86 research outputs found

    Access and use of interventions to prevent and treat malaria among pregnant women in Kenya and Mali: a qualitative study.

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    BACKGROUND: Coverage of malaria in pregnancy interventions in sub-Saharan Africa is suboptimal. We undertook a systematic examination of the operational, socio-economic and cultural constraints to pregnant women's access to intermittent preventive treatment (IPTp), long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) and case management in Kenya and Mali to provide empirical evidence for strategies to improve coverage. METHODS: Focus group discussions (FGDs) were held as part of a programme of research to explore the delivery, access and use of interventions to control malaria in pregnancy. FGDs were held with four sub-groups: non-pregnant women of child bearing age (aged 15-49 years), pregnant women or mothers of children aged <1 year, adolescent women, and men. Content analysis was used to develop themes and sub-themes from the data. RESULTS: Women and men's perceptions of the benefits of antenatal care were generally positive; motivation among women consisted of maintaining a healthy pregnancy, disease prevention in mother and foetus, checking the position of the baby in preparation for delivery, and ensuring admission to a facility in case of complications. Barriers to accessing care related to the quality of the health provider-client interaction, perceived health provider skills and malpractice, drug availability, and cost of services. Pregnant women perceived themselves and their babies at particular risk from malaria, and valued diagnosis and treatment from a health professional, but cost of treatment at health facilities drove women to use herbal remedies or drugs bought from shops. Women lacked information on the safety, efficacy and side effects of antimalarial use in pregnancy. CONCLUSION: Women in these settings appreciated the benefits of antenatal care and yet health services in both countries are losing women to follow-up due to factors that can be improved with greater political will. Antenatal services need to be patient-centred, free-of-charge or highly affordable and accountable to the women they serve

    Barriers and facilitators to antenatal and delivery care in western Kenya: a qualitative study

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    Background In western Kenya, maternal mortality is a major public health problem estimated at 730/100,000 live births, higher than the Kenyan national average of 488/ 100,000 women. Many women do not attend antenatal care (ANC) in the first trimester, half do not receive 4 ANC visits. A high proportion use traditional birth attendants (TBA) for delivery and 1 in five deliver unassisted. The present study was carried out to ascertain why women do not fully utilise health facility ANC and delivery services. Methods A qualitative study using 8 focus group discussions each consisting of 8–10 women, aged 15–49 years. Thematic analysis identified the main barriers and facilitators to health facility based ANC and delivery. Results Attending health facility for ANC was viewed positively. Three elements of care were important; testing for disease including HIV, checking the position of the foetus, and receiving injections and / or medications. Receiving a bed net and obtaining a registration card were also valuable. Four barriers to attending a health facility for ANC were evident; attitudes of clinic staff, long clinic waiting times, HIV testing and cost, although not all women felt the cost was prohibitive being worth it for the health of the child. Most women preferred to deliver in a health facility due to better management of complications. However cost was a barrier, and a reason to visit a TBA because of flexible payment. Other barriers were unpredictable labour and transport, staff attitudes and husbands’ preference. Conclusions Our findings suggest that women in western Kenya are amenable to ANC and would be willing and even prefer to deliver in a healthcare facility, if it were affordable and accessible to them. However for this to happen there needs to be investment in health promotion, and transport, as well as reducing or removing all fees associated with antenatal and delivery care. Yet creating demand for service will need to go alongside investment in antenatal services at organisational, staffing and facility level in order to meet both current and future increase in demand

    Global estimates of the number of pregnancies at risk of malaria from 2007 to 2020: a demographic study

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    Background: This study estimates the global distribution of pregnancies at risk of malaria for 2020 and shows trends since 2007. Rationale: This study aims to provide data on the global distribution of pregnancies at risk to inform global malaria prevention and control efforts. Methods: We used estimates from the Malaria-Atlas-Project on the total population living within areas of Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax transmission, combined with country-specific demographic data on women of reproductive age, fertility rates, induced abortions, and stillbirths to derive the annual number of pregnancies overall and by parasite species and endemicity strata from 2007-to-2020. Results: In 2020, 122 million pregnancies occurred in malaria transmission areas, resulting in an estimated 71m live-births, including 53, 5, 46, 11, and 7 million pregnancies in the countries falling under the World Health Organization regional offices for South-East-Asia (SEARO), Western-Pacific (WPRO), Africa (AFRO), Eastern-Mediterranean (EMRO), and Americas (AMRO). Between 2007 and 2020, pregnancies in P. falciparum transmission areas fell by 11.4% globally despite an overall 7.0% increase in pregnancies by 2020, representing a decrease of 100%, 52.6%, 51.5%, 23.9% and 17.2% in EURO, WPRO, AMRO, EMRO and SEARO, but a 25.4% increase in AFRO. Those in P. vivax transmission areas fell by 42.8%, representing a decrease of 100.0%, 89.8%, 48.4%, 32.4% and 10% in EURO, WPRO, AMRO, EMRO and SEARO, but a 25.8% increase in AFRO. Our sensitivity analysis suggests that the number of pregnancies at risk of P.vivax could be 7-fold higher for AFRO if the whole of sub-Saharan Africa is considered endemic, which could be confirmed once more sensitive diagnostics and data are available. Conclusion: Between 2007 and 2020, substantial declines in the number of pregnancies at risk of malaria were seen globally. In AFRO, 25% more pregnancies are at risk of P. falciparum and P.vivax malaria than in 2007. This increase in the numbers at risk comes despite the decline in malaria rates due to the rapidly rising population and the number of pregnancies in endemic areas. These estimates should guide priority setting for resource allocation to control malaria in pregnancy. Funding: Gates Foundation and Telethon Trus

    A cross-sectional study of the availability and price of anti-malarial medicines and malaria rapid diagnostic tests in private sector retail drug outlets in rural Western Kenya, 2013.

