12 research outputs found

    OncoLog, Volume 57, Number 10, October 2012

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    Treatments May Alleviate and Reverse Central Nervous System Radiation Necrosis: Although radiation therapy is effective against many tumors of the brain and spine, it also damages normal tissue INBRIEF: Bevacizumab With High-Dose Chemotherapy Shows Promise for Cisplatin-Refractory Germ Cell Tumors Compass: Early-Stage Testicular Cancer-Postsurgical treatment varies according to tumor stage and histology HOUSE CALL: Online Cancer Support Networks-Patients and caregivers find support onlinehttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/oncolog/1227/thumbnail.jp

    OncoLog, Volume 58, Number 02, February 2013

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    Chronic Viral Hepatitis in Cancer Patients Requires Personalized Management: Chronic viral hepatitis is life-threatening for many patients but curable or manageable for others. But in patients who have both viral hepatitis and cancer, cancer treatment may exacerbate the viral infection and lead to other complications, such as liver failure or even death Managing Sleep Disorders in Cancer Patients: Quality sleep is essential to healing, to proper immune function, and even to mental health. Conversely, lack of sleep has been associated with depression, anxiety, and decreased cognitive function. In cancer patients, poor sleep reduces quality of life; nevertheless, most cancer patients do not mention sleep problems unless explicitly asked. INBRIEF: Ex Vivo Umbilical Cord Blood Expansion Hastens Stem cell Engraftment in Transplant Recipients/Ibrutinib Shows Promise for Mantle Cell Lymphoma Treatment HOUSE CALL: Finding Information About Alternative Medicine: How to choose credible sources and avoid pitfallshttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/oncolog/1230/thumbnail.jp

    OncoLog, Volume 59, Number 04, April 2014

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    New fat Grafting Technique Improves Aesthetic Outcomes Following Head and Neck Reconstructive Surgery: A new gat grafting technique is enabling reconstructive surgeons to maximize aesthetic outcomes following major reconstruction for head and neck cancer treatment-related defects INBRIEF: Invasive Bladder Cancer Subtypes Resemble Breast Cancer Subtypes New Kinase Inhibitors Hold Promise for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Other B-Cell Malignancies: New targeted therapies against chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are eliciting overall response rates similar to those achieved using standard chemoimmunotherapy but with fewer toxic effects HOUSE CALL: Animal-Assisted Therapy- Interacting with pets helps recoveryhttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/oncolog/1243/thumbnail.jp

    OncoLog, Volume 59, Number 01, January 2014

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    Addressing Fertility Issues in Cancer Patients: For some newly diagnosed cancer patients, whether they will be able to have children after treatment is the furthest question from their minds-until the risks of therapy bring it front-and-center INBRIEF: Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy May Reduce Side Effects of Oropharyngeal Carcinoma Treatment Medical Advances Improve Bile Duct Cancer Treatment: Cholangiocarcinoma, the most common bile duct cancer, is a clinically silent disease in its early stages; patients usually present with advanced disease, which carries a poor prognosis HOUSE CALL: Weight Loss Tips for Breast Cancer Survivors-Losing excess weight has multiple benefitshttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/oncolog/1240/thumbnail.jp

    Sacramental Magic and Animate Statues in Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare, and John Milton

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    "Sacramental Magic" explores the animate statue in early modem romance as an emblem of the potential spiritually transformative power of objects. The tendency of New Historicism to "empty out" theology from Catholicism overlooks the continued power of sacred objects in Reformation literature. My dissertation joins the recent turn to religion in early modern studies--Catholic doctrine and religious experience explain the startling presence of benevolent animate statues in Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton; one would expect these statues to be empty idols, but instead they animate, revealing a real presence of the divine. I first investigate Spenser's Egyptian lexicon for the Catholic veneration of sacred images in the Temple of Isis in the Faerie Queene. Embedding Britomart's dream vision of an English empire in Egyptian mythology creates a translatio imperii from Egypt to Rome to England, transferring not only political but also religious power. The Isis statue's transformation of Britomart bears striking textual and visual correlations to John Dee's hermetic Monas Hieroglyphica. For Shakespeare, ermetic magic emblematizes the sacrament of penance. Shakespeare's claim "to make men glorious" suggests that Pericles transforms its audience by effecting, not merely signifying, grace. The play emblematizes the restorative aspects of reconciliation, the antidote to the seven deadly sins, with alchemical and medical imagery, culminating in Cerimon's reanimation of Thaisa through an Egyptian magic based on the hermetic ritual to ensoul statues. The Winter's Tale continues Shakespeare's meditation upon the emotional metamorphoses produced by reconciliation. I argue that Shakespeare creates an affective communion among the audience members and the characters, an effect similar to the workings of the Holy Spirit in a Mass, emblematized by the hermetic animation of Hermione. The final chapter examines the Catholic and hermetic parallels in Milton's "Il Penseroso" and Comus. In both works, Milton traces a shared system of correspondences underlying Catholicism and hermeticism in order to explore the relationship between objects and the immaterial, through angelology, Ficinian music theory, the contemplative lives of nuns, the Catholic sacrament of Extreme Unction, and ritual exorcism

