917 research outputs found

    Multi-wavelength properties of IGR J05007-7047 (LXP 38.55) and identification as a Be X-ray binary pulsar in the LMC

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    We report on the results of a \sim40 d multi-wavelength monitoring of the Be X-ray binary system IGR J05007-7047 (LXP 38.55). During that period the system was monitored in the X-rays using the Swift telescope and in the optical with multiple instruments. When the X-ray luminosity exceeded 103610^{36} erg/s we triggered an XMM-Newton ToO observation. Timing analysis of the photon events collected during the XMM-Newton observation reveals coherent X-ray pulsations with a period of 38.551(3) s (1 {\sigma}), making it the 17th^{th} known high-mass X-ray binary pulsar in the LMC. During the outburst, the X-ray spectrum is fitted best with a model composed of an absorbed power law (Γ=0.63\Gamma =0.63) plus a high-temperature black-body (kT \sim 2 keV) component. By analysing \sim12 yr of available OGLE optical data we derived a 30.776(5) d optical period, confirming the previously reported X-ray period of the system as its orbital period. During our X-ray monitoring the system showed limited optical variability while its IR flux varied in phase with the X-ray luminosity, which implies the presence of a disk-like component adding cooler light to the spectral energy distribution of the system.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Heisenberg double as braided commutative Yetter-Drinfel'd module algebra over Drinfel'd double in multiplier Hopf algebra case

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    Based on a pairing of two regular multiplier Hopf algebras AA and BB, Heisenberg double H\mathscr{H} is the smash product A#BA \# B with respect to the left regular action of BB on AA. Let D=AB\mathscr{D}=A\bowtie B be the Drinfel'd double, then Heisenberg double H\mathscr{H} is a Yetter-Drinfel'd D\mathscr{D}-module algebra, and it is also braided commutative by the braiding of Yetter-Drinfel'd module, which generalizes the results in [10] to some infinite dimensional cases.Comment: 18 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:math/0404029 by other author

    Average characteristic polynomials in the two-matrix model

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    The two-matrix model is defined on pairs of Hermitian matrices (M1,M2)(M_1,M_2) of size n×nn\times n by the probability measure 1Znexp(Tr(V(M1)W(M2)+τM1M2)) dM1 dM2,\frac{1}{Z_n} \exp\left(\textrm{Tr} (-V(M_1)-W(M_2)+\tau M_1M_2)\right)\ dM_1\ dM_2, where VV and WW are given potential functions and \tau\in\er. We study averages of products and ratios of characteristic polynomials in the two-matrix model, where both matrices M1M_1 and M2M_2 may appear in a combined way in both numerator and denominator. We obtain determinantal expressions for such averages. The determinants are constructed from several building blocks: the biorthogonal polynomials pn(x)p_n(x) and qn(y)q_n(y) associated to the two-matrix model; certain transformed functions n(w)\P_n(w) and \Q_n(v); and finally Cauchy-type transforms of the four Eynard-Mehta kernels K1,1K_{1,1}, K1,2K_{1,2}, K2,1K_{2,1} and K2,2K_{2,2}. In this way we generalize known results for the 11-matrix model. Our results also imply a new proof of the Eynard-Mehta theorem for correlation functions in the two-matrix model, and they lead to a generating function for averages of products of traces.Comment: 28 pages, references adde

    Tectonic stress field in rift systems; a comparison of Rhinegraben, Baikal Rift and East African Rift

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