8 research outputs found

    Peer led Recovery Learning Communities: Expanding Social Integration Opportunities for People with the Lived Experience of Psychiatric Disability and Emotional Distress

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    Social integration is the development of mutually supportive relationships with other community members. For people with psychiatric disabilities (PD) social integration is a critical aspect of mental wellness and recovery. While people with PD generally want supportive friends, their social networks tend to be weak, often limited to treatment staff and close family. The barriers to social integration of people with PD are often high, and include public discrimination, lack of confidence, and insufficient financial resources. In the United States, community mental health providers have focused primarily on illness management and have not successfully helped clients integrate socially.  To fill that gap, people with lived experience of psychiatric disability have for many years established networks of peer support, including peer-facilitated groups. With the aim of enhancing that approach, peers in Massachusetts developed the “Recovery Learning Community” model, a regional network of peer support and education operated and staffed by people with lived experience, are distinct from most other peer run programs in that they provide meetings and workshops in various community locations, not only in a single location. In this article, we describe conceptually and with examples the significant impact RLCs have on both the social integration of people with PD and the delivery of mental health services in United States and internationally

    Peer led Recovery Learning Communities: Expanding Social Integration Opportunities for People with the Lived Experience of Psychiatric Disability and Emotional Distress

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    Social integration is the development of mutually supportive relationships with other community members. For people with psychiatric disabilities (PD) social integration is a critical aspect of mental wellness and recovery. While people with PD generally want supportive friends, their social networks tend to be weak, often limited to treatment staff and close family. The barriers to social integration of people with PD are often high, and include public discrimination, lack of confidence, and insufficient financial resources. In the United States, community mental health providers have focused primarily on illness management and have not successfully helped clients integrate socially.  To fill that gap, people with lived experience of psychiatric disability have for many years established networks of peer support, including peer-facilitated groups. With the aim of enhancing that approach, peers in Massachusetts developed the “Recovery Learning Community” model, a regional network of peer support and education operated and staffed by people with lived experience, are distinct from most other peer run programs in that they provide meetings and workshops in various community locations, not only in a single location. In this article, we describe conceptually and with examples the significant impact RLCs have on both the social integration of people with PD and the delivery of mental health services in United States and internationally

    Gathering Diverse Perspectives to Tackle “Wicked Problems”: Racial/Ethnic Disproportionality in Educational Placement

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    Among students receiving behavioral health and special education services, racial/ethnic minority students are consistently overrepresented in settings separate from general classrooms. Once separated, many young people struggle to improve academically and face significant difficulty upon trying to return to a general education setting. Given the complex, ongoing, and multifaceted nature of this challenge, racial/ethnic disproportionality can be identified as a “wicked problem,” for which solutions are not easily identified. Here, we describe our community-engaged research efforts, eliciting perspectives from relevant partners in an ongoing dialogue, to better integrate diverse stakeholders’ perspectives when attempting to address such disparities. We conducted focus groups and qualitative interviews with members of three stakeholder groups: community-serving organizations, individuals with lived experience of behavioral health conditions, and state-level policymakers, with a shared interest in addressing racial and ethnic disparities. Participant responses illustrated the “wickedness” of this problem and highlighted the need for additional supports for students, families, and school personnel, increased collaboration across relevant systems and agencies, and reduced barriers related to funding. Overall, this methodology bridged differing perspectives to develop, in concert with our partners, a shared language of the problem and a core set of issues to consider when seeking to effect change

    Understanding the Role of Past Health Care Discrimination in Help-Seeking and Shared Decision-Making for Depression Treatment Preferences

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    As a part of a larger, mixed-methods research study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 21 adults with depressive symptoms to understand the role that past health care discrimination plays in shaping help-seeking for depression treatment and receiving preferred treatment modalities. We recruited to achieve heterogeneity of racial/ethnic backgrounds and history of health care discrimination in our participant sample. Participants were Hispanic/Latino (n = 4), non-Hispanic/Latino Black (n = 8), or non-Hispanic/Latino White (n = 9). Twelve reported health care discrimination due to race/ethnicity, language, perceived social class, and/or mental health diagnosis. Health care discrimination exacerbated barriers to initiating and continuing depression treatment among patients from diverse backgrounds or with stigmatized mental health conditions. Treatment preferences emerged as fluid and shaped by shared decisions made within a trustworthy patient–provider relationship. However, patients who had experienced health care discrimination faced greater challenges to forming trusting relationships with providers and thus engaging in shared decision-making processes

    Barriers And Facilitators To Community-Based Participatory Mental Health Care Research For Racial And Ethnic Minorities

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    People with serious mental illnesses, particularly members of racial and ethnic minority groups, are rarely included in prioritizing research topics or developing the tools and measures important for improving their care. Community-based participatory research holds promise toward reducing mental health disparities. However, initiating research partnerships with community stakeholders is challenging and does not always lead to sustainable community health improvements. Using lessons learned from a project to improve understanding of patients\u27 preferences and discrimination in depression and diabetes treatment, we describe barriers and facilitators to initiating a meaningful partnership with disenfranchised groups. Barriers fell within four domains: trepidation of community stakeholders, complex research methods, uncertainty among academic partners, and unclear partnership decision-making protocols. Primary facilitators included the meaningfulness of the research topic to the community, the presence of a well-established community-based organization, academic financial investment, co-learning activities, and flexibility. Successful initiation of these partnerships holds significant potential for addressing health care disparities

    Barriers And Facilitators To Community-Based Participatory Mental Health Care Research For Racial And Ethnic Minorities

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    People with serious mental illnesses, particularly members of racial and ethnic minority groups, are rarely included in prioritizing research topics or developing the tools and measures important for improving their care. Community-based participatory research holds promise toward reducing mental health disparities. However, initiating research partnerships with community stakeholders is challenging and does not always lead to sustainable community health improvements. Using lessons learned from a project to improve understanding of patients\u27 preferences and discrimination in depression and diabetes treatment, we describe barriers and facilitators to initiating a meaningful partnership with disenfranchised groups. Barriers fell within four domains: trepidation of community stakeholders, complex research methods, uncertainty among academic partners, and unclear partnership decision-making protocols. Primary facilitators included the meaningfulness of the research topic to the community, the presence of a well-established community-based organization, academic financial investment, co-learning activities, and flexibility. Successful initiation of these partnerships holds significant potential for addressing health care disparities

    Update: Interim Guidance for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Management of Infants with Possible Congenital Zika Virus Infection — United States, October 2017

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