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    BACKGROUND Although anti-malarial medicines are free in Kenyan public health facilities, patients often seek treatment from private sector retail drug outlets. In mid-2010, the Affordable Medicines Facility-malaria (AMFm) was introduced to make quality-assured artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) accessible and affordable in private and public sectors. METHODS Private sector retail drug outlets stocking anti-malarial medications within a surveillance area of approximately 220,000 people in a malaria perennial high-transmission area in rural western Kenya were identified via a census in September 2013. A cross-sectional study was conducted in September-October 2013 to determine availability and price of anti-malarial medicines and malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) in drug outlets. A standardized questionnaire was administered to collect drug outlet and personnel characteristics and availability and price of anti-malarials and RDTs. RESULTS Of 181 drug outlets identified, 179 (99 %) participated in the survey. Thirteen percent were registered pharmacies, 25 % informal drug shops, 46 % general shops, 13 % homesteads and 2 % other. One hundred sixty-five (92 %) had at least one ACT type: 162 (91 %) had recommended first-line artemether-lumefantrine (AL), 22 (12 %) had recommended second-line dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DHA-PPQ), 85 (48 %) had sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP), 60 (34 %) had any quinine (QN) formulation, and 14 (8 %) had amodiaquine (AQ) monotherapy. The mean price (range) of an adult treatment course for AL was 1.01(1.01 (0.35-4.71); DHA-PPQ was 4.39(4.39 (0.71-7.06); QN tablets were 2.24(2.24 (0.12-4.71); SP was 0.62(0.62 (0.24-2.35); AQ monotherapy was 0.42(0.42 (0.24-1.06). The mean AL price with or without the AMFm logo did not differ significantly (1.01and1.07,respectively;p = 0.45).Only17(10 1.01 and 1.07, respectively; p = 0.45). Only 17 (10 %) drug outlets had RDTs; 149 (84 %) never stocked RDTs. The mean RDT price was 0.92 ($0.24-2.35). CONCLUSIONS Most outlets never stocked RDTs; therefore, testing prior to treatment was unlikely for customers seeking treatment in the private retail sector. The recommended first-line treatment, AL, was widely available. Although SP and AQ monotherapy are not recommended for treatment, both were less expensive than AL, which might have caused preferential use by customers. Interventions that create community demand for malaria diagnostic testing prior to treatment and that increase RDT availability should be encouraged

    Effectiveness of the delivery of interventions to prevent malaria in pregnancy in Kenya.

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    BACKGROUND: Coverage with malaria in pregnancy interventions remains unacceptably low. Implementation research is needed to identify and quantify the bottlenecks for the delivery and use of these life-saving interventions through antenatal clinics (ANC). METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in ANC across nine health facilities in western Kenya. Data were collected for an individual ANC visit through structured observations and exit interviews with the same ANC clients. The cumulative and intermediate systems effectiveness for the delivery of intermittent preventive treatment (IPTp) and insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) to eligible pregnant women on this one specific visit to ANC were estimated. RESULTS: Overall the ANC systems effectiveness for delivering malaria in pregnancy interventions was suboptimal. Only 40 and 53 % of eligible women received IPTp by directly observed therapy as per policy in hospitals and health centres/dispensaries respectively. The overall systems effectiveness for the receipt of IPTp disregarding directly observed therapy was 62 and 72 % for hospitals and lower level health facilities, respectively. The overall systems effectiveness for ITNs for first ANC visit was 63 and 67 % for hospitals and lower level facilities, respectively. CONCLUSION: This study found that delivery of IPTp and ITNs through ANC was ineffective and more so for higher-level facilities. This illustrates missed opportunities and provider level bottlenecks to the scale up and use of interventions to control malaria in pregnancy delivered through ANC. The high level of clustering within health facilities suggest that future studies should assess the feasibility of implementing interventions to improve systems effectiveness tailored to the health facility level

    Global Call to Action to scale-up coverage of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: seminar report

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    In 2014, a global 'Call to Action' seminar for the scale-up of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy was held during the 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. This report summarizes the presentations and main discussion points from the meeting

    First trimester use of artemisinin-based combination therapy and the risk of low birth weight and small for gestational age.

