99 research outputs found

    Litostratigrafia do neogénico terminal e plistocénico, na bacia centro-Algarve evolução paleoambiental

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    Tese de doutoramento, Estratigrafia, Faculdade de Engenharia de Recursos Naturais, Universidade do Algarve, 1998Bem conhecida até ao Miocénico, a Bacia Algarvia carecia de um estudo aprofundado para o Neogénico terminal e Quaternário. Quando me foi proposto o lema "Litostratigrafia do Quaternário no Algarve" e se fizeram as primeiras campanhas de campo, fui confrontada com um problema que se afigurou desde o início, deveras difícil: a separação de unidades terrígenas, de outras unidades igualmente terrígenas e aparentemente muito idênticas. Agrupadas sob uma única designação, as "Areias de Faro-Quarteira", de idade mal conhecida, encontravam-se cartografadas como Plio-Plislocénicas.Well known as far back as the Miocene, the Algarve Basin (S Portugal), was sadly lacking in a detailed study of lhe upper Neogene and the Quaternary. When the theme "Lithostratigraphy" of the Algarve Quaternary" was suggested to me and the first field studies were made, we were aware problem from the very start, which would be difficult to resolve: The separation of clastic units, from other similarly clastic, seemingly identical, grouped under only one heading: "Areias de Faro-Quarteira", mapped as Plio-Pleistocene.Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica : STRIDE/C/AMB/31/9

    Coastal morphology along the Central Algarve rocky coast: driver mechanisms

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    The boundary between the mainland and the sea – the littoral fringe - crosses several sub-environments, among them, the rocky coasts whose evolution depends on marine and sub-aerial processes as well as on the rocks’ mass properties. The study area - in central Algarve (South Portugal) - is framed in a rocky coast exposing carbonate rocks. This work identifies the main drivers to the coastal morphology in that region. Several morphological features such as beaches, cliffs, and shore platforms were surveyed, mapped, and correlated with the most common wave conditions in the area. Shore platforms show a strong correlation with the most vigorous wave climate conditions. In opposition, zeta bays occur in the more sheltered sector to the dominant waves and in a relatively straight coastline. Symmetrical small bays are mainly related with the sedimentary influx from rivers reaching the coast. The cliff heights and profiles are lithologically and structurally controlled

    Modelling the hydrodynamic and morphosedimentary response of an beach-headland system (Algarve, Southern Portugal)

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    Future behaviour of beaches within a headland-beach system is of fundamental interest on coastal evolution since they act as a buffer between the waves’ attack and the cliffs backing them. The beaches at the cliffs’ foot anchored between headlands are space-limited environments to morphosedimentary processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cliff vulnerability assessment on rocky coasts in southern Portugal.

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    Rocky cliffs are widely distributed around the world’s coasts and are subject to natural and anthropogenic pressures. The coastal evolution and erosional processes of the southern Algarve coast in Portugal have been previously studied. However, a detailed analysis of the relationship between lithological characteristics and cliff vulnerability to erosion is lacking. Therefore, in this work we focused on lithological facies variation and structures of the cliffs from Olhos de Água to Albandeira. We combined a variety of data, including those derived from traditional field-based and laboratory analysis, remote sensing (UAV image analysis) and photogrammetry. We identified multiple key forcers concerning cliff vulnerability to erosion: high vertical facies variation, intense karstification, multiple notches and marine caves. Furthermore, our lab analysis revealed differences in CaCO3 content for each lithofacies, resulting in alternating rock strength and leading to the formation of multiple structural notches into the cliff face. A classification of cliff vulnerability was developed based on a combination of these lithological and geomorphological factors. The sector Arrifes - Galé was classified as most vulnerable; Sector Galé - Armação de Pêra Bay was classified as least vulnerable in the study area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The evolution of the European framework for coastal management, linked to the new environmental challenges. The Portuguese case

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    The sharing of space by various human activities leading to social conflicts and threats to ecosystems, alongside increased awareness of the threats to coastal zones has created the need to legislate on coastal planning and integrated management by developing international guidelines. A new management challenge has emerged due to climate change that had not previously been considered in legislation or policies. Therefore, the European tools and frameworks applied in Portugal, their implementation and effectiveness will be analysed. Extensive bibliographic data was analysed including EU directives and policies, and Portuguese governmental documents from national to a municipal level. We found that all the European Union guidelines and frameworks are being implemented in the Portuguese Governmental planning and are very well substantiated, whereas the base of all land management instruments (IGT), have a questionable implementation, mainly due to the number of entities involved and the long implementation process.MACOMA SGA ERASMUS MUNDUS 2015-1626/001-001-EMJDinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Organic carbon accumulation in coastal zones since the last glacial maximum? A clue for varying atmospheric CO2 levels?

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    It is a generally accepted concept that the carbon storage within the principal earth surface reservoirs varies in a multitude of time scales. The shallow water continental margins belong to the most fertile areas in terms of organic carbon (OC) production and are also very effective carbon traps

    Comparação morfológica e sedimentar de duas praias com diferente exposição às ondas (Praia da Galé e Praia de Olhos de Água)

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    As praias encastradas são sistemas semifechados, sendo por essa razão áreas de estudo interessantes. Neste trabalho estudou‐se duas praias com diferentes exposições face à ondulação dominante, Praia da Galé e Praia dos Olhos de Água. Como objetivo principal, pretendeu-se compreender as condicionantes morfológicas da área de estudo, através da análise granulométrica, topográfica e a sua relação com a agitação marítima. As associações granulométricas características de cada praia, estão relacionadas com fatores locais como o pendor, exposição face à onda incidente.PTDC/CTEGIX/111230/2009 (EROS), financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT

    Detection of speleothem growth bands with an open source geophysical software

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    Speleothem growth bands are commonly referred as one of the parameters that are used for paleoclimate reconstructions. Accordingly, this work presents a new tool for detecting these bands based on the gray-scale image of the speleothem using the Mirone open source geophysical software

    Shore platforms as a proxy for sea level changes

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    Shore platforms show several morphological features that can be use as proxies for sea level changes. However, they are frequently difficult to date and form in tidal ranges that may overcome the relative mean sea level (rmsl) changes

    Wave transformation on shore platform and adjacent sandy beach - Southern Portugal

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    The knowledge on coastal processes is not only of basic and practical importance (for instance in engineering applications) but also of socio-economic relevance. Crenulated coasts are complex geomorphic environments where both erosive (into headlands) and depositional processes (in embayed beaches) occur simultaneously. Waves represent an important morphogenic factor and the most important source of energy to coastal zones. However, field data reporting the interaction between waves and rocky coastal features is still scarce, leading to a poor understanding on rates and drivers of surf attenuation at rocky shores. Waves abrasion and erosion on shore platforms depend on the platform properties, morphology of the adjacent continental shelf, and water depth upon the platform surface, which is controlled by tides, available sediment and wave climate (e.g.,Stephenson and Kirk, 2000; Marshall and Stephenson, 2011). Shore platforms extending in the intertidal zone at the rocky cliffs’ toe are natural morphological barriers to wave propagation and energy attenuation (Ogawa et al., 2011). Over short time scales the beaches in a crenulated coast are modified mainly by waves causing setup and set down in the surf zone leading to a very complex pattern and circulation modified by the interaction between the currents induced by waves and the incident waves. The mechanisms involved in morphological modifications in those environments are still not well understood (Silva et al., 2010). This work aims to compare the waves behavior both on a shore platform and adjacent pocket beach in response to exactly the same offshore wave conditions.This work was supported by a grant SFRH/BD/64497/2009, and is a contribution for the research project PTDC/CTEGIX/111230/2009 both supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)