434 research outputs found

    Are European welfare states sustainable?

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    European welfare states face serious financial difficulties caused by persistent high levels of unemployment and demographic ageing. Serious organisational problems are accompanied by inefficiency. Fiercer international competition and closer European integration put pressure on social policy in the EU member states, and creates competition between national welfare states. Sustainable European welfare states in general and maintainable social security systems in particular require fundamental reform. In this paper a plan for a common EU-wide safety-net is presented. The current proposal differs considerably from previous proposals involving the establishment of a basic income, wage subsidies, an earned income tax credit or workfare. Simulations show that the proposal is both effective and efficient.

    Human Capital and Labour Productivity, Integration of Institutions and Endogenous Growth

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    This paper is part of a project that attempts to reveal the way labour market institutions, human capital and labour productivity are interconnected. First we discuss two approaches in the human capital theory, stressing some difficulties that could be solved if the approaches are combined. It is argued that the Nelson-Phelps approach could be improved by adding elements from the Lucas model. We think that the production factor of human capital needs a more detailed description than usual in empirical research, e.g. further schooling and training, experience and external effects. Empirical tests show that the frequently obtained conclusion that investments in higher education are too low are doubtful. The tests also show the importance of further education and training, especially on-the-job training.human capital, labour productivity, specificity, turnover, labour markets, education, off-the-job training, on-the-job training, models, experience, learning by doing

    Das niederlĂ€ndische BĂŒndnis fĂŒr Arbeit und seine Wirkungen

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    'Jobs, Jobs und abermals Jobs' ist das politische Schlagwort in den Niederlanden. In diesem Artikel werden die HintergrĂŒnde des niederlĂ€ndischen "BeschĂ€ftigungswunders" erlĂ€utert und die zentrale Frage beantwortet, ob es möglich und erwĂŒnscht wĂ€re, das "Poldermodell" in Deutschland einzufĂŒhren und zu implementieren. Gefolgert wird, dass die Übertragbarkeit des Poldermodells beschrĂ€nkt ist. Es gibt betrĂ€chtliche kulturelle und institutionelle Unterschiede zwischen den beiden LĂ€ndern. Die Kehrseite des BeschĂ€ftigungswunders ist ein starkes Anwachsen der ungesicherten BeschĂ€ftigungsverhĂ€ltnisse mit unerwĂŒnschten sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Konsequenzen. Deutschland spielt eine zentrale Rolle in der EuropĂ€ischen Union; eine LohnermĂ€ĂŸigungspolitik in Deutschland könnte zu einer europaweiten Rezession fĂŒhren, da ein Teil der Inlandsnachfrage ausfiele.'Jobs, jobs, and more jobs' is the political motto in the Netherlands. The background of the Dutch "employment miracle" is explained in this article. The central question answered is whether it is possible and desirable to import and implement the 'poldermodel' in Germany. It is concluded that the transferability of the poldermodel is limited. There are considerable cultural and structural differences between the two countries. The reverse of the job miracle is a strong growth of insecure jobs with undesirable social and economic consequences. Germany plays a central role in the European Union. A policy of wage moderation in Germany may result in a downward spiral because of a partial drop in possible the internal demand. A European wide recession is