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    BACKGROUND: While there is increasing evidence on the safety of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for the case management of malaria in early pregnancy, little is known about the association between exposure to ACT during the first trimester and the effect on fetal growth. METHODS: Data were analysed from prospective studies of pregnant women enrolled in Mozambique, Burkina Faso and Kenya designed to determine the association between anti-malarial drug exposure in the first trimester and pregnancy outcomes, including low birth weight (LBW) and small for gestational age (SGA). Exposure to anti-malarial drugs was ascertained retrospectively by record linkage using a combination of data collected from antenatal and adult outpatient clinic registries, prescription records and self-reported medication usage by the women. Site-level data synthesis (fixed effects and random effects) was conducted as well as individual-level analysis (fixed effects by site). RESULTS: Overall, 1915 newborns were included with 92 and 26 exposed to ACT (artemether-lumefantrine) and quinine, respectively. In Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Kenya at recruitment, the mean age (standard deviation) was 27.1 (6.6), 24.2 (6.2) and 25.7 (6.5) years, and the mean gestational age was 24.0 (6.2), 21.2 (5.7) and 17.9 (10.2) weeks, respectively. The LBW prevalence among newborns born to women exposed to ACT and quinine (QNN) during the first trimester was 10/92 (10.9%) and 7/26 (26.9%), respectively, compared to 9.5% (171/1797) among women unexposed to any anti-malarials during pregnancy. Compared to those unexposed to anti-malarials, ACT and QNN exposed women had the pooled LBW prevalence ratio (PR) of 1.13 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.62-2.05, p-value 0.700) and 2.03 (95% CI 1.09-3.78, p-value 0.027), respectively. Compared to those unexposed to anti-malarials ACT and QNN-exposed women had the pooled SGA PR of 0.85 (95% CI 0.50-1.44, p-value 0.543) and 1.41 (95% CI 0.71-2.77, p-value 0.322), respectively. Whereas compared to ACT-exposed, the QNN-exposed had a PR of 2.14 (95% CI 0.78-5.89, p-value 0.142) for LBW and 8.60 (95% CI 1.29-57.6, p-value 0.027) for SGA. The level of between sites heterogeneity was moderate to high. CONCLUSION: ACT exposure during the first trimester was not associated with an increased occurrence of LBW or SGA. However, the data suggest a higher prevalence of LBW and SGA for children born to QNN-exposed pregnancies. The findings support the use of ACT (artemether-lumefantrine) for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria during the first trimester of pregnancy

    Knowledge and Adherence to the National Guidelines for Malaria Diagnosis in Pregnancy among Health-Care Providers and Drug-Outlet Dispensers in Rural Western Kenya

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    Prompt diagnosis and effective treatment of acute malaria in pregnancy (MiP) is important for the mother and fetus; data on health-care provider adherence to diagnostic guidelines in pregnancy are limited. From September to November 2013, a cross-sectional survey was conducted in 51 health facilities and 39 drug outlets in Western Kenya. Provider knowledge of national diagnostic guidelines for uncomplicated MiP were assessed using standardized questionnaires. The use of parasitologic testing was assessed in health facilities via exit interviews with febrile women of childbearing age and in drug outlets via simulated-client scenarios, posing as pregnant women or their spouses. Overall, 93% of providers tested for malaria or accurately described signs and symptoms consistent with clinical malaria. Malaria was parasitologically confirmed in 77% of all patients presenting with febrile illness at health facilities and 5% of simulated clients at drug outlets. Parasitological testing was available in 80% of health facilities; 92% of patients evaluated at these facilities were tested. Only 23% of drug outlets had malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs); at these outlets, RDTs were offered in 17% of client simulations. No differences were observed in testing rates by pregnancy trimester. The study highlights gaps among health providers in diagnostic knowledge and practice related to MiP, and the lack of malaria diagnostic capacity, particularly in drug outlets. The most important factor associated with malaria testing of pregnant women was the availability of diagnostics at the point of service. Interventions that increase the availability of malaria diagnostic services might improve malaria case management in pregnant women

    Weekly miscarriage rates in a community-based prospective cohort study in rural western Kenya

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    Objective Information on adverse pregnancy outcomes is important to monitor the impact of public health interventions. Miscarriage is a challenging end point to ascertain and there is scarce information on its rate in low-income countries. The objective was to estimate the background rate and cumulative probability of miscarriage in rural western Kenya. Design This was a population-based prospective cohort. Participants and setting Women of childbearing age were followed prospectively to identify pregnancies and ascertain their outcomes in Siaya County, western Kenya. The cohort study was carried out in 33 adjacent villages under health and demographic surveillance. Outcome measure Miscarriage. Results Between 2011 and 2013, among 5536 women of childbearing age, 1453 pregnancies were detected and 1134 were included in the analysis. The cumulative probability was 18.9%. The weekly miscarriage rate declined steadily with increasing gestation until approximately 20 weeks. Known risk factors for miscarriage such as maternal age, gravidity, occupation, household wealth and HIV infection were confirmed. Conclusions This is the first report of weekly miscarriage rates in a rural African setting in the context of high HIV and malaria prevalence. Future studies should consider the involvement of community health workers to identify the pregnancy cohort of early gestation for better data on the actual number of pregnancies and the assessment of miscarriage
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