorliegender Dachkonstruktion, eine Auswahl von Befestigungsdetails vorgibt und eine Kombination verschiedener Tragkonstruktionen mit den gebraeuchlichsten Kollektortypen und -feldgroessen ermoeglicht. (orig.)Published in 2 separate volumesSIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F01B1766(1): F01B1766(2) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung, Berlin (Germany)DEGerman

    Zero-Dimensional Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Indium Bromide with Blue Emission

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    Low-dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic metal halides have received increased attention because of their outstanding optical and electronic properties. However, the most studied hybrid compounds contain lead and have long-term stability issues, which must be addressed for their use in practical applications. Here, we report a new zero-dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic halide, RInBr4, featuring photoemissive trimethyl(4-stilbenyl)methylammonium (R+) cations and nonemissive InBr4- tetrahedral anions. The crystal structure of RInBr4 is composed of alternating layers of inorganic anions and organic cations along the crystallographic a axis. The resultant hybrid demonstrates bright-blue emission with Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage color coordinates of (0.19, 0.20) and a high photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) of 16.36% at room temperature, a 2-fold increase compared to the PLQY of 8.15% measured for the precursor organic salt RBr. On the basis of our optical spectroscopy and computational work, the organic component is responsible for the observed blue emission of the hybrid material. In addition to the enhanced light emission efficiency, the novel hybrid indium bromide demonstrates significantly improved environmental stability. These findings may pave the way for the consideration of hybrid organic In(III) halides for light emission applications


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    Bei der Planung und Ausfuehrung von Solaranlagen werden haeufig Konstruktionsdetails der verschiedenen Dacharten benoetigt. In den Unterlagen der verschiedenen Hersteller werden meist nur Varianten fuer Pfannendaecher beschrieben. Bei der Freiaufstellung von Kollektoren oder PV-Modulen werden allenfalls noch Wannen oder Bleche zur Aufnahme von Zusatzgewichten erlaeutert. Die einschlaegige Fachliteratur behandelt Solartechnik bislang nicht oder nur in Ansaetzen. In unserer langjaehrigen Entwicklungsarbeit stellten sich uns immer wieder die gleichen Fragen bezueglich technischer Details und die entsprechenden Konsturktionsempfehlungen. Die Antworten legen wir mit der SolarDachFibel vor. Die gezeigten Details sind Anpassungen bewaehrter Varianten an die Solartechnik, sie werden um solarspezifische Informationen wie den Anschluss von thermischen Kollektoren und PV-Modulen am Dach erweitert. Ziel ist dabei, die Arbeit der Planer und der ausfuehrenden Betriebe zu erleichtern und die wichtigsten Informationen zum Thema 'SolarDach' in einem Werk bereitzustellen. Auf der zusaetzlich erscheinenden CD ROM sind zudem die Zeichnungen in CAD kompatiblen Formaten bereitgestellt, um bei Ausschreibungen und bei der technischen Planung die Zeichenarbeit zu reduzieren. Neben den Details der Daecher werden zu den verschiedenen Montagearten realisierte Beispiele im Bild dargestellt. (orig.)This book contains constructional details of all common roof types and information on how to mount solar systems. The details presented are adapted to solar engineering, and there is additional, solar-specific information like the connection of thermal collectors and PV modules. The book intends to facilitate the work of planners and fitters and to provide all relevant information on solar roofs in one hand. It comes with a DC ROM with drawings in CAD-compatible format in order to reduce the drawing work in tendering procedures and technical planning. In each chapter, examples are presented in picture formSIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman