49 research outputs found

    Reprise d’entreprise et compĂ©tences relationnelles du nouveau dirigeant (Entreprise revival and relational compentencies of the new manager)

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    A travers la reprise de PME le nouveau dirigeant va acquĂ©rir des biens matĂ©riels et physiques nĂ©gociĂ©s et relativement quantifiĂ©s, toutefois en ce qui concerne le systĂšme relationnel interne et externe, il aura quasiment tout Ă  dĂ©couvrir et Ă  redĂ©finir en termes de modes de fonctionnement. De plus le changement de dirigeant peut simultanĂ©ment produire des niveaux multiples de dĂ©stabilisation qui auront tendance Ă  se rĂ©percuter sur le fonctionnement et les rĂ©sultats de l’entreprise. L’entrepreneur va ĂȘtre confrontĂ© Ă  des mĂ©canismes de rĂ©sistance qu’il essaiera de gĂ©rer autant que possible et au mieux de les transformer en leviers d’actions La maĂźtrise de cette transition dĂ©pendra essentiellement de ses compĂ©tences relationnelles et influencera la rĂ©ussite ou l’échec de la reprise. When taking over a SME, the new leader will get negotiated and relatively well quantified tangible and physical properties. However with regards to the internal and external relational systems, he will have almost everything to discover and redefine in terms of operating modes. Moreover the change of leader may simultaneously produce multiple levels of destabilization which will tend to modify the operation and the results of the company. The new leader will be facing « mechanisms of resistance » which he will try to manage as well as possible and possibly transform them into levers of actions. The control of this transition period will depend primarily on his relational abilities and will influence the success or failure of the taking over.enterprise revival, relational competence,manager, SME

    Stiffening and unfolding of early deposited-fibronectin increase proangiogenic factor secretion by breast cancer-associated stromal cells.

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    Fibronectin (Fn) forms a fibrillar network that controls cell behavior in both physiological and diseased conditions including cancer. Indeed, breast cancer-associated stromal cells not only increase the quantity of deposited Fn but also modify its conformation. However, (i) the interplay between mechanical and conformational properties of early tumor-associated Fn networks and (ii) its effect on tumor vascularization remain unclear. Here, we first used the Surface Forces Apparatus to reveal that 3T3-L1 preadipocytes exposed to tumor-secreted factors generate a stiffer Fn matrix relative to control cells. We then show that this early matrix stiffening correlates with increased molecular unfolding in Fn fibers, as determined by Förster Resonance Energy Transfer. Finally, we assessed the resulting changes in adhesion and proangiogenic factor (VEGF) secretion of newly seeded 3T3-L1s, and we examined altered integrin specificity as a potential mechanism of modified cell-matrix interactions through integrin blockers. Our data indicate that tumor-conditioned Fn decreases adhesion while enhancing VEGF secretion by preadipocytes, and that an integrin switch is responsible for such changes. Collectively, our findings suggest that simultaneous stiffening and unfolding of initially deposited tumor-conditioned Fn alters both adhesion and proangiogenic behavior of surrounding stromal cells, likely promoting vascularization and growth of the breast tumor. This work enhances our knowledge of cell - Fn matrix interactions that may be exploited for other biomaterials-based applications, including advanced tissue engineering approaches

    Composition−Structure Relationships in Polar Intermetallics:  Experimental and Theoretical Studies of LaNi1+xAl6-x (x = 0.44)

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    A new ternary aluminide, LaNi1+xAl6-x (x = 0.44), has been synthesized from La, Ni, and Al in sealed silica tubes. Its structure, determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, is tetragonal P4/mmm (No. 123) with Z = 1 and has the lattice parameters a = 4.200(8) and c = 8.080(8) Å. Refinement based on Fo2 yielded R1 = 0.0197 and wR2 = 0.020 [I \u3e 2σ(I)]. The compound adopts a structure type previously observed in SrAu2Ga5 and EuAu2Ga5. The atomic arrangement is closely related to the one in BaAl4 as well as in other rare-earth gallide compounds such as LaNi0.6Ga6, HoCoGa5, Ce4Ni2Ga20, Ce4Ni2Ga17, Ce4NiGa18, and Ce3Ni2Ga15. This structure exhibits a large open cavity which may be filled by a guest atom. Band structure calculations using density functional theory have been carried out to understand the stability of this new compound

    Mechanical forces regulate the interactions of fibronectin and collagen I in extracellular matrix

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    Despite the crucial role of extracellular matrix (ECM) in directing cell fate in healthy and diseased tissues--particularly in development, wound healing, tissue regeneration and cancer--the mechanisms that direct the assembly and regulate hierarchical architectures of ECM are poorly understood. Collagen I matrix assembly in vivo requires active fibronectin (Fn) fibrillogenesis by cells. Here we exploit Fn-FRET probes as mechanical strain sensors and demonstrate that collagen I fibres preferentially co-localize with more-relaxed Fn fibrils in the ECM of fibroblasts in cell culture. Fibre stretch-assay studies reveal that collagen I's Fn-binding domain is responsible for the mechano-regulated interaction. Furthermore, we show that Fn-collagen interactions are reciprocal: relaxed Fn fibrils act as multivalent templates for collagen assembly, but once assembled, collagen fibres shield Fn fibres from being stretched by cellular traction forces. Thus, in addition to the well-recognized, force-regulated, cell-matrix interactions, forces also tune the interactions between different structural ECM components.233157 - European Research Council; PN2 EY016586 - NEI NIH HH

    Atomic Distributions in the γ-Brass Structure of the Cu−Zn System:  A Structural and Theoretical Study

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    The crystal structures, atomic distributions, and theoretical electronic structures of five different Cu5-xZn8+x Îł-brass compounds (x = −0.59(3), −0.31(3), 0.00(3), 0.44(3), and 0.79(3)) are reported with the goal of identifying chemical influences on the observed phase width. These structures have been refined by both neutron and X-ray powder diffraction to obtain accurate crystal chemical parameters. All compounds crystallize in the space group I4̄3m (No. 217) (Z = 4), and the unit cell parameters are a = 8.8565(4), 8.8612(5), 8.8664(3) , 8.8745(4), and 8.8829(7) Å, respectively, for Cu5.59Zn7.41, Cu5.31Zn7.69, Cu5.00Zn8.00, Cu4.56Zn8.44, and Cu4.21Zn8.79. The results indicate specific site substitutions on both sides of the ideal composition “Cu5Zn8”. In all cases, the 26-atom cluster building up the Îł-brass structure shows a constant inner [Cu4Zn4] tetrahedral star with compositional variation occurring at the outer octahedron and cuboctahedron. First principles and semiempirical electronic structure calculations using both a COHP and Mulliken population analysis were performed to understand the observed compositional range and to address the “coloring problem” for the site preferences of Cu and Zn atoms for this series of compounds

    Collagen microarchitecture mechanically controls myofibroblast differentiation.

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    Altered microarchitecture of collagen type I is a hallmark of wound healing and cancer that is commonly attributed to myofibroblasts. However, it remains unknown which effect collagen microarchitecture has on myofibroblast differentiation. Here, we combined experimental and computational approaches to investigate the hypothesis that the microarchitecture of fibrillar collagen networks mechanically regulates myofibroblast differentiation of adipose stromal cells (ASCs) independent of bulk stiffness. Collagen gels with controlled fiber thickness and pore size were microfabricated by adjusting the gelation temperature while keeping their concentration constant. Rheological characterization and simulation data indicated that networks with thicker fibers and larger pores exhibited increased strain-stiffening relative to networks with thinner fibers and smaller pores. Accordingly, ASCs cultured in scaffolds with thicker fibers were more contractile, expressed myofibroblast markers, and deposited more extended fibronectin fibers. Consistent with elevated myofibroblast differentiation, ASCs in scaffolds with thicker fibers exhibited a more proangiogenic phenotype that promoted endothelial sprouting in a contractility-dependent manner. Our findings suggest that changes of collagen microarchitecture regulate myofibroblast differentiation and fibrosis independent of collagen quantity and bulk stiffness by locally modulating cellular mechanosignaling. These findings have implications for regenerative medicine and anticancer treatments

    Force-Induced Unfolding of Fibronectin in the Extracellular Matrix of Living Cells

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    Whether mechanically unfolded fibronectin (Fn) is present within native extracellular matrix fibrils is controversial. Fn extensibility under the influence of cell traction forces has been proposed to originate either from the force-induced lengthening of an initially compact, folded quaternary structure as is found in solution (quaternary structure model, where the dimeric arms of Fn cross each other), or from the force-induced unfolding of type III modules (unfolding model). Clarification of this issue is central to our understanding of the structural arrangement of Fn within fibrils, the mechanism of fibrillogenesis, and whether cryptic sites, which are exposed by partial protein unfolding, can be exposed by cell-derived force. In order to differentiate between these two models, two fluorescence resonance energy transfer schemes to label plasma Fn were applied, with sensitivity to either compact-to-extended conformation (arm separation) without loss of secondary structure or compact-to-unfolded conformation. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer studies revealed that a significant fraction of fibrillar Fn within a three-dimensional human fibroblast matrix is partially unfolded. Complete relaxation of Fn fibrils led to a refolding of Fn. The compactly folded quaternary structure with crossed Fn arms, however, was never detected within extracellular matrix fibrils. We conclude that the resting state of Fn fibrils does not contain Fn molecules with crossed-over arms, and that the several-fold extensibility of Fn fibrils involves the unfolding of type III modules. This could imply that Fn might play a significant role in mechanotransduction processes