    Efektivitas Kinerja Diagram Kontrol G

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    Statistical Proses Control (SPC) merupakan metode dalam ilmu statistika yang bertujuan untuk mengontrol suatu proses. Dalam mencapai tujuan SPC maka metode yang dapat digunakan adalah Diagram Kontrol (Control Chart). Diagram kontrol merupakan sebuah grafik yang memberi gambaran tentang perilaku sebuah proses. Diagram kontrol dapat dibagi menjadi dua berdasarkan banyaknya karakterisrtik kualitas yang diamati, yaitu diagram kontrol univariat dan diagram kontrol multivariat. Dalam memonitor proses membutuhkan dua hal penting, yaitu memonitor mean proses dan memonitor variabilitas proses [1]. Kinerja dari suatu diagram kontrol dapat dilihat dari seberapa cepat suatu diagram kontrol dapat mengidentifikasi sinyal out of control. Salah satu metode untuk melihat kinerja diagram kontrol adalah Average Run Length (ARL). Noya Van Delsen dan Mashuri dalam [2], membandingkan kinerja diagram kontrol G dan diagram kontrol yang berdasar pada ARL. Namun penelitian tersebut dibatasi pada jumlah karakteristik kualitas yang digunakan. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau kinerja diagram kontrol G yang berdasar pada ARL, dengan jumlah karakteristik kualitas yang bervariasi. Hasil simulasi ARL menunjukkan bahwa kinerja diagram kontrol G sangat efisien walaupun menggunakan jumlah karakteristik karakteristik yang bervariasi. Ini dibuktikan dengan interval nilai ARL yang saling mendekati


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    The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an index that measures the average price of goods and services consumed by households in a certain period of time. An increase in the CPI can cause an increase in interest rates, increase the growth of the money supply, increase the attractiveness of the currency, and increase inflation. The results of the visualization show that the Ambon city CPI forms a trend pattern. This study aims to predict the Ambon CPI from January 2022 to June 2022 using Brown's double exponential smoothing method. The results of the analysis show that the best parameter for forecasting the CPI value of Ambon city is α=0.7 with a MAPE value=1.2644%, which obtains successive forecast results are January at 110.5908, February at 111.4186, month March was 112.2389, April was 113.8871, May was 113.8871 and June was 14.7112. These results show that the CPI forecast for Ambon City has increased every month


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    IPM merupakan indikator yang digunakan untuk mengukur salah satu aspek penting yang berkaitan dengan kualitas dari hasil pembangunan ekonomi, yakni derajat perkembangan manusia. IPM di Provinsi Maluku dari tahun ke tahun selalu mengalami peningkatan. Namun selalu di berada di bawah angka nasional. Hal ini disebabkan karena pembangunan yang tidak terlaksana secara merata dan tidak tepat sasaran. Analisis cluster merupakan metode multivariat yang mempunyai tujuan untuk pengelompokkan, dimana suatu kelompok mempunyai ciri yang relatif sama (homogen), sedangkan antar kelompok memiliki ciri yang berbeda. Penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa metode terbaik dalam analsisis cluster hierarki adalah metode ward’s. Oleh Karena itu, diperoleh 4 cluster pada IPM di Provinsi Maluku yang meliputi IPM dengan kategori tinggi yaitu Kota Ambon, selanjunya IPM dengan kategori sedang yaitu Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, selanjutnya IPM dengan kategori rendah yaitu Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara, Buru, Kepulauan Aru, Seram Bagian Barat dan Kota Tual, Selanjunya IPM dengan kategori sangat rendah yaitu Kabupaten Kepulauan Tanimbar, Seram Bagian Timur, Maluku Barat Daya dan Kabupaten Buru Selatan


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    This community service activity aims to (a) provide teachers with an understanding of the nature of the Pancasila Students Profile, including its definitions, dimensions, elements, and sub elements. (b) provide teachers with an understanding of Era Society 5.0. (c) describe the integration of dimensions and elements of the Pancasila Student Profile and the skills of Era Society 5.0. The method of delivering the material is a presentation interspersed with questions and answers. At the end of the activity, a reflection was conducted to determine the participants' understanding of the material and the relevance of the material to the learning needs at school. The results of the reflection showed that, a. organizationally, the activity went well because of the good coordination between the FKIP UNPATTI PPG team and the partners, b. the Pancasila Student profile material integrated the latest learning elements in the 21st century, and c. the material presented was received positively by all participants. The response is based on the results of the reflection that the method of presenting the material allows participants to easily understand it because it is presented in simple language and is interactive with concrete examples. The material that has been learned can be applied to learning in their respective education units and even shared in the form of good practices with other communities because the material is relevant to the learning needs