    OncoLog, Volume 61, Number 09, September 2016

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    Transport Oncophysics Could Guide Pancreatic Cancer Treatment: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas respond poorly to standard treatments. Researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center are applying the principles of physics to characterize the tumors, and these analyses could lead to individualized therapy. Nivolumab Shows Potential in Treating Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Anal Canal: Currently, there are no standard therapy options for patients with treatment-refractory metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal (SCCA), but early results of a multi-institutional clinical trial (No. NCI9673) led by researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center show that the immunotherapy drug nivolumab may be effective against the disease. Lymphedema Screening Initiative for Breast Cancer Survivors Offers Early Diagnosis, Treatment: Lymphedema can be a debilitating side effect of breast cancer treatment. To diagnose and treat the condition early, when it may be reversible, a program at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center identifies and screens patients at high risk for lymphedema. HOUSE CALL: Health and Fitness Apps- Software tools can help you achieve wellness. USEFULRESOURCES: HPV-Associated Cancers Coursehttps://openworks.mdanderson.org/oncolog/1270/thumbnail.jp

    L’évolution du trait de côte et les submersions marines dans les communes de Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer et Quiberville. Étude diachronique du risque généré par le recul du trait de côte et des submersions marines

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    In the context of climate change, coastal erosion and marine submersions are becoming increasingly important issues for coastal communities and their activities. As the population moves closer to the coast and the shoreline recedes, it becomes an area at risk, making it essential to monitor the coastline in order to develop effective development strategies. In line with the current national strategy for integrated coastline management, this thesis involves quantifying the erosion generated by the retreat of the Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer cliffs since 1947, using GIS, photogrammetry and associated tools. This work also involves the creation of an inventory and cartography of marine submersions that have occurred in the commune of Quiberville since 2011 and their factors. This was used to draw up a map of the terrain related to sea-level rise in these two Seine-Maritime communes.Dans le contexte du changement climatique, les phénomènes d’érosion sur le littoral et les submersions marines deviennent un sujet de plus en plus préoccupant pour l’habitat côtier et ses activités. La population se rapprochant du littoral en même temps que celui-ci recule en fait une zone à risque, ce qui rend indispensable le suivi du trait de côte pour développer des stratégies de développement efficaces. Dans la démarche actuelle de la stratégie nationale de gestion intégrée du trait de côte, ce mémoire consiste en quantification de l’érosion générée par le recul des falaises de Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer depuis 1947 à pas de temps long et à pas de temps court grâce à l’utilisation de SIG, de la photogrammétrie et de leurs outils associés. Ce travail consiste également en la réalisation d’un inventaire et d’une cartographie des submersions marines ayant eu lieu dans la commune de Quiberville depuis 2011 et leurs facteurs. Cette base a permis d’élaborer une carte du terrain en lien avec l’élévation du niveau marin dans ces deux communes de la Seine-Maritime

    German-Americans In Helena, Montana, 1864-1919

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    American governments and industries advertised heavily in Germany to attract new immigrants. Conditions in Germany pushed emigrants out and the majority chose the United States as a place to settle. Germans were especially fascinated by the idea of America’s West. Many German immigrants followed their dreams of the West to Montana. They arrived with the Territory’s gold rush and kept coming until after the State’s homestead boom. German-Americans settled and stayed, becoming one of Montana’s largest non-English speaking ethnic groups. The United States\u27 first ethnically German president was elected in the 1950s; Montana’s first ethnically German governor came before Montana was a state.3 Montana’s Germans were involved in nearly every level and organization in Montana as Catholics and Protestants, stockmen and farmers, miners and bankers, radicals and nonpartisans. Helena’s Germans were just as diverse and involved. In the period from 1864 to 1919, they came in two waves, first at the city\u27s founding and then after the railroad made its way to Helena. Most of them had settled in the mid-west, before coming to Montana. Some of these immigrants came to the city wealthy; others came with very little and built up local businesses. Occupationally, the city\u27s German-Americans were predominately service providers. Helena\u27s German community was exceptional. They were successful not only economically, but also ethnically. German-Americans participated in nearly every local organization, but they also formed ethnic societies. These societies cultivated music, theater, education, art, architecture, and culture in Helena. The affection they showed to their ethnic community was not at odds with their devotion to Helena and the United States. Their German community blended seamlessly into Helena’s community, which joined in German cultural activities. German-American economic and community leadership helped secure and direct Helena from the city’s inception. Through emigrating Germans, conditions and policies in Europe directly affected Helena. In the early twentieth century, Europe’s actions and the United States\u27 response, fundamentally changed Helena’s community once more. World War I started a tidal wave of anti-German paranoia that swept Montana and almost washed away Helena’s German community

    The Riou Bourdoux torrent (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France) - a "monster" under close surveillance

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    Parmi tous les torrents de la vallée de l'Ubaye, le Riou Bourdoux est sans conteste le plus célèbre. Ses débordements redoutés lui ont valu de recevoir le qualificatif de "monstre". Le Service de Restauration des Terrains en Montagne a donc entrepris sa correction à partir de 1866. Durant la "période héroïque" (1866-1914), Prosper Demontzey et ses successeurs ont ainsi mis en application un ambitieux plan d'intervention qui aboutira à la délimitation d'un périmètre de reboisement et de réengazonnement, et à la construction d'environ 2 000 seuils et barrages. Délaissé durant la parenthèse des deux guerres mondiales, le dispositif a malheureusement subi de nombreux dommages. Depuis 1950, il fait l'objet d'un incessant travail de rénovation et de renforcement, afin de maintenir un niveau de sécurité acceptable. Néanmoins, l'instabilité qui règne encore sur de nombreux versants entretient toujours un risque de déclenchement d'une importante lave torrentielle. L'attention portée au Riou Bourdoux n'est donc pas prête à retomber, d'autant que la vulnérabilité du site a été sensiblement accrue par une reconquête récente du cône de déjection (aérodrome, zone artisanale et industrielle)