194 research outputs found

    Recherches sur la vaccination contre la maladie de Newcastle et la Variole par virus vivants associés

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    Delpy L.-P., Hars E. Recherches sur la vaccination contre la maladie de New-Castle et la variole par virus vivants associés. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 106 n°3, 1953. pp. 175-187

    Inoculation de E. Rhusiopathiæ par voie intradermique . Application au titrage des vaccins et serums contre le Rouget du Porc

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    Io L’injection dans le derme cutané du porc de suspensions titrées d E. rhasiopathiœ provoque l’évolution au point d’ino culation d’une lésion spécifique dont l’importance est fonction : a) De la dose inoculée (virulence de la souche et nombre de bacilles), b) De la réceptivité du sujet; 2° L’un de ces facteurs étant rendu constant, la lecture des réactions permet de mesurer l’autre ; 3° La méthode a permis trois applications pratiques : évalua tion de souches inconnues, mesure de l’efficacité des vaccins, titrage de sérum anti-rouget. Les résultats obtenus concordent avec les résultats fournis par les méthodes basées sur l’infection générale des sujets ; 4° La méthode proposée est précise, peu coûteuse, et d’exé cution facile

    Observations sur le mode d’action des vaccins tués Vaccin solubilisé immunigène contre le rouget du Porc

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    Delpy Louis-Pierre, Hars E. Observations sur le mode d’action des vaccins tués. Vaccin solubilisé immunigène contre le Rouget du Porc. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 106 n°10, 1953. pp. 539-546

    Immunisation des chevaux contre la fièvre charbonneuse et le tétanos, par vaccins associés

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    Delpy Louis-Pierre, Chamsy H. Mir. Immunisation des Chevaux contre la fièvre charbonneuse et le tétanos, par vaccins associés. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 104 n°1, 1951. pp. 62-65

    Recherches sur l’immunisation anticlaveleuse I. — Sur la vaccination en un seul temps contre la clavelée et la fièvre charbonneuse, avec des antigènes vivants, associés et stabilisés

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    Delpy Louis-Pierre, Rafyi A., Chamsy H. Mir. Recherches sur l’immunisation anticlaveleuse : I. Sur la vaccination en un seul temps contre la clavelée et la fièvre charbonneuse avec des antigènes vivants, associés et stabilisés. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 104 n°1, 1951. pp. 50-55

    Integrated surveillance systems for antibiotic resistance in a One Health context: a scoping review

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    Antibiotic resistance (ABR) has emerged as a major threat to health. Properly informed decisions to mitigate this threat require surveillance systems that integrate information on resistant bacteria and antibiotic use in humans, animals, and the environment, in line with the One Health concept. Despite a strong call for the implementation of such integrated surveillance systems, we still lack a comprehensive overview of existing organizational models for integrated surveillance of ABR. To address this gap, we conducted a scoping review to characterize existing integrated surveillance systems for ABR.The literature review was conducted using the PRISMA guidelines. The selected integrated surveillance systems were assessed according to 39 variables related to their organization and functioning, the socio-economic and political characteristics of their implementation context, and the levels of integration reached, together with their related outcomes. We conducted two distinct, complementary analyses on the data extracted: a descriptive analysis to summarize the characteristics of the integrated surveillance systems, and a multiple-correspondence analysis (MCA) followed by a hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) to identify potential typology for surveillance systems.The literature search identified a total of 1330 records. After the screening phase, 59 references were kept from which 14 integrated surveillance systems were identified. They all operate in high-income countries and vary in terms of integration, both at informational and structural levels. The different systems combine information from a wide range of populations and commodities -in the human, animal and environmental domains, collection points, drug-bacterium pairs, and rely on various diagnostic and surveillance strategies. A variable level of collaboration was found for the governance and/or operation of the surveillance activities. The outcomes of integration are poorly described and evidenced. The 14 surveillance systems can be grouped into four distinct clusters, characterized by integration level in the two dimensions. The level of resources and regulatory framework in place appeared to play a major role in the establishment and organization of integrated surveillance.This study suggests that operationalization of integrated surveillance for ABR is still not well established at a global scale, especially in low and middle-income countries and that the surveillance scope is not broad enough to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the complex dynamics of ABR to appropriately inform mitigation measures. Further studies are needed to better characterize the various integration models for surveillance with regard to their implementation context and evaluate the outcome of these models

    Decoding human mental states by whole-head EEG+fNIRS during category fluency task performance

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    Objective: Concurrent scalp electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), which we refer to as EEG+fNIRS, promises greater accuracy than the individual modalities while remaining nearly as convenient as EEG. We sought to quantify the hybrid system's ability to decode mental states and compare it with unimodal systems. Approach: We recorded from healthy volunteers taking the category fluency test and applied machine learning techniques to the data. Main results: EEG+fNIRS's decoding accuracy was greater than that of its subsystems, partly due to the new type of neurovascular features made available by hybrid data. Significance: Availability of an accurate and practical decoding method has potential implications for medical diagnosis, brain-computer interface design, and neuroergonomics

    Infant cortex responds to other humans from shortly after birth

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    A significant feature of the adult human brain is its ability to selectively process information about conspecifics. Much debate has centred on whether this specialization is primarily a result of phylogenetic adaptation, or whether the brain acquires expertise in processing social stimuli as a result of its being born into an intensely social environment. Here we study the haemodynamic response in cortical areas of newborns (1–5 days old) while they passively viewed dynamic human or mechanical action videos. We observed activation selective to a dynamic face stimulus over bilateral posterior temporal cortex, but no activation in response to a moving human arm. This selective activation to the social stimulus correlated with age in hours over the first few days post partum. Thus, even very limited experience of face-to-face interaction with other humans may be sufficient to elicit social stimulus activation of relevant cortical regions

    WGEUROBUS – Working Group “Towards a EURopean OBservatory of the non-indigenous calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinUS”

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    Since 2007, the non-indigenous calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus Sato, 1913 has been increasingly recorded in numerous European sites, spreading at an unexpectedly fast pace over a short time-span. This species presents specific biological and behavioural traits which make it of particular interest for ecological and applied research topics. On 29–30 January 2018, 29 scientists from nine European Countries established the EUROBUS (Towards a EURopean OBservatory of the nonindigenous calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinUS) Working Group (WG). This WG aimed at creating a European network of institutions and researchers working on the various aspects of the biology and ecology of P. marinus, with an open forum where sharing experience and know-how among WG participants. This brought to an updated distribution map of P. marinus in European waters, as well as to the identification of priority research lines and potential joint initiatives under the WGEUROBUS umbrella. This contribution, stemming from the experts participating at the WG, represents the manifesto of the current and future initiatives developed within WGEUROBUS
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